
Happily Ever After?

Jieun's POV

Even though we had a short honeymoon in Japan, we had a lot of fun. I felt like the world only had the two of us or maybe all I see is him. I know I said I would be planning the whole trip but daehyun wanted to bring me somewhere. Since we were going to be here longer than needed and it didn't really matter where we go as long as we're together and enjoying ourselves, why not?

"What are we doing here? I don't like this place! I heard it's really scary!" I said when Daehyun brought me to a haunted house. Like seriously? A visit to the haunted house on our honeymoon trip?

" I thought you didn't mind where we go as long as we're together?" He asked, giving me a sad face which I knew it was totally on purpose to make me feel bad.

"Yeah but-" I got cut off.

"I knew you'll accompany me!" He exclaimed excitedly.  

"No, not in there." I said, shaking my head.

"Why? It's a tourist attraction! We can't just come here without visiting this place!" Daehyun persuaded.

"Na-uh. No. I'm not going in." I said.

"Please please please!! I know you love me! I accompanied you to shopping and bought whatever you wanted to buy. All I'm asking is to enter that house with me. Is it so difficult?" He asked, looking sad again. He sure does know how to make me feel guilty. He continued to pester me like a small boy.

"Okay fine fine! Like a kid~" I rolled my eyes. His face lit up instantly.

"Tell me why am I doing this again?" I asked as we were about to reach our turn for the queue.

"Because you love me and it breaks your heart to see your husband looking so sad." He said.

"No, actually I wouldn't mind you looking sad." I teased.

"But I mind!" He said as he pulled me close to him.

"There, if you get scared, just hug me like this. I'll not leave you. I'll always be beside you." He said. Now if he puts it this way...

When we came out of the haunted house, the both of us were actually really scared.

"I told you it was scary!" I said, my arms still around his waist.

"It was okay~" He said.

"It was okay? You were screaming and yelling like a girl in there!" I laughed.

"Yah! What girl? That's you! I scream manly screams okay." He retorted. This boy~


"Can I have one size L too?" Daehyun said when I was looking through those printed tees at one of the shops. I wanted to get one for myself.

"You're buying one too?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why? You don't want me to?" He asked.

"No no, I just thought guys didn't like those couple wear sort of things." I replied.

"You never even ask me if I like or not." He replied, looking through the shelves.

"Awww... You're so sweet!" I said as I linked my arms with him.

"Of course! So slow, you only realised now?" He said proudly. I stuck out my tongue.

"Shall we wear them now?" He asked after he paid for the tees. I nodded.

We then walked down the streets of Tokyo hand in hand, with our couple tees.

"People are staring~" I said to him. I wasn't used to these sort of attention.

"So? Let them stare. They must be thinking how did two good looking people ended up together." He smiled. I just laughed. He always know how to make my day.

"Take picture!!" Some Japanese school girls walked to us and smiled. Daehyun gave me a smirk, giving me that 'I told you we're good looking' expression. He politely nodded. Then, one of the girls shoved a camera to me as if asking me to take the photo for them instead of being in it. They just wanted to take with Daehyun. Who wouldn't want to? He's probably even more handsome than those idols.

I stood in front, rather moody and prepared to take a shot when Daehyun suddenly shook his head.

"I'm taken." He left the girls and held my hand, flaunting our intertwined hands to the girls. He returned the camera, politely bowed at them before walking away.

"That's not very nice." I said while walking, still linking arms.

"Yeah. I know. How can they treat you like that?" He said.

"I don't mean that..." I was actually referring to him not taking the photo with the school students.

"I mean that. I only agreed because I thought they thought we look cute together. If I know it would be just me, I wouldn't have agreed.  How can they not spare a thought of your feelings?! And not everyone has the privilege to take pictures with the Jung Daehyun. " He said as he slung his arms around my shoulders.

"Then I must be super duper privileged to marry him then." I replied.

"No, he's the lucky one." He said as he pecked my head. He always says that he's lucky but the one that is truly lucky is me.

I felt exceptionally loved ever since he proposed. I know he has always loved me though and I love him as much too. No words can express how I feel now. It's just... wow. I guessed we both are really really dead serious about this relationship and do not want us to go wrong.


About a week after the honeymoon, I went to visit Seungho Oppa. I bought back souveniors for him. It wasn't difficult to buy him stuff. Anything that we found that it was yummy, we bought it for him to try.

"So how's my lil sis? Is everything well?" Oppa asked when we met each other.

"I'm good! Loving my married life! Daedae is really sweet." I said.

"Really? That's nice. It's still the honeymoon period, you guys will stick to each other like magnets." He said, I smiled.

"Marriage is a life long commitment and I trust that you know what you're doing and that the both of you are serious about it. Now it's no longer about you okay? It's about the both of you." He gave a mini lecture.

"It has always been the both of us. It's just that accidents happened... I promise I'll be more understanding." I said.

"Don't have to promise me anything, promise him that. I just want you to be safe and loved." Oppa said. 

"Since when were you so smart? Talking about marriage and all." I joked.

"Of course I'm smart. These are common sense!" He said proudly. I rolled my eyes. Why does it seem that my two most important males around are so thickskinned? It didn't really matter anyway. Hee~

"Oh before I forget, we bought back yummy stuff for you!" I said as I handed him a huge paper bag full of boxes of treats.

"I - mmphh!" I gagged as I suddenly felt nauseous.

"Are you okay?!" Oppa asked as he patted my back. I could not hold it in, I ran to the bathroom and vomited. He ran after me.

"What happened? How come the sudden vomitting?! Did you eat something wrong?" He asked in concern. I have been feeling nauseous recently.

"I don't know. " I said. Oppa was patting my back.

"Wait, did you do anything during your honeymoon?" Oppa asked, eyeing me.

"Oppa!" I blushed.

"Did you?" He asked again. I nodded shyly.

"Could it be that you're pregnant?" Oppa asked. Really? How lucky! I think Daehyun will be over the moon since he loves kids so much.

"Did you miss your period?" He asked.

" I think I'm about a few days late." I replied. 

"Ohhh!! I hope it's true! I would want a baby niece or nephew to play with!" He said.

"Oppa! It's not even confirmed!" I said though couldn't hide the happy thoughts in my head.

"Shall we go for a checkup? No, I mean should you go for a checkup?" He asked.

"Daedae is busy at the restaurant..." I said.

"So now its Daedae and no more oppa? Oppa can't accompany you?" He asked sounding really down.  I quickly shook my head, not wanting him to misunderstand. 

"I just don't want to bother Daehyun. He left office the entire week. I'm guessing he would be really busy now. It won't make a difference on who's accompanying me. " I replied.

"Okay then. I'll accompany you." Oppa said. I unknowingly touched my belly, hoping and praying there is a little being in there. I can't help but smile to myself even though I was feeling rather uncomfortable from the vomiting and the nausea.


Yes! I managed to update even though I'm SUPER TIRED!! My whole body is aching!! Rahh... My next update would probably be during the weekends. I hope. 


Oh, yes, I'm from Singapore!

I really love your comments and I agree that the previous chapter was a little rushed because I didn't want to touch on it too much. I didn't know you guys would want to read it so I just summarised. So, I made up by adding two random scenes here. Hope it helps~ And oh, I would appreciate if you guys leave more comments rather than those 'update soon' kind of things. I appreciate the fact that you're looking forward to my updates but please understand that I'm updating at my next best timing. Not meaning to sound harsh or rude or anything though. I love you guys and can't thank you guys enough for reading my fic! :)

About the abuse, there won't be any yet. It's just gonna be a small part though. Don't expect too much! I'm afraid I'll disappoint! 

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I can't believe both My Gangster Prince and it's sequel, Happily Ever After? both got featured. Really wanna thank my readers for everything!!


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Chapter 136: I love it
Chapter 120: I thought she was gone I threw my phone oml
Chapter 104: Girl you got me crying in the cluuuuuub lmao
Chapter 100: Girl it's 2am and I literally have never screamed in my life. The only thing I was hoping was that he won't cheat but he did omg giiiiirl I can't stop reading holy hell no sleep tonight
Jasinda98 #5
I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this fic!
I just love it~ >w<
Jonguplover94 #7
Chapter 136: Yes yes yes! As long as it stars BangDae / B.A.P I am willing to read everything :D
Chapter 136: If you kinda think about it... it ca be like coincidence that Eunyoung is gonna meet a guy with the same NAME as her dad... readers can just think that Daehyun is older and looks different that way Daehyun can look how he is now and be for Eunyoung...

You can think like that too ~ if you want too ofc.