Chapter 3

Long Ago



- Excuse me, but that girl, do you know what school she goes too?

The ahjumma behind the counter thought for a second.

- Do you mean our Shinbi?

- Yeah, do you know her?

- Ah yes, she goes to that high school across the road.

- Thank you!

I liked that she was playing hard to get, I loved those kinda girls. They were chic and tough from afar but as soon as you got close they followed your slightest wink. A plan was starting to plan in my head.

Shinbi POV

- Shinbi, someone left a letter to you.

I walked towards the old woman whom I’ve learned to call grandma. She smiled and my cheek.

- Did you have a good day at school?

I nodded and looked at the letter with my name on it.

- Who is it from?

- That handsome man you were talking to the other day, he came in this morning and asked me to give it to you.

She poured me a cup of tea and I sat down at the table I always sat at.

“Let’s meet here tomorrow, 17.00, I’ll be waiting.

/ Seung-Hyun”

I put it back into its envelope. What on earth could he possibly want from me?


I didn’t want to meet him and it bothered me that I couldn’t go to the safe coffee shop. I wasn’t comfortable around people and I could never think of anything to say. I sat outside of the school library reading. I didn’t like being alone. Most people thought that about me but I liked being near people I know, like grandma, she would sometimes drink tea with me when she wasn’t busy but she never forced me to talk. I disliked being at home since I was so lonely. Grandma offered so many times to let me stay in her house but I decided to live in the small apartment I had.

I shivered because I was cold. 19.00, he couldn’t possibly still be there. I walked towards the coffee shop and peeked through the window and was shocked by the fact that he was still sitting there. I sighed because I wouldn’t be able to see grandma today and I just walked back home.

Seung-Hyun POV

17.20, I laughed because this was so typical, being a half an hour later. Women are funny that way.

17.45, oh come on, don’t you think you’re overdoing it?

18.20, she’s really not coming?

-  Ahjumma, did you give her that letter?

- Yes, I saw that she read it as well.

Was she seriously standing me up?

When it was 19.30 and the coffee shop was closing, I finally gave up. I quickly wrote her another note before leaving. What a waste of my ing time.

I didn’t know why I sat there waiting for her, or why I left her another note practically begging her to meet up with me. She was intriguing somehow..  I liked beautiful things and I guess I kinda collected them. Her ignoring me made me want her even more. If she just had come today, then she would have saved me so much time. I could play for a while then when I got bored I could find someone else. Aish, this girl is so annoying.

Shinbi POV

I got up extra early the next day so that I could go and meet with grandma. I opened the door and the smell of coffee hit me. I used to avoid coming here in the morning since it was always packed.

- Shinbi, why didn’t you come yesterday? Did something happen? Aigo, I was so worried.

She hugged me tightly before making me a cup of coffee.

- Have you eaten?

I shook my head and felt how my stomach started to scream for food.

- You know, that boy sat here and waited for you.

- I don’t know what he wants…

- Aigo, you innocent girl, he likes you of course!

Liking me? No way.

- You should at least talk to him, it wouldn’t hurt to make some friends right?

- I wouldn’t know what to say…

- All girls feel like that, it goes away so fast.

A customer called and she quickly gave me a letter.

- He left this yesterday.

I looked at it and somehow I was nervous over opening it.

“Yah, don’t play hard to get, I’ll be here tomorrow as well. Don’t keep me waiting this time :)”

Yah? Who does he think he’s calling yah. I was fuming with anger as I wrote him a response. Who does he think he is?!

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Chapter 10: ok, so this story is good... really good, sometimes a little time alone is all you need to clear up your mind...
nice one! =) in my head Rin looks like Okada Masaki! arigatou gozaimasou ^.^
ilove_bananaMilk thank you so so so so so much! <3 I'm glad you liked it! ^_^
Wow......I love this story! it just keeps getting better and better! I'm glad you started writing again! your sooo good at it! ^.^
decembermouse: thank you so much~^^
wow. this story is good! *thumbs up!*
lol maybe, but i think you should do comething with a twist, something that we would never expect to happen(:
kamalu96744 #8
cant wait for next chapters!!
HAHA, maybe i should write two endings HAHA