Someone Gets Touchy

The Curse of the Witch's Blood Line


  I felt the sun kiss my cheeks lightly, hearing the lively cheering of the leaves as they dan e together in the wind. I sat up and looked around to find myself in a field of lavender flowers. The breeze blew in the sweet scent I sniffed again just to be sure I wasn't mistaken, but it was there, the light scent of cologne tickled my nostrils. 
"Jinju...Jinju it's time to wake up..." I heard a smooth voice beckoning me to walk forward. As I stumbled forward still in a sleeping stupor I was suddenly blinded by the sun. It was growing brighter by the second, it became unbearable and just at the last minute my eyes shot open. I found myself looking at a dirt ceiling, I squirmed a bit and realized I was laying on a bed. 
"Good morning..." that same voice I had just heard was now coming from my right. My head whipped around and I saw a man sitting beside me on the bed, hiding well behind the shadows that were not chased away by the low fire burning in the fireplace. 
"Did you sleep well?" he quietly took my hand in his, only breaking eye contact long enough for him to do so. His hand was painted with scars and a tattoo that rested on the back just inches above his knuckles. I gently pulled my hand away, holding it close to my chest as I eyed him. 
"Wh-who are you?" my words seemed to entertain him since I received a chuckle as a response. He stood, taking a few steps toward the fire and not once looking back in my direction. 
"Who are you?...That is such a commonly used phrase, I've heard it more times that you could count. But even when it's answered the response is always the same...
"Who am I, you name is Jung Daehyun...and I have been watching you for a long time Jinju." he turned his head slightly to glance over his shoulder before turning and walking back in my direction. 
"What do you mean by that?" I felt my heat speed up as a sense of panic shot through me. He chuckled again, did he think this was funny!? I was taken aback when he suddenly appeared right in front of me, causing me to fall back on my elbows with him looming over me. 
"I've seen your story, and I must say, it quite intrigues me. You're the long lost heir of the evil witch herself, yet..." he examined my face with care," You have no evil aura about you. Why are you so different? You're nothing like her..." he continued to stare without once considering how close our bodies were. 
"Excuse me? Alright..." I shoved him off and stood from the bed, my legs were slightly wobbly but managed on their own, "alright, I don't know w-who you are or why the hell you brought me here. But, I'm not planning on staying with a psychotic kidnapper while my friends are out there in some God forsaken tunnel fighting whatever God forsaken creatures you sent to rip them apart." 
  I started heading toward what I thought was an exit when I suddenly felt my face smack a wall," ow, son of a-"
"That's not the exit" he almost snorted. I glared back at him and tried the opposite wall, only to be met with the same out come. 
"If you're like to leave, the exit is that way. Since you seem to be as blind as a bat." he pointed toward a wall with a big, round door. 
"Thank you-" 
"But I won't let you go that easily," before I was given time to argue, or comprehend what the hell was going on I was slammed against a wall with my hands pinned on either side of my head. 
"What the-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before I felt soft lips crash against mine, devouring my own vigorously. My head spun and my heart sped up to five times the normal speed a heart should beat. He pulled away panting heavily, but only long enough for him to trail kisses down my jawline to my neck. 
"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" I felt him smile against my skin causing a familiar cold chill to shoot down my spine. I tried pulling away, which resulted in his arm snaking around my waist and pulling me closer. 
"There's no one here but me love, so I can make you scream as loud as I want." he cracked an evil smirk before attacking my neck again. 
  Tears started their race down my cheeks as I continued to struggle in my pursuits of escaping. Then there was a sudden slam against the door, Daehyun sighed as he lifted his head to look toward the door. There was another slam before it fell from its hinges, revealing a worn out, Yongguk and Himchan donning new battle scars.  
"Let her go..." Yongguk spoke in almost a yell. 
"I'd rather not" Daehyun pulled me away from the wall and toward his body, easily catching me with his arm and Hindi g me close. Yongguk's eye twitched as he let out an exasperated sigh. 
"I'm only gonna say this once more: Let her go, or I rip your limbs off so fast you're gonna wonder how it even happened."
I honestly don't know why I added in that ridiculous make out scene. Ahh! This chapter! *embarrassed*  anyway, hope you liked it! 
If you hated it thats cool too. 
You just broke my heart into a million pieces and fed it to a fat dragon. 
Lol jk, anyway, hope you enjoyed. Here's the next chapter Daehyun_Kelly! Thanks for all the support and the lovely comments! 
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It's official! :D this story has been opened up once again and is being worked on!


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Stars2Heaven #1
Chapter 15: I loved this chapter! =) soooòooo good! I'm so happy you updated!
Stars2Heaven #2
Chapter 15: This is sooooooo good! =) I'm so happy you updated! Seriously, I LOVED this chapter!
Stars2Heaven #3
Chapter 13: hahah! i'm loving the jealous and fights between Yongguk & Daehyun! ^_^ Yongguk all the way though! <3 Love the whole angry side to him! Hahaha! (I'm weird lol)
I like this ^^
Daehyun_Kelly #5
Chapter 13: An update finally :D thank u!!!
hippo_guk #6
Chapter 11: omg your story.... I like!!! update soon please...
Chapter 10: Woah so that's why Daehyun is interested in Jinju. O.o
Chapter 9: Haha what the hell does Daehyun want? Even though he's my bias in B.A.P, i'm rooting for Yongguk. But i like Daehyun's presence as well :D
Chapter 1: Wow! An interesting plot! I love the first chapter! Thank you!
Daehyun_Kelly #10
Chapter 11: Kk thnx for the info ^^