Sweet 17

Fall & Romance

Yuri and Minho passed great times together since there. Yuri started to become close to his little sister Sulli.

Finally, has come December. The magical month.

Yuri woke up very early, that morning. She dressed up, washed, brushed and maked up. Then, excited, she went to the kitchen to drink some milk.

«Yaah! December has finally come...!» she thought. Then, she knocked her mother's door. She took with her a bowl of porridge she made right that morning.

"Enter, sweetie." she replied.

"Hello, mom! I made for you this porridge. I hope you like it." Yuri said smilng.


"What? You don't wanna have this now?" Yuri asked.

"Well... I think the time has come..." she mumbled.

"Wha-what time?" Yuri asked scared.

"I may die into some weeks." she announced.

"Who... who says that?" she asked troubled.


"No! You're not dying now... It can't be." Yuri denied. "C'mon, you'll be better if you take this porridge, mom. Let's have this."

After taking care of her mother, Yuri started packing her things for school.

"I'll leave, mom!" Yuri greeted at the door. It wasn't an answer. "Umma?"

Yuri ran for the room.

"Umma, gwaenchana?" she asked in panic.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart..." her mother mumbled.

"No! You can hold on... you have to! It's not the time... you even have to see Jiyong arriving to Korea, you don't see him for 10 years! And you still have my birthday to celebrate..." Yuri said crying. "I'll be here...!"

"Yul... you spent all your time studying just to get a scholarship and earn money for my medicals treatments... If you still have hope, juts go and study hard at school..." she said.

"No, not today. Today I'll be here... I won't change my mind." Yuri said. "I'll take you a bowl full of hot water, wait here, ok?"

Yuri's mom looked at her and smiled.

«Thank you, Yul... I just have you.» she thought.

At school, Minho was impatiently waiting for her.

"Where the heck is Yuri?" he mumbled. "It's almost class time..." Then, he took his phone and called her.

At home, while Yuri was treating her mother, she recieved the call.

"Minho?" she asked.

"Why aren't you coming?" he asked.

"Hum, I think today I'll stay here with my mom. She's very sick... I think she can get worse if I don't stay here. See you later." she explained.

"Wait..." he said before ending the call. "I'll pass by there right now, hold on."

"But, Min..."

Then, the call gone off.

"Who was it?" her mom asked.

"A friend... I think he''ll pass by here now..." she said.

"He's such a good friend, Yul..." Mrs. Kwon said smiling.

"Oh, umma..." Yuri blushed.

Then, they heard the doorbell. Yuri opened it and saw his wet face.

"Minho, you couldn't..."

"You see the crazy things I do for you? Michigetta, jincha!" Minho sighed.

"But, Min..."

"How's your mother? Is she getting batter?" he asked.

"Worsing day by day... I don't know what to do. Thanks for coming, seriously." she said.

"You're welcome." he said sweetly. "C'mon, I'll help you. My grandfather is a doctor, so I learnt a lot with him."

"Wow, you're smarter than I expected!" Yuri giggled.

"Don't mock..." he said smiling lightly.

Yuri opened the room's door.

"C'mon, go in." Yuri said.

"Really?" he asked nervously.

"Don't be a craven!" she said pulling his arm.

He sat down.

"Hi, Mrs. Kwon. I'm Choi Minho, Yuri's mate. It's a pleasure to meet you..." he said shyly.

"Hello, my dear." she greeted too. "Don't feel bad to being here. Stay confortable..."

Minho smiled.

"Mom, Minho's grandad is a doctor and he thinks he can help you." Yuri said.

"If you could, was fantastic." Mrs. Kwon said gentlely.

Minho took the bowl of hot water and filled it with some spicy herbs and made her to breathe that stream.

"It will make your brain's muscles relax and prevent it from headaches and head troubles." he said.

"Thank you, Choi Minho!" Yuri thanked.

"Thank you, my dear..." Mrs. Kwon said smiling. "You two seem really close."

"Oh, just a little bit." Yuri confessed.

Both laughed.

"You have my permission to date." she said.

"What? Umma, what a nonsense..." Yuri reddened.

"I'm not joking... you two really seem to like each other..." she giggled. "I'm happy for you both."

"Oh, Mrs. Kwon..." Minho replied.

"My mom's just joking..." Yuri said ashamed. "So, mom, do you need something else?"

But she didn't answer.

"I think she's asleep. This stream has second effects like sleeping whenever..." he confessed.

"At least, she's fine for now. Thank you so much, Choi Minho. You skipped classes to help me..." she said.

He smiled.

"It was my pleasure."

Then, it passed days and days... till come Yuri's b-day.

She woke up early...

"It's today..." she thought getting up from bed.

She went to the kitchen.

"Happy birthday, Kwon Yuri!" Minho shouted holding a lot of baloons.

Yuri was surprised.

"What are you doing here, Choi Minho? And how could you enter here?" Yuri asked gladly.

"You mum let me in. We prepared all this while you were sleeping." he said. "Sweet 17, Yuri!"

"Did you remember my b-day?" she asked.

"Of course, how could I forget it? You even threatened me!" he laughed.

"Sure!" she smiled. "My mom's still sleeping?"

"Yeah, she got really tired after preparing the meal for you. And she says Happy Birthday." he said.

"Thanks, Choi Minho." Yuri smiled happily. "So, where's my b-present?" she just joked.

"I bought it." he answered.

"What? I was just joking... Your friendship is enough." Yuri said.


Suddenly, he kissed her on the lips.

Yuri startled.

"Have a nice day..." he said.

"Th-thanks...!" she said.

"Kwon Yuri, I like you." he confessed.

"Ji-jincha? I think I like you too, you fool..." she said shyly.

"Thanks for reciving my heart, Yul..." he said kissing her again.


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ShineeShiDaePmSuju #1
Chapter 16: Awww the ending already >.<
Loved your story soo much \o/
Chapter 16: The End. Great story!!!!!!
lol4ever #3
Chapter 16: ahaha, Minyul together^^
and Yoona ended up marrying jang geun suk!!! daebak :D
taeng2468 #4
Chapter 16: Thank you guys, for supporting me and this fanfiction!!! Pls keep loving Minyul <333
One more time, gomawoyo^^
Chapter 16: YES YES YES! Minho and Yuri lived happy forever <3
Great job author-nim, I enjoyed each chap!!!^^
Chapter 16: omo omo! It's complete^^
loved the story!!! Minyul ALWAYS<3
AhnYuri #7
Chapter 15: Wow.. Multiupdate..
Author-nim, you're DAEBAK..
Chapter 14: Kekeke, is this story almost done...if it is! Well done writing a story! If not YAY keep on going BABAE! XD