

One early cloudy day,almost winter. Yoona took a walk around her neighbor, looking at her phone. Yoona and Luhan stop calling each other ever since the incident that occur. With her mind wondering off, she saw a guy. His back facing Yoona, waiting at her house. As Yoona get closer, she notice that his back look fimiliar to someone she know. He turn around and with the surprise look on Yoona's face, the guy with the fimiliar back turn out to be Luhan. A gentle smile shows on his face which Yoona gives a shock look as a respond. Surprisly that he could show after the incident, but she's also glad. Glad to see that smiling face of his after a long time departing from him. Missing him, his figure, his smiles, the way he look at her.

"hey" Luhan start

"hi" Yoona respond

"how you been? and what's up with the surprising look on your face?" Luhna ask

"just surprise to see you here , what are you doing here anyway?" ask Yoona 

"I was around an area near here so... I thought I.. aw.. should stop by" He answer with his nervous voice

"oh, is that all"? Yoona ask 

"yea, i guess" Luhan answer 

"we'll you already say hi, i guess you better go now, maybe someone is waiting for you" Yoona respond

She began to leave when luhan grab her by the arm

"wait, hold on " luhan say

"what now?" she answer

"sorry, it was just an excuse, I miss you, but i don't know what should I say, I can't just say that I miss you that's why I came, not when your still mad at me. That's why i came up with that excuse. I came becuse I miss you, not because I was near the area, I miss you, I felt like dying after we depart for days. No not days, feels like years to me. Please forgive me, I regret, but I swear I don't know how she got into my house, I did change the password. I swear I didn't, forgive me ok ? What will I do to make it up to you? I will do anything" luhan confess 

"alright, I'll forgive you this time, but don't let it happen agian and for the thing that you have to do to make up to me , I'll wait until something comes to mind" Yoona reply with a gentle smile 

"Now that's the spirit. Oh~ that smile hit it, right in the spot. HUH~ I could die from a smile like that, I was hoping to see it. Now, that just make my day" Luhan say with the biggest smile he can show on his face to Yoona while saying it.

With the big window cover in yellow curtain, Yoona's dad saw the two of them making up. While looking at them, a smile shows on his face. But like a flash of light, it change into a frown.

"Just hope the two of them would be alright when we have depart from this world" Yoona's dad thought











Sorry guys, been really hard working ever since becoming a sophomore. Butha yeah, this is a short chapter, just hope you guys enjoy reading this. Thanks , please don't forget to subscribe and common down below :D <3

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Chapter 22: Update soon..I like your story
Chapter 22: Nice story but please update soon
miraaziz #3
Chapter 22: Jessica is mean! Nice fiction by the way, update soon !
Chapter 22: Update soon!!
Chapter 17: Where's the update? u.u
Chapter 17: Dang major plot twist~ Jessica is a fairy too. But then again deep inside I guess I sort of knew it was something of the sort. I mean why would she just suddenly leave and just as suddenly return? Nonetheless I was really chocked.
What shocked me most in this chapter is Luhan's mysterious disappearance. LUYOON NOT TOGETHER FOR ONCE TT.TT It's so different from the last chapter D: What is Kris hiding?? >< Ahh I miss fangirling but I have a feeling things will get even more exciting now. He didn't like go to China or something right? ;w;
Good luck on writing authornim <3<3
Ok I feel like I've let out enough steam from the very heated moment there XD
It was too cute no denying it. Gosh I feel like I'm saying the same thing at every chapter but there's no denying it- the LuYoon moments in each chapter just escalates more and more and I can't help but spazz and have my fingers and toes curled up from the feels XD
I'm worried though of what'll happen to Yoona when she has to leave. What exactly will happen? I know that the characters should be treasuring each moment but it's sad knowing it won't last forever... D: Anyway loved this chapter and I can't wait to read more ^^
Chapter 16: yoona ..whatever it is..dont go ~ aaa
Chapter 15: Authornim you never fail to give me a dose of honey a day >///< Their date and their favorite foods and the holding hands.. seriously every inch of this chapter oozed with sugar and whipped cream on top XD
I absolutely loved the end of the chapter with the kiss and Yoona's thoughts on it ^^
I'm also looking forward to what will happen to her having to collect hearts and how it'll conflict with her relationship with Luhan. Good luck on the next chapter <3
Chapter 14: If this cuteness continues I feel like I'm going to be writing the same kind of comment again and again in each chapter.. =3= ranting on and on about HOW FREAKISHLY ADORABLE THEY ARE GAHH!! <33 I couldn't hold the feels in and I was just so glad they were official
For some reason though I get this feeling that after all the sweet moments a serious an dramatic time will come.. like everything is leading up to something.. maybe it's just me being paranoid XD
Great chapter authornim~~~ ^-^