Feelings Part I


Attention, Passengers. We have arrived safely to our destination. Welcome to Seoul, Korea.

The passengers aboard the plane were soon getting ready to get out of the plane. Some of them were waking up their relatives who slept during the ride while the others were expressing their joy and excitement by cheers and shouts. Everyone was excited to arrive in Incheon airport, whether or not it's their first time in Korea or they are just going to visit back. And not even this young lady was an exception.

"I'm back." The girl said.

It's been a long time since she set foot on Korean soil. She left when she was twelve to be with her parents and she studied for a long time, going through middle school, high school, and finally, off to college. It's the first time in all these years was she coming back to her homeland. She had left everyone she knew in Korea but some of them still kept in touch. One of them was one of her great friends. Her friend had kept her up to date with the news, from how everyone reacted about when she left to the moment their class graduated and what their friends are up to now.

With her luggage at hand, now strolling on the floor behind her, she made her way out the airport. She couldn't help but notice that there wasn't much change in the place. There were still a lot of people just like then when she had left. She was excited to see how her hometown has changed. But first, she was going to settle down in the capital city so she can carry out her new assignments. She didn't come back to this place without any reason.

Once she was out, she hailed a taxi and gave an address of a famous hotel, now owned by her friend, who had successfully inherited the family business. No one knew that she was going to arrive, so they were all in for a big surprise. Well, that is, if they would happen to meet her.

She reached her destination. She paid the taxi and the driver was very kind enough to help her with her stuff. She thanked him and he drove off afterwards. She went in the lobby and met with the receptionists.

"Good morning, miss." The receptionist greeted.

"Good morning. I have a reservation. Check under Kim Taeyeon please."

"Just a moment, Ms. Kim." The receptionist typed on her computer to check. When it was confirmed, she handed Taeyeon her keys to the room.

"Room 1209. Here you go, Ms. Kim. Welcome to the Jung Suites. Please enjoy your stay."

"Thank you." Taeyeon went ahead to her room. She rode the elevator and it stopped at the twelfth floor. She looked at the plaque on the wall that shows the room numbers at which direction. She turned to the right and soon, she was in front of her room.

"Here it is." She inserted the key, turned the knob, and walked in. She marveled at the sight. Surely, her agent did a good job of making her comfortable during her stay. The room was big enough for two to three people. There were two separate rooms and the living room was big. The kitchen was very beautiful and the bathroom was very grand. The tiles were ornate and the place was spotless. The closet was big enough and it was really extravagant.

"This is too much... I'm just one person." Taeyeon whispered to herself but still, she took her phone out. She dialed her agent's number and waited for the ring. It would be night in America at that moment.

"Yeoboseyo?" The person on the other line asked. Taeyeon couldn't help but smile.

"Yoong, I told you that if anyone is calling you, ask in English. You're in America right now."

"Oh! Taeyeon unnie, have you arrived safely?" Yoona asked right away, still speaking in Korean.

"Yes, I have. The place is really beautiful but I'm the only one who will live here. I don't think you had to spend too much on a room like this, especially it's a Jung hotel no less."

"Unnie, it wasn't my idea. The company gave me the address and they said to reserve this one. I didn't know they were going to get you a big room. But what's it like? How big is it?"

"It's enough for three or four of me."

"... Is that height-wise?"

"Ya! Im Yoona!" Taeyeon scolded through the phone.

"Hehe. Sorry, unnie."

"It's okay. So what's the schedule?"

"Um, well, for today, just unpack your stuff since you'll be staying until the assignments are over. It's not like you can finish it in one day or overnight so..."

"Okay. Is there anything else on the calendar?"

"I don't think so. But tomorrow, you do have an appointment with the first model agent. Oh, have you met Jessica unnie?"

"Not yet. Why? What brought it up?"

"You will actually be meeting at a cafe that Jessica unnie owns. She manages it on her own."

"Eh? But I thought she manages the hotels."

"I think Krystal is doing the job. Jessica unnie helps her most of the time."

"Ah... Never have thought that Jessica would do so many things. I wonder how long does she sleep now?"

"Hahaha. Unnie, do you remember when we were in middle school? Even then, Jessica unnie slept." They laughed about it for a while.

"Okay. I'll notify you if anything happens."

"Ne, unnie. Stay safe." Taeyeon waited until she knew that Yoona hanged up before keeping her phone.

"Okay, time to start unpacking." She said to herself. She pulled her bag inside the bedroom where the closet was located. She opened her luggage and took her clothes one by one, making sure that they are folded properly and neatly. She placed them in the drawers and the cabinet.

"Was that all I have to do?"

Ding! Dong! Tok! Tok! Tok!

'Who could that be?' Taeyeon wondered to herself. No one knew where she lives. She just arrived. And it was interesting for the person to ring the doorbell, and then knock. Does anyone usually do that?

"Coming." She said as she made her way to the door. She picked through the camera but it seems that the person was covering it. She sighed. There was no other way to know but to open the door.

"Hel- Ack!" Taeyeon was pushed from the impact the other person had on her when the person suddenly hugged her. Even though Taeyeon has not recognized the person, she was relieved to know that it was a girl.

Taeyeon looked at the stranger in an attempt to know who this was. Unfortunately, even if this person was someone she probably knew, she won't remember correctly.

"Umm... Ack! What was that for?" The stranger hit her.

"Sorry about that Taeyeon. But I've wanted to do that since you left." The stranger's cold tone was familiar. That's how it often appeared but Taeyeon knew that underneath the cold tone, there was always the worry and concern for others. There was only one person who has that kind of tone.

"Jessica?" The girl smiled at her and hugged her again. When the girl let go, she smiled again.

"The one and only. It's been a long time since we last met."

"Yes, it has been a long time. You've become very beautiful." Taeyeon said sweetly.

"Oh, did America have this effect on you? I was born there and I don't even remember being this much of a sweet talker." Jessica laughed as Taeyeon smiled as well.

"So how's the business?"

"The hotels are very busy so I help Krystal often with the work. The cafe isn't so busy so I'm not that overworked. I'm also taking some psychology. It's very fun how I can read people so much. How about you? Are you here because of an assignment?" Taeyeon nodded.

"I'm actually staying in Seoul for a while because of the assignments. I'll be taking pictures of models and I wanted to expand my portfolio."

"If you have time, let me see what you have so far in your portfolio. We all know that the portfolios are very important for photographers."

"I have time right now so let's do it now." Taeyeon and Jessica made their way to the living room.

"Seems like you're pretty good at your job. Your company must really like you." Jessica teased.

"They give me too many things. I'm thankful but I don't need a lot of stuff." They gave out a chuckle as Taeyeon took out her laptop and a USB.

"Some of my favorite photos are here. I left the others back in America." Taeyeon set up a slideshow for the photos. Jessica marveled at the pictures.

"You took these? Wow! I never thought that you'll take up photography. It never crossed my mind. These are really good." Taeyeon saw old pictures she took from past years. There were pictures of mountain ranges, waterfalls, plains, and other natural landscapes. There are even flowers and animals. Lastly, there were also some of the pictures she actually took as a professional photographer. When they finished, they decided to spend the time catching up. Soon, it was time for dinner since Taeyeon arrived right after noon.

"Do you want to eat at my cafe? You could say that it can function as a restaurant as well, only less fancy and less expensive." Taeyeon nodded and they made their way to the cafe.


Somewhere in Seoul, a photo shoot has been going in session. It's been going on for a while but the model was able to finish right away. At this time, the team was packing up. A busy manager was going around, making sure that everything was in order. The model was in her room. She was preparing her stuff so she could leave. She smiled when the only thing she could hear is her manager's loud voice, occasionally thanking everyone for their hard work.

"Thanks for your hard work, everyone. It's a pleasure working with you." The model walked out of her room to see everyone packing their stuffs as well.

"Oh, Sunny, are you done?" Her manager asked her. Sunny nodded.

"Okay, everyone. We'll be heading first. I hope we work again together." The manager was clearly happy about the photo shoot today. The equipment was fine; none of them broke on set, for the first time in a while. The people were cooperative and the model was pretty good. Of course, the model wasn't only just a model. She was an artist. She can sing, dance, and act now and then. Right now, she was modeling.

"Thank you for your hard work as well." Everyone said as the manager bid them and went out with Sunny.

Outside, the manager was wearing her happy smile. Sunny noticed this.

"So pleased with the photo shoot, Manager Hwang?"

"Yes, very. We actually finished the photo for today. And early, too. We could practically take the rest of the day just staying home. Where do you want to eat at, Sunny?" Manager Hwang, or Tiffany, asked.

"I don't know. Do you have a place in mind?"

"Well, I haven't visited a cafe because of our busy schedule. But I'm meeting another photographer there tomorrow. You are starring at a movie remember?" She got a nod from Sunny.

"So, I heard of this great photographer that can capture the most beautiful things. And since your movie is kind of a sad love story, I decided to see if she's really good. I want to see if she can capture everything. Our agency actually requested her for her services."

"Hm. She must really be that good if even the agency personally wanted her..." Sunny was thinking about who this person might be but she just shrugged it off. She didn't know whoever it was. And the chances of it being anyone she knew were very low.

"So where do you want to eat?" Tiffany asked again.

"I'll just cook at home. Come on. Let's go." They drove back to the apartment and once they got there, Sunny cooked some dinner for them, sometimes, pushing the manager out the kitchen.

The afternoon became night right away and both of them turned in to their rooms.

Sunny was lying down on her bed, facing the ceiling, her back fully flat on the bed. Her forearm was on her forehead. She slowly blinked twice as she felt sleep taking over. She turned to her left and closed her eyes and she fell asleep.



The sun shone bright. Another photo shoot had just ended. But all was not well. The pictures came out well. But it can't be said same for a relationship that has been long severed.

"Please listen to me, Tae!" Sunny begged. Taeyeon stopped walking but didn't face Sunny.

"Don't call me that." Taeyeon's voice was filled with so many emotions. There was so much sadness, anger, and hurt. Sunny was just behind her but she felt as though Taeyeon was very far. So distant.

"Why?" Sunny asked in correspondence to Taeyeon's last statement.

"Can't you just let me be? Why do you have to make things harder for me than it already is?"

"Tae..." Sunny tried to hug Taeyeon but at contact, Taeyeon jerked, backed away, and faced her. Sunny was heartbroken by the sight. In Taeyeon's eyes, there was so much hurt that seemed as deep as Sunny stared at her tear-filled eyes. Tears cascaded down.

"I've tried so hard to forget. When I found someone I thought that I'll be able to forget. And I would not feel so hurt about what happened then. I knew it was my mistake. I shouldn't have told you. Do you know that the look you gave me that time hurt me the most?" Taeyeon shouted at her as she cried. Sunny tried to approach Taeyeon again, this time, Taeyeon didn't budge. Sunny wound her arms around Taeyeon as she embraced her.

"I never forgot that look. That look... the look of rejection, shock... the look you had when you said, “Could we not talk about this?" Sunny remembered the feeling she had when that look was on her face. She was so confused at that time. But she didn't say anything. She thought Taeyeon would wait until she was able to find out what is it that she was feeling. She didn't know that Taeyeon was going to leave until the time day Taeyeon left. The night before, she was able to talk to her. But she knew that by talking through a stupid phone would not help. She knew that Taeyeon would probably still hurt. But even though she knew Taeyeon when they were classmates, she still didn't know Taeyeon enough. She thought that Taeyeon was okay.

"What was I supposed to think then?" Taeyeon's question brought her back.

"What was I supposed to do when the person I love couldn't even meet me halfway?" Taeyeon hit Sunny as the girl embraced her tightly. She sobbed in the arms of the girl she loves yet it was the same girl that hurt her the most.

"Tell me, Lee Soonkyu!"


Eyes opened at the pained voice. That statement woke Sunny from her slumber. She hears the alarm going off in her room. She didn't make a move to shut it off or get up from bed. After a while, she reached up and turned it off. She lay back in bed. Then she sat up slowly. She brought her right hand to go through her hair. That's when she felt her face. It was wet.

"I'm crying?" She thought. "Taeyeon..." The dream felt so real and so did she feel so useless. She didn't do anything in that dream. She wiped the tears away. She went to the bathroom to wash up. She washed her face, erasing any evidence of crying. She went out of her room to see Tiffany getting ready. She looked at the clock. It was lunch time. How long did her alarm exactly rang?

"Oh, you're up. I was going in your room a while ago but I noticed that when your alarm rang, you didn't turn it off. Anyway, I'm going to the cafe today so you can take the day off. Tomorrow, I'll schedule the photo shoot with the new photographer. Sunny just nodded as Tiffany left.

She sighed and sat on the couch.

"Do you really feel that way? Until now?" She contemplated.

Unknown to her, someone also had experienced the same night that she did, only better. In the dream, Taeyeon was talking to Sunny. And Sunny had accepted her feelings.

Taeyeon had a smile in her face. Sadly, it was ephemeral as she broke into a sad sob.

"Why is it so easy to believe in dreams? Why am I so naive in dreams? Why is it so hard to believe in this world?"


Tiffany walked in her favorite cafe. But she had never had time to visit. She was always busy since she managed Sunny's schedule. She walked in and the place was beautiful. Of course, it wasn't that fancy but it was beautiful in its simplicity.

"Welcome to the Jung Cafe. May I help you?" Tiffany was frozen. She looked at that beautiful angel behind the counter.

"Miss?" The girl asked.

"Miss?" A little louder this time. Still no response. The girl made her way towards Tiffany and held her arm in an effort to snap her out of the daze.

"Miss? Are you alright?" This time, Tiffany did snap out of her daze.

"Uh, sorry..." Tiffany immediately apologized for spacing out.

"No, it's alright. May I help you today?" Tiffany didn't notice that the girl had held onto her arm before but when she did let go, she missed the hold.

"Oh, umm... I'm meeting with someone today."

"Oh! You're here to meet a photographer, right? She's right over there. Taeyeon!" Tiffany was a bit surprised.

"Did they know each other?" She thought to herself.

"Coming!" Tiffany looked to see a girl on the other side of the shop. She was sitting before a table, with some folders in the table.

"She's here. I hope you enjoy your time here." Tiffany's heart beat fast at the smile her angel had given her. The girl went back to her post behind the counter and was working again. Tiffany smiled to herself. She was happy that she can notice the smallest details at everything. She now knew the name of her angel. Jessica.

She made her way to the table where Taeyeon was.

"Hello, I'm Hwang Tiffany. I'm assuming, you are Taeyeon?"

"Yes. Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Taeyeon." After introductions, they decided that tomorrow was the best day for the photo shoot. Tiffany told her that the artist that was going to model was starring in a movie. She told her about the plot and what emotions she'll have to capture.

"I'm excited to work with you, Ms. Hwang."

"Call me, Tiffany." They shook their hands.

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prynzexhane #1
Chapter 2: Good job..jessi!
Sunyeon ..♡
Chapter 2: i know sunyeon's problem was resolved but that's a major JeTi cliffhanger there author-ssi :|
jasminelep #3
Chapter 2: wait... why is this completed?! must there be a sequel?! It can't just continue on? :(
Chapter 2: Damn it... Such a ideal cliffhanger you got there... Sequel!!! Need more JeTi!! More~~~~
Thanks to the dream before so Sunny wouldn't do the silly things like she did in her dream :")
Chingu, this is so great, really. Please make a sequel of this, I know this is a sequel already, but but but.... Aigoo.... Well.... Alright.......mdo whatever you want but I have to say that this is so so great x) JeTi<3
Thank you for the sequel, chingu!
DanDyuDream #6
Chapter 2: Complete?? Eh??
Urmm... I hope for moce.. Hahaha
Chapter 2: i want this to be a story tho author nim ~ ahahah ganda eh ~
Chapter 1: OMO !! so sweet ahh author-ssi you never failed in suprising me~ kkkkk ^_^ will patiently wait for updates for this one. sunyeon fighting XD~ and all my sunyeon feels XD
Aww so sweet~
Sunyeon with Jeti ending the story :D
Thanks for the seq and good job, author-nim
Chapter 2: Ow.. SunYeon and JeTi at the end...
You, sweet talker Jung...