I Want To Smile In Your Memory


A/N: Hakkun, Sujin, and Sukchul are OCs




They were inseparable, once upon a time. The two of them against the world. Kwangmin relied on Youngmin, his older half. In return, he was Youngmin's confidant. At least, that's how Kwangmin thought it was.

As the less quiet of the two, Youngmin had more friends at school. Kwangmin preferred to stick to his hyung, following him around like an obedient puppy, loving and always wanting attention. There was plenty of skinship between the two as the younger boy craved that simple contact. It let him know he was needed for something, even as little as a small touch.

The twins had a family, of course. Their parents always fought, the sounds of an argument ringing throughout the house on a daily basis. Kwangmin had a love-hate relationship with their brother, Hakkun, who was six years younger than them. Sujin, their four-year-old baby sister, could've been Youngmin's own daughter with the way he treated her. He was more of an appa and even an umma than their own parents. Kwangmin tried to help but was awkward with babies. The siblings took care of themselves.

When graduation came and went, Youngmin had gotten a job at the local market and Kwangmin focused on his studies for university. Their parents offered to pay for them living at home but the twins wanted to get a place for themselves. Kwangmin had received enough scholarships to pay for his schooling while Youngmin earned much less, almost nothing. The time they spent together gradually became almost nothing compared to the past. Kwangmin made up for the absence of Youngmin in Sujin's life but whenever Youngmin returned, Kwangmin was immediately cast aside.

That's when she showed up. At first, Sukchul was only a bother at work for him, or so Youngmin claimed. Then came the late night phone calls. Kwangmin indulged him and talked to her a few times but Kwangmin mostly watched him become the most animate he'd been in weeks within one call from her. Kwangmin felt happy for Youngmin and supported the relationship he saw coming.

The Jo family decided to go out to the country for two weeks to visit an aunt they hadn't seen for a while. Youngmin couldn't come because he couldn't ask for a vacation from work right after he was hired. Their appa didn't go because of his job so it was agreed he'd stay with Youngmin and the family's dog. So the rest of the family left to go have fun.

Kwangmin stepped up as Sujin's "appa" and cared for her throughout their stay, growing closer and closer. Youngmin, who was told to call every night to keep their umma updated, rarely called but occasionally texted Kwangmin. One night, he called bearing the news that he'd had his first kiss. It hurt to know his hyung chose to share that with their umma first, not even thinking about telling Kwangmin. Youngmin asked if he could invite Sukchul over for dinner. Apparently, she was now his girlfriend. Their umma said to wait until they had gotten home. Youngmin reluctantly agreed.

It was awkward. That was putting it nicely. Sukchul was one of those people who talked like they knew everything but actually knew nothing. She couldn't drive nor had plans to go to university. Her appearance wasn't all that great either. Kwangmin thought her hair needed cut, fingernails trimmed, face washed. If a girl really wanted to impress her boyfriend's family, she'd try way harder than Sukchul did. Kwangmin could see the way they interacted and it angered him. This girl was stealing all the attention his hyung used to shower him with, all the skinship he'd craved for the past two months. Even their dog acted as if Sukchul was a friend, instead of figuratively ripping her head off like she did for every other person she met for the first time.

Kwangmin felt he was losing Youngmin and he didn't want to.

Gradually, over the next two weeks, the twins' parents began to express their disappointment in Sukchul. They never said to stop dating her, but Youngmin took it that way.

He packed his bags, taking only what he wanted, choosing to leave behind his memories to stay with this girl he'd known for not even six months. He called her to explain his "situation" and she had to have a friend drive her to pick him up. By this time, their grandfather and Youngmin's favorite aunt were there, trying to talk him out of it. Tears were falling down everyone's faces besides Youngmin's. Instead, he was emotionless with his bags by his feet. Even their appa, who Kwangmin had never ever seen cry, had collapsed on their kitchen floor, sobbing. Kwangmin couldn't take it anymore, seeing his hyung, his Youngmin, not reacting to the pain he caused for their appa and Hakkun. Kwangmin ran to their shared bedroom, poor Sujin staring worriedly at her oppa as he lost control, sobs wracking his body. Once he was semi-composed, he left the room to find Youngmin was gone.

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Chapter 1: gah that's sad, not in a sobbing tears way in a it breaks your heart wanna give them a hug and make it better kinda way. i don't have a twin my self but im have twin siblings so im sure id react like kwangmin