
Attack of the Kitten


One summer day when Jonghyun was 14 years old, he woke up early that morning to take his two little brothers to their summer program. This was their routine for the past month. But little did Taemin know that he would be attacked by a kitten later that day.


On this particular day, everything was going fine. Jonghyun and his little brothers talked as they walked and even played a few games. They arrived safely at the summer program and Jonhyun said his goodbyes and headed back home. As he turned down the street that his middle school was on, he saw a kitten lounging carelessly in the grass by some houses. Jonghyun kept walking and was about a block away from his house when he noticed that the kitten was following him. He thought to himself 'I hope this kitten isn't going to try and follow me.'


Jonghyun had to cross several busy streets to get to his house. As he got to the first busy street and waited for the light to change, the kitten sat nex to his feet as if waiting for the light as well. When the light changed, Jonghyun walked across the street and the kitten was right there next to him. This kept on until they got to the last busy street that he had to cross. This street was much too busy for the kitten to make it across safely. So Jonghyun decided to pick the kitten up and cross the street, he put it down as he got across. They then continued to walk to his house. Jonghyun was surprised that the kitten had followed him all the way home. So he brought the kitten into his house and his oldest brother Minho and cousin Taemin were in he kitchen talking when he walked in.


His brother Minho asked, "Where did you get the kitten from?"


Jonghyun told him, "It followed me home."


Minho took the kitten out of Jonghyun's hands and looked at the kitty. He checked to see if it was a boy or a girl. The kitten had white on the front part of his body and tan/brown on the back end. They all thought that it was the cutest kitten they had ever seen.


Minho said, "Let's name him Key."


Jonghyun replied, "No that's not a good name, how about Onew?"



Taemin had to put in his opinion and said, "I agree with Minho."


Jonghyun was kind of upset and was pouting that it was two against one. But he got over it and they started to play with the kitten. Jonghyun went to his room and got a shoelace from one of his old pair of shoes. They took turns dangling it in front of the kitten. Key really liked playing with the string; he hopped all over the kitchen table and onto the floor. After playing with Key for about an hour, Minho said, "Let's give him some milk. He looks hungry after playing so much."


So Minho got a bowl and poured milk into it. He put the bowl on the table and Key jumped onto the table. Key must have been really thirsty because he was the milk really fast. They were all amazed at how fast he was drinking. Jonghyun wanted to pet Key while he was drinking because he thought Key wouldn't mind it.


Jonghyun put his hand out to pet Key and Key attacked. He dug his claws into Jonghyun's hand and refused to let go. Jonghyun yelled in pain and shook his hand to get him off, but that was no good. So Jonghyun threw his arm out as if trying to throw something and Key finally let go. Jonghyun didn't realize that he was facing the refrigerator and as Key let go, he hit it. Jonghyun looked at his hand with tears coming down his cheeks. There were five deep cut lines from his palm to his finger tips and blood was starting to come out. He then freaked out and looked for Key, who was sitting on the floor his paws. Jonghyun looked at him in disbelief that that he could be so calm. He didn't have time to keep watching Key though because he had to get to the bathroom to take care of his hand.


After cleaning the blood off and putting medicine on the wounds, Jonghyun put several Band-Aids all over his hand. Never had he felt such a pain. He went back to the kitchen and Key was back to drinking his milk. Jonghyun was so mad at him he didn't play with him for a week.




So here's my try at a oneshot/drabble. I hope you guys like it. Just something quick to get me started. Enjoy! ^_^

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kara224 #1
Chapter 1: aww cute :)
strawberrystarheart #2
Chapter 1: Ha ha! So cute
tripleSmaryjane #3
Chapter 1: This is way cute >.< OMGG first time reading a nice FF of the boys<3 you did awesome!
MeLart #4
Chapter 1: Soooo cute!!! >.<
If Key sliced up my hand like that I wouldn't play with him for a week either.
You should totally do a follow up of them making up, or from Key's POV
Either way i liked your story :D