Undying love and that love return.

Undying love and that love return.
" YOU AND YOUR LIES! YOU!I DON'T WANNA HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN!" Junsu yelled angrily and stormed out of the house. Yoochun who's now in tears just remained standing in his position while looking down. It's his fault,all his fault. If only he could be a little bit more resisting,he wouldn't have slept with some random girl and getting her pregnant thus had to take responsibility. Yoochun tears just keep rolling down his cheeks.He didn't expect things to turn out this way.He love Junsu.Hell,he loves him a lot but then again he couldn't just run away from his responsibilities. That is why he came up with the decision to break off with Junsu and get married to that girl.

Junsu ran out of his apartment without thinking straight.He just ran and ran while crying.He don't know where to go,he don't know where he should go.It's already 10 at night and he don't wish to disturb his friends this late. Yoochun..just thinking of that name stings his already broken heart. How could he do this to him?How could he slept with someone else?How could he have kept everything from him until now?And how could he just broke off everything?This is too sudden he just can't accept this.More tears rolled down his cheeks and then he found himself near a river. This place..this place used to be where they watch twinkling stars at night while telling how much they love each other. This place was where Yoochun first kissed Junsu and this place was where they knew they belonged to each other. But now,everything is broken..

Junsu slowly climbed up the cliff.He smiled while tears still running down.All the memories of him and Yoochun keep coming and instantly broke his heart again and again.
"Yoochun ah~ i'll always love you.." And that was his last words before he jumped off the cliff and into the dark river.

Yoochun drove fast to the hospital,he couldn't care less if he'd went over the speed limit.All he could think of is Junsu. He almost lost his sanity back at home after Junho called him at 5 in the morning telling him about Junsu's condition and his suicide attempt. Why junsu..why?He can't help but ask himself why Junsu had to resort to suicide.
Upon reaching the hospital,Yoochun ran straight to where Junho was,waiting outside the ER.A few minutes later,the doctor came out.
"Kim Junsu guardians?"
"Yes..im his brother.How is he?", replied Junho worriedly.
"Hmm..your brother passed the critical stage.Lucky that he was found on time.However..although his body is fine now,he refused to wake up so we have to conclude that he went into coma.This is a rare case but in this case,it's not because of possibility hit on the head or anything but it's because he himself don't wanna wake up so he shut himself and chose to be in another world." The doctor sighed before continuing. "I don't know if he'll wake up..but let's try our best." He let out another sigh and gave Junho a light pat on the shoulder before walking away.
Junho who's now in tears turned to look at Yoochun.
"What have you done to Junsu?" he asked,voice firm with seriousness while his eyes still red and teary.
Yoochun was speechless,he don't know what to say.
"I know it must be because of you.I know Junsu..he's the most emotional and sensitive when it comes to you." he continued again.
That's when Yoochun lost it.He kneeled down before Junho and broke down in tears.He managed to confessed to Junho everything he did.Junho upon hearing him just stood there speechless.
"I hate you.I really hate you.But i need you to be here for Junsu.You make him sleep,you have to make him wake up or i'll kill you myself." Junho uttered after the brief moment of silence and then he walked off.

It' been almost 3 weeks.Yoochun have been going back and forth to the hospital to see Junsu and did everything to wake him up.From talking about good memories,reading his favorite books,listening to his favorite songs to singing songs Yoochun composed himself,but the latter still refused to wake up.He even ditched his work and the girl he had to marry just to stay by Junsu's side.After the forth week,he finally decides to do something. That night,he went to see Junsu again,held his hands and kissed his forehead before uttering an "i'll see you soon baby".
Yoochun went to his car,start his engine and drove away.Upon reaching the highway,he sped up all the way and close his eyes.He submits.

"Junsu~yah..where are you?Im here to see you.." Yoochun said softly while he walked in the white room he don't recognize.It was all white he couldn't see anything else,just then a bright light appeared in his vision.He smiled.
"Yoo-yoochun??" Junsu asked shocked.
"Yes baby,it's me.Im here to see you." replied Yoochun while still smiling.He opened his arms and Junsu ran straight to his embrace and cried.
"Oh my god,yoochun i miss you a lot!" Junsu was sobbing so hard now.
"I miss you too baby,so much!That's why i came here.You refused to wake up." Yoochun said sadly. That's when Junsu realized something was off.

"Yoochunie~ how did you get here?" He asked hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter how i came here baby.But im here to tell you how much i love you.Words can never describe how sorry i am.I never intend to hurt you.My heart were never for anyone else but you.I love you so much that even when i die and reincarnate,i still want you.Baby,forgive me.." Yoochun let out and again tears were running down.His embrace tighten and Junsu had to force himself apart to look at Yoochun.
"Yoochunie~ i've already forgiven you.I love you too." Junsu assured and kissed Yoochun on the lips.Yoochun responded and deepen the kiss.They remained that way for a few moments before Yoochun broke away and look at Junsu.
"Baby~ if you really love me then you have to do something.." Yoochun said,his heart feeling heavy.
"What is it?" Junsu replied cutely.
"You have to wake up.Go back to the real world and continue life as usual baby" Yoochun can't hold it anymore and let his tears fall again.
"Of course we have to!Let's get out from here!" Junsu cheered happily while trying to pull Yoochun with him but stopped when the latter wasn't responding.
"What's wrong Yoochunie?" Junsu asked sadly and confused.
"I can't go with you Junsu.." Yoochun look away not bearing to see the sad look in the other's eyes.
"What?Why??i thought you said you love me?"
"I love you..i'll always do.Even when i die.." Yoochun's voice cracked at the last part.
Junsu then realized what was going on and wanted to get closer to Yoochun when a glass-like barrier appeared in between them and make Junsu can't reached his hands toward Yoochun.Junsu started to sob uncontrollably while Yoochun just stood there looking at Junsu sadly.
"Yoochunie!Don't leave me!" He choked out.
"Im not leaving you baby.I'll always stay in your heart.Never forget me my love,i love you..so much." Yoochun uttered his last words before a thin light appeared before him and he vanished slowly.

"Junsu!Junsu!It's me Junho!" Junsu could hear his brother voice calling for him and he reluctantly open his eyes.He could feel his face damped with tears. He met Junho's eyes and the latter immediately hug him tightly.
"Thanks for coming back Junsu!Thank you!" Junho said while sobbing.He was so glad Junsu woke up that he can't control his tears of happiness.
Junsu on the other hand just kept silent.Junho called the doctor and after the doctor examined him,he sat on Junsu's bed beside him.
"Junsu..why are you so quiet?" He asked worriedly.
"Y-yoochun..h-how did he d-died?" Junsu managed to asked.
"H-how you know he d-died?" Junho asked back shocked that his brother knew of his lover death even when he's unconcsious.
"He met me..in..in the other world.He's the one who told me to return." Junsu choked on his words before he began to sob. Junho hugged him tightly and assured him time will heal.

Junsu in his black suit,silk tie all set for his meeting with the new investor for his business.Though he is confident he'll get the deal he can't help but feel nervous.Junsu is now a mature 26 years old successful businessman. He pushed the door to the designated meeting room lightly and then,he froze in his spot.
"Goodmorning Mr Kim.Nice to meet you.Im Micky Park." Said the Micky guy as he offered his hand for Junsu to take.
Junsu reluctantly shook his hand,eyes not leaving Micky. It's been 5 years since that incident and Junsu had never stop loving Yoochun.'How could this be?How could this guy look the same as my Yoochun?No way this is real.Even his last name is the same!' Junsu muttered in his mind.
"Mr Kim?" Micky snapped Junsu back out of his trance.
"You okay?" He asked again.
"Ah..yes i am." Junsu replied before taking a seat after Micky.
After hours of discussing and debating about the business and contract,it's finally time for Micky to leave.Just when Micky was about to make his way out,Junsu stopped him.
"Mr Park..can i ask you something?" Junsu asked timidly.
"Yes what is it Mr Kim?" Micky replied curiously.
"Just wondering..if you had a twin or a sibling?" Not getting an immediate response from the latter,he quickly continued, "it's just that you look like someone i knew.Im sorry if it makes you uncomfortable" he quickly apologised not wanting his new investor to find him weird.
"It's okay Mr Kim.Im sorry i didn't respond to you earlier..it's just that i was thinking too.Back in america,i had an accident and i went into coma.When i woke up,i couldn't remember things and my parents told me i was different.They said i changed the way i walk,talk,eat and laugh.Some people have been saying my real soul died and another soul came to replace." He then chuckled before he continued, "But i don't think it's true though.It's just impossible right?" And he let out a chuckle again. "I don't know why im telling you these.Just thought of sharing.And to answer to your question,nope i don't have a twin or siblings."
Junsu who was stunned through out the conversation just 'oh-ed' and nodded.They walked to the door again and before Micky opened the door,he turned to Junsu and said,
"By the way,you are cute." before pinching Junsu's cute chubby cheeks and walked out the door smiling.
Junsu was dumbfounded.But his hand travelled to his now reddish cheeks and smiled shyly.
'He even pinched me like Yoochun did.Maybe..just maybe the people saying his soul switched were right.' he thought to himself.
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Chapter 1: it was really nice , good work
Chapter 1: you should make it longer^^like sequel or something^^
Chapter 1: aaaaaaawwww dummy chunnie!! i feel little depressed when i read this geez try read this with nell-the day before for your background music now i'm crying like hell T.T
nice story^^love it^^
uknown123 #4
Chapter 1: =.= Yoochun you stupid, stupid, lovesick, out-of-control man! OMG. Seriously, first, you get a random girl pregnant 2. You break my Junsu's heart 3. You kill yourself 4. You make my Junsu depressed 5. You (MAYBE, I'm sure Micky and Yoochun are one, aren't they?) return with no memory >_> I swear to god, if you waste that second lease on life and Junsu you got, I will personally castrate you (in this fic of course). I'll force myself into this fic!

On a side note, I hope he has better control of his manly "urges" this time around and just (violently) push anyone away except for Junsu ofcourse.

I totally love a mad!Junho btw.

TY for this! A good read!