
You're Not Alone

“Every story has an ending, ours just came too fast.”


No no no mercy~ Yeah we got the BAP~!


Junhong clicked the buttons on his PSP repeatedly, hoping it would somehow helped him kill the boss and win the game. He continued focusing on the game he had played for an hour whilst waiting for a reply from the unknown caller. 


"Minhee?" He asked, sitting up from his lying position and paused his game for a while. The Boss could wait even if it took him days to reach the last level. Besides, she was more important than that (not) stupid game that he waited for in front of the store for two cold long days, without his winter jacket, forcing him to later having a week of fever. She was more important.

("You're so smitten." Daehyun cackled in delight.)

"Are you busy?" asked Minhee in a broken tone, Junhong swore she had been crying before calling him. Just the thought of it made him pissed. The one who made her cry would pay with broken bones later.

"Nah, I'm just laying down." Technically, he wasn't lying. Junhong did lie down on his living room's couch which was placed in front of the huge television, his mom bought from her paycheck. His PSP long forgotten and laid silently on the floor. 

"Do you want me to bring some ice cream and a couple of cheesy movies?" Junhong continued before Minhee could oppose, "I don't take no as an answer."

"What will I do without you," She sighed and Junhong grinned in satisfaction, taking that as a yes. 

"You'll be stuck in bed forever without any source of happiness—which is me, of course—to cheer you up."

Minhee scoffed.

"You are overwhelming at times."

Junhong laughed.

"I try my best."





Minhee shivered in the damp foggy cold. School period was over, most students had went home already but she and some others haven't yet. The weather was unforgiving, unfortunately. She immediately cursed at herself for being an idiot, she made the stupidest decision ever which was ignoring her father's advice—always be prepared.

As the result, She was stuck there for roughly thirty minutes because of the heavy rain. 

"What am I suppose to do?," Minhee whined at no one particular. 

"Waiting for me?" A voice asked out of the blue, taking Minhee by surprise. Junhong chuckled lightly at her yelp.

"Stop scaring me, you jerk!" 

"In your dreams," He said in a teasing manner. He knew Minhee must have forgotten her umbrella again. Junhong suspected it when seeing her arrived at his house empty handed that morning (they walked to school together). He had brought two umbrellas today, just in case. It was worth the slight heaviness of his bag.

Junhong gave her the spare umbrella, rolling his eyes at her cheeky grin when seeing it—despite just wanting to cooed at her cuteness—and opened up his. He glanced at the sight in front of him, it was still raining but it wasn't like before. The rain was bearable. 

"Come on! Let's go home." 

Together, they went home hand in hand and throughout the way, Minhee noticed how her best friend seemed more cheerful than before. However, she didn't noticed the rapid heartbeats she had caused.





"What's so important that you made me skipped my shows and come here again?" Junhong grew exasperated when receiving no answer for his question. 

"I have something to tell you." Minhee said after she closed her bedroom door. Junhong stared at her straight in the eyes, there were no signs of lying, only determination. This scared him a bit because she was serious. And when she was dead serious, something was very wrong.

"What do you want to tell me?" Minhee released a shaky breath she didn't know she held, her hands trembled slightly. All of her determination was gone, replacing with nervousness. 

"I'm not gonna hurt you, Minhee." Junhong said softly, trying to soothe her with the tone used. Fortunately, it worked. But the words she said, didn't soothe him.

"I'm dating."

Right in front of his eyes, Junhong could see his whole world crumbled. His stomach clenched and everything just seemed so bland.

"Oh." He managed to say after a moment of silence.

"Oh? That's all you have to say?" 

"Congratulations?" It sounded more like a question to them and they both knew it was. Minhee sighed sadly at his lack of response. Wasn't he happy for her? 

"Aren't you happy for me?" 

"I am!" Junhong lied through his teeth, "It's just that—I'm surprised. I mean, you, have a boyfriend? That's not something we usually hear everyday. Do I know him?"

Minhee nodded excitedly because, finally, her friend was interested,"He's in the photography club! He sits at the front in Chem."

Minhee felt in love with a classmate that sat tables away from her and not the one who sat almost each day beside her? Is she even in love? Questions like these ran through his mind. Should he be worried? Yes. That's one question answered.

"How did you guys met?" 

They sat there talking until Minhee's parents called for dinner. Junhong kindly declined their invitation, saying his mother was probably waiting when actually she was working her night shift. 

He learnt that they'd met went Youngjae accidentally bumped into her at the cafe which was well-known to students and teachers. It was like another cliche story, he was holding coffee  and his shirt was ruined. Minhee offered to clean his shirt but Youngjae wouldn't let her instead he asked her for dinner (that one escalated quickly).

They've been dating for a two months now and Junhong was shocked that she didn't tell him at the start. Minhee's excuse was she wanted to know if they were serious before telling him. 

Apparently, they were serious and Junhong was afraid the word 'we' now meant Minhee and Youngjae instead of them.





In his résumé, Himchan suggested he put 'can predict the future' in it because his instincts were always right. Once, Junhong told his friends to bring their own lunches the next day. Of course, no one even bothered to. Later the next day, they, excluding  Junhong, had stomachache for the rest of the day because of the cafeteria food they'd eaten. 

Or like the other time, he and Minhee was using their normal way back home. Junhong told her they should use the long way for a while. Minhee agreed unanimously. That night, they both discovered an accident, involving a drunkard and a kid, occurred at their normal route. If Junhong hadn't told her to switch lanes, they'd been the victims alright.

Times like that, Junhong felt like a hero (Minhee said he looked smug) but now, he hated himself for being right.


Junhong could see her drifting away from him. Always having a reason for not attending their usual hangouts and meet ups. 


"I'm going to the movies with Jae! Sorry!"


"Ahh, we'd planned on a picnic yesterday. I hope you don't mind?"


"He's bringing me to see the dolphins today!"


"Hey! I can't talk right now, I'll call you tomorrow, okay? Bye!"


This is Minhee! Sorry I couldn't answer your call, please leave a message after this beep. Beep!



Junhong hung up. He didn't bother calling her number twice instead he pocketed his  phone, took his jacket and skateboard and left home.


Never looking back.





Time passed like a breeze. It's been almost six months since Junhong moved away. His friends were still pissed off because he didn't tell them earlier. I mean, who would call and say, 'hey I'm moving.' on the day they're moving?


"I told you I was sorry, hyung." Junhong parroted. 

Himchan scoffed,"Sorry doesn't mean that much, kid. You don't even sound sincere."

"I was sincere the first five times." He pointed out and Himchan hummed in disapproval. They talked on the phone for hours, filling it up with updates and news that Junhong missed.


"Minhee asked where you were."


"Junhong," Himchan said softly. "She's still someone you care about. You can't just act she doesn't exist anymore."

"She's fine."

"She came to me last month again asking when you're coming back and I can't keep telling her that I don't know because she's my friend too."

"Minhee is happier without me," Junhong mumbled sadly. "She's fine and happy."

"Well, get your brain check cause she's not. You both better talk or I'm gonna personally get involve in this and we both know how it'll go."


Junhong shuddered in fear.





Slow and heavy footsteps made walk their way along a familiar path. Junhong had gotten three days free, giving him a reason to visit his friends. More importantly, Minhee. 

Yes, he could've called her or texted her but later Junhong found out Minhee changed her number thus he was forced to confront her face-to-face. Furthermore, his friends being the bastards they were refused giving him her number. Or not this could have been a lot more easier, he grumbled under his breath.

"Junhong." A familiar voice said making him froze.



"Minhee." He breathed.

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Sounds cool; I can't wait for the next update
Chapter 1: awwwh, zelo's sad, but he didn't show it because he loves her. this is sad.