First Lesson

First Year

Taeyeon POV

“Tippany?” I said as I was still being pulled around by Tiffany. She said she knew that way to the area were the flying lessons where but we have been walking in and out of the building for 20 minutes , and I haven’t seen one broomstick.

“Hmmm..” She responded, not looking at me as she just kept walking. When I was first pulled my Tiffany she had grabbed my arm but somehow within these 20 minutes her hand had slipped down and was now holding my hand as she pulled. I didn’t say anything, maybe its normal for girls to do that with each other, I didn’t really have the experience with friends to know but Yoona and Sooyoung never held my hand like Tiffany was right now. I probably I’m thinking too much. 

But focusing on the main task right now, if I kept letting Tiffany take the lead then we will never get to class on time.  

“Tippany, I think you’re lost?”

 “No, it’s ok. I got this don’t worry” she said gripping onto my hand tighter as if I would try to run away.

“Are you sure? I could try looking if you want.”

“No that’s ok Taetae, I’ll find it.”

We spend 10 more minutes walking only to end up in a Courtyard that we had walked though twice already. Ahhh what to do, class was starting now, I’m going to miss my first flying lesson.

“Class already started, I guess there is really no point in looking for it anymore, by the time we find it it’ll be over.” She said pulling me down to sit on a beach next to the large fountain with her. The Courtyard was actually called the Fountain Courtyard thanks to the very large fountain place in the middle of the courtyard.

“Yea, I guess” I said hanging my head, I really wanted to learn how to fly and play Quidditch, I guess allowing Tiffany to pull around wasn’t the best idea. But I was just caught in the moment, meeting her again after the incident in the library was amazing. This school is so big, it must be fate that we had the same two classes.

We sat there for a couple minutes in silence but it was interrupted when I heard some rustling next to me, I turned to look and tiffany had turned her whole body on the bench so that is was facing me , she was sitting there staring at me. She was still holding my hand and I wasn’t sure if I should let go or not.

“Hey, Taetae” she said


“Do you want me to teach you how to play Quidditch?”  I was shocked, she knows how to play? She’s only a first year like me but she knows how.

“You know how?” I asked.

“Oh course, my father taught me but I’m not very good. If you want I can teach you.”

“Ok!” I said really fast, I hope I didn’t sound to egger but Quidditch just looks so amazing, I want to be on the Gryffindor team some day.   

“Good, Follow me ok, I know where to go for this one.”

Never letting go of my hand she got up and pulled me for another 5 minutes. I could see where we were going now. Tiffany was bringing me to the Quidditch Pitch( p.s. if you don’t know the broom stick practice area is not the same as the Quidditch pitch, they are in separate locations), I’ve never seen it in person before, The teams weren’t practicing yet so there weren’t any games. Student aren’t supposes to go into it without permission or without being on the team, I wonder if Tiffany knows this.

We got up to the entrance and it was locked, no surprise there.

“I don’t think we are supposed to go in there.” I said pulling Tiffany away from the door.

“It’s ok, don’t worry.” I feel like all I do around Tiffany is worry, how can she say don’t worry, we might get in trouble for just being near the door.

Just then I watched as Tiffany wiped out her wand and said something I didn’t understand.

“Alohomora” she said, aiming her wand at the door, and the door then made a “pop” sound.

“Come one, let s go” she said pulling me as she opened the door.

“Are you crazy, we are going to get in so much trouble!” I tried to pull my hand out of hers but it wouldn’t budge.

“Come on, Please. Trust me”  

For some reason I felt like I could trust her, this was the first day I actually spent time with her but I felt like she was some one that would not put me in danger.

I let her pull me in again, I guess I didn’t learn from the first time after all, when we waking in there a broom stick was conveniently sitting on the bench. Tiffany took it into her hands and we walked out into the middle of the Quidditch field.

“Here” Tiffany handed me the broom finally letting my hand free from her clasp.

“Ok so I will teach to how to fly, since we missed the first lesson today.”

Tiffany started to teach me all the basics about standing over my broom, saying “UP” until it would come. It was a lot of fun probably more than I would have had if we went to the normal lesson. It took forever but I finally got myself off the ground but fell flat on my face moments later.

“Oh no! Are you ok Taetae?”  Tiffany ran over to me cupping my face in her hands.

“Haha, Im fine.” I said, my heart was beating really fast from having her face so close, I quickly stood up and turned my blushing cheeks away.

We gathered our stuff, leaving the broom stick were we found it. It was getting dark soon and we wouldn’t want to walk all the way back in the dark.

“Hey Tippany?” I asked as we were walking back to our common rooms.

“Yea?” she replied turning to look at me.

“Why do you keep calling me Taetae?” I was really curious but I just never found the right time to ask, right now seemed ok.

“Hmmm… cause .. It’s Cute!”  She said making a cute face and showing her amazing smile.

“Why do you not like it? Should I stop calling you that?” she asked sounding all worried.

“ahh N-no its fine if you call me that.” We finally reached the Gryffindor common room door.

“Thanks Tiffany for all the help. And thanks for being my friend.” I said, I probably sounded really stupid but I didn’t know what to say.

“Ahh friend.” Tiffany said softly in kind of a daze, she seemed sad.

“Are you ok Tippany?” I asked

“Ahh, haha yea I’m fine, Bye Taetae.” She then turned around and walked away. I wonder why she was so sad.

I headed into the common room, today was really fun but I have a feeling that next time I see Sooyoung, I’m going to get an ear full. I wonder if she got to the flying class alright. I hope so.



Tiffany POV

I got back to my Slytherin dorm room and started to relax on my bed, thank god Jessica isn’t back from the Flying class yet, I need some quite to think all about my day with Taeyeon.

 My plan went perfect, switching my classes so that I could have every mixed class with Taeyeon, arriving late just so I could get her attention, kidnapping her and making us both miss the flying class so we could have the whole afternoon together. I’ve never been so amazing at my brilliance but ahhhhh Taeyeon said friend, is that all I am to her. I guess today is the first day we ever really spent time together but ahhh a friend. I was holding her hand all day how could she not get the hint.

I saw her blush when our faces were so close, I thought she liked me.

Well no worries I will make that Kim Taeyeon fall for me soon. Soon Kim Taeyeon of Gryffindor will be all mine! 




Earlier in the day at Flying Lessons

Jessica POV

Where on earth is Tiffany! She said she got her class switched to this time but she not here. Now I have to spend the time with these low class students from Gryffindor and Ravenclaws, ahhhh kill me now.

I wish I could just go back to sleep, maybe I should just leave before the teacher gets here.

“Ok Class, let’s get started. My name is Madam Hooch, and I will be your flying instructor.” Of course just my luck that the teach shows up right as I was about to leave.

“Now everyone please grab a broom and I will explain how to properly balance and use commands to get into the air.”   The Teacher said. I’ve never learned to use a broom before, I once asked Tiffany to teach me but she said she didn’t want to cause she was so bad at it.

The teacher explained more and more things about the important of balance and blah blah blah. I absorbed the main ideas as I dazed off. Finally she finished her long rant.

Basically she wanted us to stand over the broom and yell “UP” over and over again to get the broom in the ready position. I got it the first time because I think my broom understood that if I had to stand there and Yell “UP” over and over it would not survive very long. We had to wait until everyone had successfully gotten the broom to the position.

“Now class, please get into groups of two, one will watch as the other takes into the air. Good teamwork is ideal to make sure no one is extremely injured.”  The teacher said over the loud and annoying students.

Everyone was pairing with people from their same house, but what was I suppose to do with Tiffany not hear. There is no other Slytherin and I sure as heck do not want to be partners with the lower houses.

“Hey you?” I heard a voice behind me, I didn’t want to turn around but what else could I do. 

I turned around to find a tall, tan girl looking at me holder her broom stick, I didn’t say anything cause I didn’t really feel the need to. She keep looking at me think I might say something but thankfully the finally gave up.

“Do you have a partner?” She asked

“Don’t need one.” I said. She looked a little surprised at my response, and quickly hid it.

“I’ll take that as a no. So you will be my partner cause the teacher said to get one and I need one.” She said not being fazed by my icy glare that I shot at her. What nerve. I said I didn’t need one but she just disregards what I say.  

“My names Yuri, Kwon Yuri. What’s yours?” Like I care what her name is, I just want to get out of this hell as fast as possible. Tiffany is so dead for ditching this class and leaving me hear with this Kwon Yuri.

I just stood there and didn’t answer anything that this girl would say to me, she must get that I don’t want to talk to her but she doesn’t stop. I think she is doing it on purpose because she knows that I can’t stand it.

“I guess you’re not the nicest ingredient in the potion.” Least we came to the understanding that we both don’t like each other. I’m never going to be partners with her again, ill definitely make sure tiffany comes next class.

“Ok very good, next class we will get higher into the air and start explain the rules of Quidditch. Oh and the partners that you have today will be your partner for the rest of the course, so get to know each other well and work together. Class dismissed!”

Great, just great I have to work with her for the whole year, I don’t think I can like though that.

“We’ll see you next class Ice Princess. Bye Bye”

What!? Ice Princess!? How dare she call me that, next time I see her I won’t be so silent, I’ll give her a big fat piece of my mine. 

You are so dead Kwon Yuri!


Thank you so much to everyone that has Subscribed to this story : ) Thank you, Thank you!

You can always message me or comment if you have any questions. 

I will update every other day (Some times faster) cause Of school work and stuff.

P.S.  Did everyone hear Taeyeons new OST!! Her voice is so amazing, it takes my breath away!

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WeirdSahyo #1
Chapter 10: omg:( where are you? Ahhhhhh i love this storie T.T
Chapter 10: hey author-nim where r u T^T
kasterian #3
Chapter 10: I only got into the story recently but it's awesome! Hopefully, you continue the story ^^ Good luck!! heehee
Chapter 10: Author nim it's been a month...please continue this storyyyy,,,i'll wait for you :))
Chapter 10: omg I just found this story! please do continue author-nim! will be waiting patiently ^^ its amazing
Chapter 10: Hello! Im so much into your story!! Please font...ah I mean dont stop creating stories like these! begging ya'.

Im so in love with your story now...cant wait for the updateee...

79 streak #7
Chapter 10: Hwaiting author xD update again
xehuiloh #9
Chapter 9: Yessss yes pls!
Chapter 9: yessss yesss yessss, pleasee continuee