Te Amo - I Love You


Long time ago, he heard one of his junior saying, “Lee Changsun oppa, Te Amo.”


Back then, he thought that she was saying joke. He didn’t know what she was trying to say and nor he cared anyway.


Now, they met again and she had a happy expression on her face when their eyes met.


“Aren’t you Lee Changsun?” Joon’s eyebrows twisted, he thought that he knew this girl.


“I’m Hyosung!” She once again chirped as she laughed and he got fascinated by the way she shamelessly laughed in front of him.


“Oh.. Hi, Hyosung…?  May I know you better?” He wouldn’t let her to slip through his fingers. He had to get her, wasn’t she just too cute?


Days passed and they were getting closer, he had never been able to tear his away from her. She had nothing too impressed in her body, but she surely knew how to keep him on her side.


She knew how to treat him, she knew how to take care of him and she really knew how to love him.


He loved the fact. He really did, she was amazing.


“Changsun-ah…. Te Amo.” They were lying on the grass at the time, watching the sunset together with other people who came to do the same thing with them.


She was laying her head on his arm and cuddling to him while he kept looking at the sky.


“I heard that once.” He mumbled when he heard her saying that thing.


“Of course you did. You heard that from me.” She breathed to his neck and he knew she was getting angry to the fact that he forgot something important like that.


“No, baby. I meant that I once heard that thing a long time ago.” He softly and calmly tried to explain while he tried to shift his body to make him able to look at her.


She let out a sigh, a sad sigh which made him frowns.


“You probably don’t remember about this junior of yours, don’t you?” Joon stayed silent because he was too confused to answer it.


“You said that you remember me when I told you that I was your junior. But now I know why you always avoid the conversation of our school days. You probably don’t remember me as your junior, do you?” She was having a hard time to look up at him and it made him annoyed.


“Hyosung-ah, it isn’t important whether I remember the time or not because the important thing is now I’m here with you.” He said as he tried to lift her chin to make her looking at him but she refused it.


“Do you know why it’s important?” She whispered and he shook his head. Why would she become so annoyed by the fact that he didn’t remember her saying the words to him back then? What were the words mean anyway?


“Te Amo means ‘I love you’. I have loved you since we were high school students.” She whispered again and he was speechless.


He gulped but then laughed hard. She looked up to him, looking all confused to his behavior.


“Baby, don’t you think it’s such a fate that now we’re loving each other when back then I didn’t really know you and even didn’t care about this ‘Te Amo’ thing? Don’t be upset because I don’t remember who you are in the past, because I love you in this time and the future, the past had passed.”


“But still, Changsun-ah!!” She tried to argue but he told her to silent and pulled her closer to his body, and they were still lying on the grass, looking at the sky although their attention had been somewhere else.


“Baby, Te Amo.” He whispered to her and kissed her cheek.


She blushed hard before hugged him and whispered back to him, “Te Amo, Changsun-ah.”



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Chapter 1: Another hyojoon short yet cute oneshot huh? :D but I think, it's more like a drabble :D And I love this <3
Awww, I like Hyojoon couple alot <3
Chapter 1: Cute! hihi I never knew Hyosung could so cute paired with Joonie! XDDDDD