09. || The Winter Ball: Part II ||

It's Block B, Baby.

Bbomb's Side.

Jaehyo went to prom with that girl. Zico stood up for that girl. Hayoung. Man, she's gotta be something special to make Jaehyo want to date again & for Zico to actually care about her. I know that I am included in the bet. I'm pretty sure the guys, Jaehyo & Zico kind of forgot the whole point of this bet. They seem to be falling for her, even Zico. Oh well, not my proble,.

Besides, I already have my own Ferrari Spyder. I don't need to win Jaehyo's.

After the dramatic red-paint scene, everyone went back to normal.

I had a drink or two with this 2 ladies that are just my type- slim, tall with long hair. Even though they tend to laugh and bat their lashes flirtfully at me more than they actually talk.

We continued to the dance floor, where the DJ is currently playing dance songs now. He's playing "Freeze- Block B". Man, I LOVE THAT SONG. The 2 ladies were dancing around me, actually they are pretty much grinding up against me. As a gentleman, I kept my hands to myself.

I danced like there's no tomorrow (I'm not called the dance machine for nothing) until I felt someone pushed me in the back. I turned around, annoyed, and my eyes fell on a girl half a head shorter than me. She looked up at me with wide, innocent eyes. I could've thought she was one of those innocent, naive good girls until she gave me a smirk. I could feel the attitude in her smile.

"Mianhae," she smiled. Eyesmile. Cute.

This is the part where the eye-batting, flirting begins. I'm famous around here as the Casanova, the gentleman. Girls throw themselves at me. And now should be the time when this girl starts to flirt with me.

But she turned around and walked.

What the... ?

I grabbed her hand. When she turned around, I let go of her hand lightly. I have to mind my manners after all.

"Ye?" she asked innocently.

"You're just gonna leave?" I smirked too.

"I already said sorry."

"You pushed me. I think you broke my ribs. Ouch," I pretended to wail in pain as I touched my ribs.

"Cute," she giggled.

"Wanna dance?"

"I don't dance with strangers," that's what she said, but she's smiling and I could feel her attitude through her eyes. She looks innocent and pretty on the outside, but I got a feeling she's a badass chick if you mess with her.

"What? You scared?"

She widened her eyes in disbelief. As if to answer me, she looped her arms around my neck and leaned in so close that our mouths almost touch and then she whispered, "I'm not scared of anything."

I was right. She's a girl with attitude. I found that strangely appealing.

Next thing I know, we are dancing around each other, teasing.

"Never seen you around school," I asked as we were dancing.

'That's because I'm not in your school," she answered. This girl can dance !

"So you're crashing the party?"

She flashed a naughty smile as reply.

"Niceee," I said.

After a few more songs, we headed out to the balcony to escape the crowd & for some fresh air.

"You've got some moves," I said, still out of breath.

"You're not too bad yourself."

"Hey, what's your name?" I just realized I didn't know her name. Where did my manners go ?

She actually hesitated for a while.

"I danced with you for like 10 songs & you're not gonna give me your name ?" I flashed a flirty smile.

"I'm Yeri," she finally said, "you?"

"You can call me Bomb."

"Bbomb?" she laughed a little.

"One shall not laugh at thy nick name," I faked an accent, and she laughed some more.

"Crap, it' getting late!"

"It's only almost 12." Strangely, I don't want her to leave.

"I really need to go,"

"You're gonna leave just like that? Nothing to remember you by?" I'm just saying that to stall her.

She stopped, "you're right. Where did my manners go? Close your eyes."

I closed my eyes. I felt a kiss on my cheek, as soft as feather and brief. But still sweet. When's the last time I got a kiss on the cheek?

I smiled, opened my eyes and... she was gone.

I looked around and nope, no Yeri anywhere.

Yeri. Beautiful name. Innocent and naughty, just like her.

Somehow she seems intriguing. Fun. A girl that actually has a personality.

Yes, I am DEFINITELY calling her first thing tomorrow...


I don't have her number.

What now?


Hayoung's Side.

It's been 2 weeks since the accident. I rarely ever see Zico now. He doesn't even bother coming to school anymore, and I don't know why. I know I shouldn't be, but I found myself missing him. I spend most of my time with Jiyoung (sometimes Ukwon & PO would in) or with Jaehyo. Jaehyo's a great guy, even though I had to admit that sometimes I wish I was with Zico. How stupid can I get?

I walked into Coffee Bean with Jiyoung and Ukwon&PO who decided to in again. I don't mind though, they're actually kind of fun.

"Of course a chicken came before the egg!" Ukwon said, very enthusiastically.

"NO! How can a chicken come before the egg if the chicken is hatched from an egg first?" PO yelled.

"Exactly! An egg comes before the chicken!" Jiyoung supported PO.

"Why do you always take his side?!" Ukwon whined in dissatisfaction, pouting.

That was the topic they had been fighting about all morning. And man, they can get really loud. But I found that strangely comforting.

"You guys find a seat. I'll head to the bathroom," I said.

"Alright," Jiyoung agreed as she ushered the still-fighting-over-chicken-and-eggs Ukwon & PO.

I was on the way to the bathroom when I saw a man outside the coffee shop through the glass window.


I could actually feel butterflies in my stomach. Should I go talk to him?

Suddenly, a flashback of him at the Winter Ball surfaced in my mind. Him saving me from humiliation. His expression when I let him go.

I made up my mind and was just on the way out to go to him when I noticed another figure appeared behind Zico.

A girl, blond and pretty. The type that Zico used to date.

Then, the girl linked her arms around Zico's and I swear I could land a fist in her face right then. Note- I am usually not violent at all. I guess jealousy brings the worst out in people.

Zico whispered something in her ear and they both laughed.

My heart shrunk.

The worst part? At that moment, Zico's eyes met mine. He saw me.Then he just walked past me as if I'm invisible.

What the hell?

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KarenxDae_zxc #1
Chapter 18: PLS UPDATE!!
KarenxDae_zxc #2
inspirit1231 #3
Chapter 18: This. Is. So. Adorable. >_< update please?
new reader here :D
Chapter 18: Aww why u no update???????? T_______T
heeyitsannie #6
Chapter 18: oh my gosh! i just read this and i think it's amazing<3 zico's shoo sweet and p.o's adorable all the couples are perfect! please please please update soon(:
Chapter 18: awww ukwon likes her.... i think... UPDATE SOON !
Chapter 16: omg they are together ! :D
Chapter 1: wahhh, she's so brave ! hahaha ^^ new reader :)
-xfanni #10
Update soon pleaseu? c: