Too Late?

To The Beautiful Himi

    Yongguk recieved a text from his cousin Minsoo and saw a picture of Himchan and Daehyun hugging. He shrugged it off and called Himchan. Himchan answered "Ne, Yeoboseyo?" Yongguk stopped thinking about the text and asked "um..Where are you? Your brother's awake," Himchan felt some relief "He is!!" Himchan ended up pulling Daehyun along with him. Daehyun was surprized when Himchan took his hand and started running "Himchannie! Where are we going? Is that Yongguk hyung on the phone?" Yongguk didn't know why but he felt dissapointed to hear Daehyun's voice.

    Yongguk sighed "Ji Hoon is waiting for you here," He hung up. He took a deep breath and walked to the door "Ji Hoon shi, stay here and wait for Himchan," ji Hoon nodded. Yongguk walked out and went to check on Daehyun's mother. Daehyun and Himchan passed by him on their way to HImchan's brother's room. Yongguk stopped and watched the two as Himchan pulled Daehyun with him. Daehyun was slightly yelling "Yah, Himchannie!! Slow down!!!! YAh Himchannie we just passed my dad's room!!! Himchannie!!!" Himchan stopped and looked at him "Huh? Oh sorry..." He let go of his hand and continued walking to his brother's room. Daehyun just shrugged and turned to go to his dad's room.

   When Himchan got into his brother's room, Seunghyun looked at him. Himchan started to cry a little "Hyung! You're ok!" He went to go hug him but stopped and was shocked when he was asked "Excuse me but, who are you? And why did you call me hyung?" He looked at Ji Hoon, who just took Seunghyun's hand "Hyung, we're your brothers... I keep  telling you we're your dongsaengs," Himchan was about to call the nurse when Changsun appeared "Hyung, are you alright? How could you not remember your- OUR precious dongsaengs?" Seunghyun looked at him then looked at the bed next to him. Changsun called the nurse "Nurse!" Dara came in and saw that Seunghyun has woken up.

    "Oh you're awake! Why didn't you call me earlier?" Ji Hoon looked down "I would have noona, it's just.... He can't remember us..." Dara took his vitals and checked to make sure everything else was ok."Seunghyun,do you know where you are?" Seunghyun nodded "I'm at the hospital,""Ok, Do you remember how you ended up here?" "Yeah, we were on our way back home from the company trip when our van was hit by a six wheeler truck," Dara paged the doctor in charge "Wait here for the doctor he'll explain to you what's going on," Changsun nodded. A few minutes later the doctor appeared "Ok, so who's the family for Choi Seunghyun?" Changsun turned to look at the doctor "We are- SEUNGHO?!" The doctor looked up the chart "Huh- Changsun! Hey, how have you been?" 

     Changsun smiled " I've been good.... Anyway what's going on with Seunghyun hyung?" Seungho cleared his throat "Right, well I looked at his tests results and everything looks fine except for his fractured femur, fractured tibia, fractured humerous,  fractured-" Changsun grew a little irritated "Ok, I get that part. What I don't get is why he can't remember us," Seungho looked at his charts and scan results "Well, he had a head injury so he's most likely suffering from amnesia," He walked over to Seunghyun to confirm his diagnosis "Mr. Choi, I'm doctor Yang. I'm just going to ask you a few things, ok?" Seunghyun nodded. Seungho started "Tell me, what are somethings you can remember," 

    Seunghyun looked at the ceiling "I remember the accident and I remember having three siblings but... I can't recall their names and our parents were killed when my youngest sibling was five," Sungho nodded "Ok,do you remember what your siblings look like?" Seunghyun looked at Changsun "I know he's one of them," Changsun looked at Seungho, who just closed the charts "Is that all?," Seumghyun looked at him "Yes," Seungho looked at him "You know Hyung, you've always been a bad liar but a really good actor. You had me believing you there for a second," Changsun nodded "Wait what are you-" Seunghyung grinned at him. Changsun crossed his arms and gave him his "mad" face "Hyung! How could you trick us like that?! You had us all worried!!!,"

   Seungho smiled then turned to see a waking Ji yong and switched to his chart" Well at least you know he's fine," He stopped next to Ji Yongg " Hi Mr. Kwon, How are you feeling?" He took out his light pen and checked his pupils "Are you feeling any pain?" Ji Yong shook his head "No, not really... Is Seunghyun ok?" Seungho nodded "Yes he's alright," He looked over at Seunghyun "Hey..." Seunghyun smiled at him "Hey... You're ok," Ji Yong nodded "Of course," Changsun was about to say something when Seungho was suddenly paged "Dr. Yang you are needed in room 401 in the ICU,"  Daehyun suddenly showed up and hugged Himchan. Himchan felt him trembling and hugged him back "Daehyun, is everything alright?" Daehyun started sobbing "Himchan I don't know what to do...Dad stopped breathing, they're trying to revive him but-" Byung Hee showed up knowing Daehyun probably went there. 

     He looked at Changsun and went up to his little brother "Dae Dae hyung is right here. You have to be strong for mom and-" Daehyun shoved him "Don't you dare try acting like a big brother now. The moment you decided to leave, I lost my hyung.. Don't think you can suddenly be my big brother again just because you decided to come back. Dad was the only one there when i needed someone and you know that," Byung Hee couldn't hold back tears "You're right... I lost my rights to this family," He left the room and went back to his mother to try and comfort her. Himchan put a hand on Daehyun's shoulder "Daehyun... Don't you think you were a bit harsh in him? I mean-" Daehyun shook his head "Himchan hyung, you don't understand.." 

    Himchan sighed "Then make me understand, " Daehyun looked at him "He left me when I needed him most... He left me.. When I lost my mother," Himchan got confused "Wait... What? But isn't your mother-?" Daehyun wiped his tears "She's not my biological mother..... " Himchan looked at Chansung. Chansung sat at the foot of Seunghyun's bed. Daehyun continued " She's Abeoji's second wife. They got married a few years after Omeoni died and since treated me like her own son as well as hyu- Byung Hee," Daehyun's mother came into the room looking for him " Daehyunnie..." She hugged him and started to sob. 

    Seunghyun turned to look at her and muttered "Omma....?" Changsun looked at him "Hyung, did you say something?" Seunghyun spoke a little clearer " That woman... That woman looks like Omma," Changsun shook his head "Hyung, she looks nothing like her," He lied. She did in fact look a lot like her. Of course he knew why, but he didn't want to tell anyone why. Daehyun hugged his mother tightly "He's gone isn't he?" She nodded as she sobbed. Himchan wanted to hug Daehyun until he heard yelling from outside the room. "You can't just quit!" "I'm not quitting, I'm resigning," "Well you can't resign! i have no one who could replace you, Byung Hee Sonsaengnim think about this,"

    Byung Hee stopped at the door "Mr. Bang I'm sorry, but my decision is final. I'm resigning so I can take over my father's business and I'm sure Uncle Yongmin will understand," Byung Hee went up to Daehyun and their mother "Omeoni, I fixed all the paper work and I called the funeral home," Himchan put an arm around Daehyun's shoulders and looked at Byung Hee "Sonsaengnim, are you really resigning?" Byung Hee nodded " I have to. Dae doesn't know this but I promised dad that if anything were to happen to him I have to resign and take over," Daehyun let go of their mom "Why? Didn't dad tell you I was willing to take over?" Byung Hee nodded "He did but, I told him I couldn't let you do that. I don't want you to take up all the responsibilities I should be taking up. I know I wasn't a big brother to you then, but let me be a big brother to you now,"

     "Oh so now you think you can be a big brother? Look, I don't mind taking up the responsibilities dad left and I don't mind having to stop school if I have to," Daehyun left the room. Their mother followed him "Daehyun, wait," Byung Hee looked at Chansung. Chansung sighed "Himchan, take Junhong and Jihoon and go to the cafeteria," Himchan took his little brother and his new boyfriend to get some food. Chansung waited till they were gone before he spoke. "Ok, what did you want to talk to me about?" "I think Himchan should know the truth," Chansung looked at Srunghyun, who gave him a 'WTF' look "What the hell are you saying?" Changsun cleared his throat "Hyung, Himchan deserves to know the truth about our mother,"

    Senghyun shook his head "No. No one is telling him anything," Changsun got up "He has to know Hyung. We can't keep hiding this from him," Seunghyun sighed "I understand that but, we can't tell him. Not yet at least," Chansung raised his voice a little "Then when the do you want to tell him? You have to tell him before it's too late and he finds out from someone else," Seungho came into the room "Sorry if I'm interrupting but, Byung Byung-" Byung Hee glared at him "I told you not to call me that," Seungho cleared his throat "Anyway, Your mother in the emergency room and Seungie hyung your being discharged tomorrow along with Jiyongie hyung," Chansung gave him a displeased look "What happened to professionalism and what's up with nicknames?"

   Byung Hee ran downstairs while Seungho left with a big smile on his face. Seunghyun raised an eyebrow "I could never figure out what's wrong with him... Even when you were kids," Changsung shrugged "Hyung, I'm just gonna go downstairs to check on mom," Seunghyun nodded and looked at Jiyong "What?" Jiyong shook his head " You told me it was wrong to keep secrets from those you love, yet here you are keeping secrets from your precious little brother," Meanwhile, Himchan got Junhong some food while his brother refused. "Come on Jihoonie, you have to eat something," Junhong pouted when Ji Hoon still refused. Himchan patted his shoulder "It's ok, don't force him if he doesn't want to," 

    Himchan spotted Daehyun passing by "When you finish, go back to hyung's room. Ok?" He got up and followed him "Daehyun!," Daehyun stopped and looked at him. Himchan hugged him "Daehyun, stop being so mad at your brother," Daehyun shoved him a little " I want to but.. I can't.." He wanted to walk away but, Himchan grabbed his wrist "Daehyun-" Daehyun gave him a small glare "Himchan, if you were me would you forgive him?"  Himchan shook his head "Molla," Daehyun took his wrist back and walked away. "Of course not," he muttered.

Sorry for the really long wait >.< I hope you like this chappy, also I know the title probably makes no sense >.>;

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Chapter 6: Finally an update ! Thank youuuu !
Whoah sooo dae's stepmother is himchan's mother ?
And lol i thought seunghyun really got amnesia XD
Chapter 5: Whoah it's a small world after all~
I hope yongguk is smart enough to not angry at dae :(
Chapter 4: Yaaah zico i hate you ! Well at least himchan punched your face too kkk
Chapter 3: Aaaaw finally they confessed to each other !! Yay ! :D
Chapter 2: Poor jongup, i mean he shouldn't feel left out bcs even dae was trying to be friendly with him~
And jihoon was just so cute ! :3
Chapter 1: Hello new subbie here !
All my bias in one fic wow this is awesome and perfect !!
Nice intro chapter btw, guess i will continue readng this~
geezleweez #7
Chapter 3: LOL why is PO confused now, he should be thinking of ways to have JunHong rooming with him instead of HimChan.
Chapter 2: Yeahh thanks for your great job ^^ !!!
Impatient to read about Yongguk and Himchan interactions !!
looking forward for your next update !!! >w<
Chapter 1: I really loved this first update ^^
like the name of the school too LMAO >3<