Chapter 5

Long Ago


Shinbi POV

“I panted as I walked into the coffee shop, it had started raining and I had to run all the way. Grandma greeted me with her smile.

- I made some hot chocolate.

I gladly took it and sat down by the only empty table, it was pretty late so a lot of people were here. I pouted and opened my book when I saw in the corner of my eye how someone sat down in front of me. I looked up and my jaw dropped.

- So you decided to come?

I closed my eyes in regret when I remembered that he was going to be here today.

- I thought you wouldn’t be here today.

- That’s why you came? Because you thought I wouldn’t be here?

I just nodded. He exhaled loudly and I didn’t know what to do.

- Look, what do you want from me?

- Uh, to get to know you?

I looked at him and blinked for a bit.

- Why would you want to do that?

He laughed in surprised and looked at me as if I just said something really absurd.

- You really don’t know why I want to get to know you?

I just shook my head trying to figure out what was so funny.

- I thought you were like that because a lot of guys came up to you.

- Nobody really talks to me…

- Wow, you’re really innocent and pure.

- Please, just answer my question.

- Because you’re pretty.

My brain stopped working. Pretty? I’m pretty? I didn’t know what to say so I just picked my book up and continued reading. He laughed and I felt how my book got snatched out of my hands.

- Shouldn’t you say thank you?

- For stealing my book?

- For telling you that you’re pretty.

- Why should I say thank you when you’re telling me a lie?

He closed my book  and inspected me as I took a deep breath.

- Please, give me back my book.

- I will, if you stay here talking with me.

- I… I’m not so good at talking.

- You’re doing fine right now.

He smiled encouraging and I felt emotionally exhausted.

- Don’t feel pressured.

- It will become awkward and silent.

- Then let’s just sit in silence until you say the first thing that pops up in your mind.

I just bit my lip and bowed my head.

- Here is your book, I’ll be expecting what you will be saying.

I quickly grabbed the book and pushed it into my bag. We sat like that for so long. I stared out the window and he just sat there observing me. I stared out of the window watching how raindrops slowly made their way down the glass.

- 1000 birds die every year from flying into windows.

- What?

He choked on his coffee because he was so surprised.

- You told me to tell you the first thing that popped up in my mind.

- You think about those kinda things? Who told you that?

- I read a lot.

- Tell me another.

- Just something random?

- Yeah.

- Hm… Sharks have been around for longer than dinosaurs.

- Wow, so your brain is filled with useless information?

- It depends on how you define useless.

- I like that, it’s so cute.

- What?

- You’re personality. It’s cute.

I just looked down feeling shy.

Every day he sat with me. Waiting for me to talk and I became more and more comfortable. I never felt lonely anymore and I started to get excited over seeing him.

- Can I walk you home today?

I nodded as I got up.

- Smells like there’s going to be rain, he said just as we stepped out. Just seconds after that the sky roared and it started to pour down. He grabbed my hand and my heart stopped for a second before starting to beat ferociously. We ran into a small alley which saved us from the rain. It was basically like a crack between two buildings and we stood pressed against each other. He started to remove my hair from my face and his touch made my heart waver. His warm breath against my forehead made my whole body feel warm. His face moved closer and I froze. His lips were against mine and it felt so right. My mind stopped listening to my body and I realized I didn’t want anyone to be this close so I tried to get away. He placed his hands on my shoulders.

 - Don’t move, he said with his lips still against mine.

I could only oblige.”

I stood there watching that small alley where my first kiss had taken place. I could only smile at that memory. It was before everything was complicated. Maybe I was too harsh on him? I had changed with the years and maybe he had too? Should just tell him I just wanted him as a friend? It made sense right? We both cared for each other and knew each other better than anyone else. Maybe we were meant to be friends?

- I knew you didn’t forget about me.

I turned around and saw him.

- Seung-hyun…

- Please give me another chance and let me be close. I won’t get mad if you yell at me because I know I deserve it.

- Was this a sign? I had those thoughts and all of a sudden he appeared in front of me.

- I’ll beg until you let me come close again.

- I’m not gonna date you. Never again. But I need you in my life as a friend.

I guess i was tired of being angry with him. It was easier this way.

Seung-hyun POV

- I’m not gonna date you. Never again.

My heart stopped. I promised myself that this was the last time I’d ask for her heart. If she didn’t let me be close then I’d never show myself in front of her again.

- But I need you in my life as a friend.

I smiled out of relief. It wasn’t the answer I wanted but it was a whole lot better than her hating me.

- So you don’t hate me anymore?

- It would kill me if I kept holding on to all that.

- Since I can’t go back in time I’ll say sorry now. I’m sorry for hurting you. I’ll be an awesome friend to make up for it all.

She smiled. That smile I had worked so hard for her to start showing, that I later ruined by hurting her and doing her wrong.

- So are we just friends or best friends. I just like that term more.

She laughed and it felt as if it did in the beginning of our relationship. When everything was perfect.

- You’re a friend, you’ll have to work hard to earn the title best friend.

- Would I become one step closer to that title if I invited you to the release party of our new album?

- Hm… No, but I would gladly except. When is it?

- Tomorrow night. I’ll send you a text with the location and time.

- Sure, I’ll see if I can come.

- You will come! Don’t fool me!

Shinbi POV

It was amazing. As soon as I decided to forgive him it turned back to normal. I let go of all the hurt and everything felt good. It was dangerous but it didn’t phase me. If I lost my guard at any second I could fall in love. I unlocked the door to the apartment and the sound of the tv welcomed me.

- Welcome home!

- Hello~ 

- I’m home before you, so who’s the one overworking now?

I laughed as I walked into the kitchen.

- Wow, you’re cooking?

- Yeah, since you’re not home I decided to take on the role of the housewife. Although it’s really lonely, I had to put the tv to ease it.

I gave him a back hug.

- You seem to be in a really good mood, did something happen?

- Mm!

- Tell me~

I sniffed his scent to make sure nothing had changed and sure enough it gave me that cozy feeling.

- I got reunited with an old friend.

- That’s great. You should invite her over, I wanna meet your friend.

- It’s a him.

- Ah, in that case, don’t invite him over.

We both laughed.

- You have to let me go so I can finish cooking.

- I don’t want to.

- You have to~

I let go of him and sat down by the table.

- I’m going to an opening party tomorrow.

- For what?

- Big Bang’s new album.

I looked at him trying to catch his reaction.

- Big Bang the group?

- Yup.

- How did you manage to get invited after being in Korea for such a short time?!

- My old friend is a member.

- Why didn’t you tell me before? My little sister is gonna die when she finds out, you know she’s a hardcore fan.

I laughed.

- I haven’t meet Seung-hyun…

- Seung-hyun? That’s Top right?

- Her favorite member, I laughed. Anyways I haven’t met him since pre his debut and after moving so I really didn’t think he remembered me. But he did. That’s why I didn’t say anything.

He handed me a plate with food.

- Well, have fun tomorrow, I’m working overnight.

- Don’t work too hard.

- I won’t. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

- And don’t make anyone fall in love with you at that party. And take a cab home. I don’t want you walking around alone.

- Don’t worry, it will be fun. 

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Chapter 10: ok, so this story is good... really good, sometimes a little time alone is all you need to clear up your mind...
nice one! =) in my head Rin looks like Okada Masaki! arigatou gozaimasou ^.^
ilove_bananaMilk thank you so so so so so much! <3 I'm glad you liked it! ^_^
Wow......I love this story! it just keeps getting better and better! I'm glad you started writing again! your sooo good at it! ^.^
decembermouse: thank you so much~^^
wow. this story is good! *thumbs up!*
lol maybe, but i think you should do comething with a twist, something that we would never expect to happen(:
kamalu96744 #8
cant wait for next chapters!!
HAHA, maybe i should write two endings HAHA