the confession

This time, for real

Da Hyun's POV 

We act like we're dating but we were never dating in the first place. I don't know how this started out at first. It justs happened and somehow the both of us don't mind it at all. 

I don't mind it because he's the person I like. The very person that I like. My one and only first love. 

Himchan's POV

Saying 'I love you' to her everyday is like a dream come true. I don't get tired of saying those three words. If it's her, I don't mind. She's the one who makes my heart race. She's the only one capable of making me smile and laugh. With her, my life is complete. I'd love to be her boyfriend for real but I think this is the best for us. 

Da Hyun's POV

"Say aaahh" I scooped the ice cream for Himchan. 

He lazily opened his mouth and gave me a smile that could easily melt me, "Thanks Da Hyun."

"Aww they're so cute!" 

"I wish I had a boyfriend like Himchan sunbaenim!"

"Man, Himchan is lucky having a girl like Da Hyun beside him!"

The compliments were normal and I don't mind it at all. In fact, I love it. Everyone in the school love us. They don't believe when I say we were not dating but really, we are not. No male or female ever try to confess to us because they didn't want to 'interrupt' our relationship. 

But it would be a blessing if Himchan really likes me. I've dropped hints to show that I like him but he takes it like a joke. I constantly act like a girlfriend and a best friend around him but I don't know if he likes me. 

I want to know. I want to confess but I don't want. I don't want to ruin this perfect relationship. 

For now, this is enough for me. 

"Himchan ah," I spoke and he looked up at me. My heart was beating wildly, "What would you do if I went overseas?" 

He didn't speak for a moment. I was about to say it was just a joke but he cut me off. "I don't know. But I doubt you would leave me here." 

He was damn right. 

I gave him a cheeky smile, "You're right. C'mon, let's go for class."

"Himchan ah, I love you!" I wrapped my arms around him. 

"Aww I love you too. C'mon let's go" Himchan took my hands. 

He laced his fingers with mine. My cheeks were probably red but I didn't care. Let me cherish this moment for a little while more. 


Himchan's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Da Hyun's question. Why did she ask me that? Is she hiding something from me? 

But my answer that I gave her was just a spur of the moment. I don't know what I would do if she were to leave me. I don't think I'd be able to survive each day. I want her always around me. 

I don't know abou Da Hyun but I don't think I'll be able to live without her. 


Da Hyun's POV

I reached home after a tiring day. I was about to go up to my room whe one of the maids called me saying that my parents wanted to see me. It's probably because of that.

"So darling, have you thought about it?" My mom asked as she sipped on her tea. 

"I hope you give us the answer that we want to hear." My dad spoke. 

"I... I don't want to leave Himchan." I spoke softly. 

"You'll come back here in 2 years time. Don't worry. He won't be going anywhere." My mom gently spoke.

"It'll be fine if you tell him the truth. You're just going to study overseas for a few years." My dad said, "Anyways, I have already booked your flight ticket to Australia. You'll be going this Saturday. Make sure you've packed already." He stood up and went to his room. 

My mom gave me a pitiful smile. "Sorry honey. Make sure you tell Himchannie okay?"

I bit my lips. I don't know how Himchan would react if i suddenly told him I won't be by his side for 2 years. I'm scared that when I come back, he would have another girl by his side showering him with unending love. 

I don't want that to happen. 

"Mom, can you give him a letter on my behalf? I-I'll write a letter for him and you'll give it to him. I don't have the courage to tell him directly." I asked my mom. My mom simply nodded her head and I went up to my room. 

I closed the door behind me and I took out a paper and a pen. 

I breathed in and I pour out all I wanted to say to him on the paper.


Himchan's POV

It's Saturday and I'm bored to death. The boys are probably still sleeping at this time of the day. And at that moment, Da Hyun came on my mind. 

I smiled. Maybe I'll head to Da Hyun''s house and surprise her. 

I quickly put on some clothes and rush out of the house. I couldn't wait to see her. I could imagine her shocked face when she answers the door. I could predict that today is going to be a great day!

Ding Dong

"SURPR- Oh uhm, is Da Hyun at home?" I awkwardly asked Mrs Shim. 

Mrs Shim gave me a smile but somehow the look in her eyes tells me otherwise. "Wait here."

Mrs Shim went back into the house. Somehow, I suddenly felt that today is going to be the worst day of my life. Mrs Shim handed me a letter. On the envelope, it said: To Himchan

I quickly took out the letter. My stomach was churning and I could tell that it's bad news. 

Dear Himchan, 

By the time you're reading this, I will probably be at the airport already. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you sooner. I couldn't find the right time and the courage to tell you face to face. 

i'm going to Australia to study for 2 years time. It's my fathers choice. I'm sorry. I don't know how to break it to you. I was scared you would get angry or you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore. Because if you were to ignore me, I don't think I could handle it. 

I know this is sudden and I don't think I have the right to tell you this but please take care. I wouldn't be by your side to take care of you. And if you were to find yourself a girlfriend, make sure you find the right one! Make sure she loves you more than you love her! 

Don't forget to attend classes! Don't forget about your studies! Oh and don't skip on your singing lessons! Listen to your parents! I know they pester you to take over the business but don't make them angry til they kick you out! If you have any problems, you can talk to your other friends because I don't think I'll be free to take on any calls or answer emails.

You have to graduate this year! We're in our senior year and you have to work extra hard to go to university! I won''t be there during the graduate ceremony but I would be cheering you on from Australia! Oh and don't forget to eat 3 meals per day! You''re skinny enough already! Don't make me, Mrs Kim and Mr KIm worry! 

And lastly, Kim Himchan, I love you. 

Shim Da Hyun

I didn't thank Mrs Shim and I quickly flagged a taxi and rushed to the airport. I was getting anxious at each moment. I suddenly remembered the time she asked me that question.

"Himchan ah, what would you do if I went overseas?" Da Hyun softly spoke. 

"I don't know but I doubt you leave me here." I replied, giving her a smile.

I knew there was something. if only I knew earlier, I would straight tell her what I've been feeling all this time. But I was scared. Now, she's not by my side, I don't know what to do. I felt so lonely. So incomplete. 

I paid the taxi driver and looked for Da Hyun deperately. My eyes searched high and low for Da Hyun. I couldn't think straight. The only thing that was on my mind was Da Hyun, Da Hyun and Da Hyun. 

My eyes spotted Da Hyun from far. I quickly ran to where she was. But I was a second too late. Da Hyun had already went inside. My voice couldn't reach her. She was too far from my reach. 

I couldn't tell her what I wanted to say. I was a coward. 

Two years later

"Hi." I said. 

Da Hyun gave me a small smile, "Hi back to you." 

I looked at her. She have matured so much over the years. She looks even prettier. She was glowing. Her brown long, straight hair almost reaches her hip. Her excellent choice of clothes made her look so pretty. The prettiest than models around the world. 

"I... Can I tell you something? I was a coward 2 years ago. I read your letter on that day and I should've known earlier. I was lost when you left me. But reading your letter makes me motivated. I've graduated and I'm now in university. Are you proud of me?" I jokingly asked.

Da Hyun laughed. Hearing her laugh makes the atmosphere like before. 

"I love you." I said. Da Hyun's laughter died down and she looked at me with her big eyes. 

"This is not the ordinary 'I love you' that we exchanged 2 years back. I really fell for you. During that period of time, I didn't dare to confess to you. I was scared that it would make things awkward between us. The 'I love you's that I said that time were real but you probably took it as a friendly greeting. But that's the past. You probably have a foreign boyfriend but today, I come to tell you that I have always loved you. I still love you now." 

Da Hyun didn't say anything so I countinued my speech, "I love how you're always smiling. Always being the angel around others. You work hard towards your goal and wouldn't back down once you set your eyes on something. Everytime I'm with you, I can't help but smile. Just your presence makes me feel comfortable. I can be myself when I'm with you. I-" 

"What took you so long, you idiot?" Da Hyun spoke. Her head was hung low. I could tell she was tearing a little. 

"Do you know how long I've wanted you to say those 3 words genuinely? I waited for so long!" Da Hyun suddenly started crying loudly and started beating my chest. I grabbed her arm and pulled her body to me and hugged her tightly. 

Da Hyun pulled from the hug and she suddenly grabbed the collar of my shirt and crashed her lips on mine. I could feel her lips turning into a smile. I put my arms around her small waist and bring her closer to me. Her arms were wrapped around my neck. 

I was on clound nine when I found out she was feeling the same as me. Why was I even worried in the first place? 

The both of pulled away from the kiss. When I opened my mouth to finish saying what I wanted to say, Da Hyun hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and whispered to her ears, "This time, for real, I love you."


okay it's finished! I hope it didn't . thank you for reading even thought it wasnt that good ;u; 



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im_sucks_LOL #1
nice story i like it!!! <33
MitsuKyuYamazaki #2
Chapter 1: 8'D urgh, it's so fluffy
Good job~
Chapter 1: Omoooooo~ how sweet!!! He wait for her for 2years~ i hope i have someone to wait for me like he did. Lol XD Kyaaaaaaa himchaaaaaaan♥♥♥
Yongguk oppa please let me fall for himchan here...
Yongguk: hell no! what a special? I can do it better than him. *pouting lip*
Me: aigoo~ uri yonggukie is jealous. How cute. How can i turn around from u? XD lol
Mittaa #4
Chapter 1: Awww~ so sweet and cute :'3
kris-wu-is-mine-duh #5
Chapter 1: cuteee c;
you should make it longer and put some plot twist ...