
It's Block B, Baby.

Jiyoung's Side.

"WHAT?! They bet on you?"

Hayoung nodded solemnly as we both lay comfortably on my bed in our pyjamas. We hadn't had a sleepover in ages & since Hayoung's feeling down (which is unlikely for Hayoung, who's the toughest girl I know), we had an emergency sleepover.

"I could KILL them!" The image of Ukwon & PO came to my mind. Oh, they are gonna pay the next time I see those guys.

"I'm so stupid. I actually believed that I'm friends with Zico," Hayoung made a noise and buried her face in the comforter pillow.

That means that the person that must've hurt her the most is Zico. I knew that guy was bad news.

"Just friends with Zico? Nothing else right, Hayoung? Please don't tell me you're falling for him," I probed Hayoung's eyes. She didn't say anything, just pouted.

"Hayoung!" I hit her lightly on her arms.

"I know! I'm so stupid that I actually let my guards down when I'm with him. Turns out he's just playing me," Hayoung screamed into the pillow.

"You could go for Jaehyo, but NOT Zico! He bet on your & played you like a toy just to score another girl. Jaehyo, on the other hand, was trying to get Block B off your back," I reasoned, hugging my teddy bear to my chest.

Hayoung was silent for a while. When she spoke, her voice was determined, "I hate Zico so much right now."

An idea popped into my head.

"You know, instead of sobbing over this and eating chocolates to mend your broken heart, we could get even."

Hayoung's eyes glimmered, "what do you mean?"

"Revenge." A slick smile formed across my face as I sat up straight to face Hayoung. The bed creaked under my weight.

Hayoung's eyes widened in interest and she sat up straight to face me too, "I'm listening."

"Make HIM fall in love with YOU."

Hayoung frowned, "why would I do that?"

"I'm not finished! After you got him around your fingers, dump him. Break his heart."

"I don't know... It sounds so cruel to play someone's heart like that."

"Even when it's Zico, who played YOUR heart?"

Hayoung thought for a while, "you're right."

"Of course I'm right."

This is kind of fun. Usually Hayoung's the one consulting me when I'm going through relationship problems, and now it's the other way around.

"Zico will pay for what he did to me," Hayoung looked determined, and she chomped down the last of the chocolates.



Next morning.

I'm walking to school as usual when Ukwon & PO appeared from behind me and sandwiched me in between them again.

"Hiyeom Jiyo---"

Before Ukwon could finish, I smacked him on his arm.

"What was that for?!" He yelped.

"For what you guys did to Hayoung!"

"What did we do?!"

"She doesn't like our date yesterday?" PO asked, munching on candy sticks.

I smacked PO too.

"How could you?? I gave you my candies!" PO yelped. Ukwon stuck his tongue out at him, as if to say "Haha, you're not her favourite anymore".

"She found out about your stupid bet!"

"What bet--," then the realization dawned on Ukwon as he remembered, "oh. Oops."

I smacked him again, "that's all you can say, oops?"

"That means the bet is off, huh?" Ukwon pouted.

I reached over to smack him again but he evaded.

"Gotta tell Zico & the hyungs that the bet's off then," Ukwon mumbled.

Then I remembered something.

"NO! Don't tell Zico. Don't tell anyone,"

"Why not?" Ukwon frowned.

Crap. I can't tell them about Hayoung's wicked plan/

"Yeah. Don't tell anyone.' PO said, his expression cold.

“Why?” Ukwon & I asked in unison.

PO looked at us, worried expression on his face.

“I think I’m the one that told Hayoung about the bet.”

“What?! Babo-ya!” Ukwon reached over to hit PO, “Hyungs gonna kill us!”

“Yah!” I stood as a barrier between them and fend Ukwon’s hands off of PO.

“Yah! Why do you always take his side?!”

PO stuck his tongue out at Ukwon. Ukwon’s jealousy, it’s kind cute.

“Anyways, just don’t tell anyone about this. Deal?”

“Come on, hyung. You gotta save my !” PO aegyo-ed at Ukwon. Then he signalled for me to back him up when Ukwon looked unconvinced.

“Pleaaaasee,” I flashed my cutest eye-smile at Ukwon. Ukwon pouted as ruffled his hair.




Hayoung’s Side. 

Night time. I'm sitting at the benches watching a football game. Why am I watching a football game in the middle of this really cold night? Because Jaehyo called me at the last minute out here. Why I agreed? I have no idea.

I watched those guys playing on the field. Jaehyo's really good.

But my mind's far away. Zico. Screw you.

I didn't realize for how long I was dreaming until Jaehyo appeared next to me, taking the seat beside me.

"You look distracted."

"No, I was just--"

"My fault. Sorry for calling you out in the middle of the night," Jaehyo smiled at me. How could I be mad at him?

Is it just me or does he look incredibly handsome in the moonlight?

"Why do you always wear little clothes when it's cold?" Jaehyo mumbled as he wrapped his coat around me. He's wearing a light football jersey and he looked like he needed the extra clothes more than me.

"Why did you call me out anyways?" I asked a question because I figured it'll be awkward if I keep staring at him.

"Umm..yeah. About that..." Jaehyo touched his nose and looked away. Did he just blush?

"I wanna ask you something," he said, not looking at me.


"You know there's the winter ball in a few days' time," he looked hesitant. Shy, maybe? I'd never seen him like this. It's kind of cute.

"How could I not? All the girls in school are talking about it."

Well I'm not going to some stupid prom.

"Would you to the ball with me?" he picked up the courage to looke me in the eyes then.

I swear my heart could've dropped right at that moment.

"Yes," I answered a little too quickly, causing Jaehyo to relax and laughed a little.

Guess I'm going to the ball after all.


Zico's Side.

School time. Lunch break.

Winter ball's coming. Maybe I should ask Hayoung. Wait. Why am I suddenly excited as I thought of Hayoung in a dress, her hand in mine as we walked in the ball? Man, my mind's so off lately.

I wonder where she is now, I didn't see her at cafetaria. Is she binging on those sweet stuff again? I told her those stuff she always bring during our tutoring sessions aren't good for her. Wait. Why do I care about her so much?

Damn there's something wrong with me.

I walked across the school park. No I am not looking for Hayoung.

Maybe she's in her class.

The guys are all dining in the cafetaria. I am here alone. And no, I am SO not looking for Hayoung. Definitely not.

Before I knew it, I'm standing next to her class, only the wall of the building separating us. Through the open window, I can see her in the class, reading something. I poke my head through the window.

"Annyong teacher!"

Hayoung almost jumped, shocked.

"Why aren't you in cafetaria?"

"Not hungry." She answered in a cold tone.

"Why did you cancel our last tutoring session?"

She didn't answer. Didn't even look at me. Strange.

Try to remember, Zico. Did I do something stupid to offend her lately?

Nope, nothing stupider than normal.

I decided I was overthinking things.

"Anyways," I kept a light, happy tone as I speak, "wanna go to the ball with me?"

I even flashed a huge smile.

She didn't say anything.

"Come on, it'll be fun."

Hayoung stood up from her seat.

"I'm already going with someone else," she said in a cold tone as she walked out of the class, away from me.

She didn't even look at me.

What do you call this feeling- where it feels like your heart was torn into pieces?

Like you're suffocating from the inside?

The type of feeling that still stung as I continued staring at her seat even though she left, not able to understand what just happened?

I hate this feeling.



NOTE: In the next episode (The Winter Ball), it will be the start of something special. I'm not sure how special or how you guys would like it, but I'm excited to start on the next chapter! So keep reading & I would really appreciate your comments !

SPOILER: Bbomb's story might just start off in the next chapter =)

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KarenxDae_zxc #1
Chapter 18: PLS UPDATE!!
KarenxDae_zxc #2
inspirit1231 #3
Chapter 18: This. Is. So. Adorable. >_< update please?
new reader here :D
Chapter 18: Aww why u no update???????? T_______T
heeyitsannie #6
Chapter 18: oh my gosh! i just read this and i think it's amazing<3 zico's shoo sweet and p.o's adorable all the couples are perfect! please please please update soon(:
Chapter 18: awww ukwon likes her.... i think... UPDATE SOON !
Chapter 16: omg they are together ! :D
Chapter 1: wahhh, she's so brave ! hahaha ^^ new reader :)
-xfanni #10
Update soon pleaseu? c: