Whisper in the wind

DIAMONDS SOULS - break curse

day by day Shizuka felt better and stronger, Taemin take care about her every day,

- Taemin?...

- huh? yes? - said Taemin look at Shizuka, she little shy ask:

- you said I need more guardians right?

- yes

- how they are find me?

- I can't clear said how it's work, I just can said how it was with me

- can you? - ask still shy Shizuka, Taemin smile to her and said;

- you don't have to by shy in front of me, I'm here to help you, protect you then you can do and said what you want

Shizuka nodded but still her face said she isn't sure that all this think happend in real, Taemin take a deeep breath and said:

- before your power wake up I just wait when  fell something but I wasn't sure what I will by fell, I heard that all guardians fell your power in different way, from day that bad power wake up fast I couldn't wait when I fell the right power, when your power finally wake up I some how hear every your mind, every your voice what you said in your world, and I fell you was afraid of something, you was sad, then I decide find you to by sure you are alright, you propably hear my voice somehow right?

SHizuka nodded to Taemin, hee smile and said:

- it's good thanks to that we could meet somehow fast and I could help you in right moment

then Shizuka was sad, aemin stand clloser sit next to her and ask:

- are you alright?

- you're sure my family is alright?

Taemin nodded and added:

- remmember what I said everything wwhat happend to the  moment that creature show in youur world was dessapear when I take you here, it's more safe for people from your wolrd they don't know anything about this world

- Taemin?

he look at her wait what she will by ask, Shizuka take a deep breath and ask:

- why my grandmother have this diamonds

he smile and said:

- you should findd out that she have the same power that you have , she die in this world, that is why in your world her life and death is kind of not know to the end

- how she die ?

Taemin stand up and said:

- to day it will by better if you rest I will go make some shoping and buy some staff for you then I will leave you here for some time alone  but don't worry my home is hide behind special barrier no one find you here without me knowing about this

Shizuka smile to him, she was a little tired anyway, when Taemin come out she look at him how he slowly change in fast wolf and run, she smile to yourself :

- all this think still are strange to me

she take a deep breath and want to go sleep but suddenly she fell some strange, she decide open window to take a deep breath fresh air, then from the moment when window was open, she fell strong wind and some voice:

" will you wake up?"  

SHizuka Pov:

" what is happening? this voice not belong to Taemin, it's propably my imagination, I want to close the window but then the wind become stronger, I didn't have enought strong to close it. then I hear the new voice again:

" where are you now?"

eh? I qiueckly turn to grandmother's diamonds they are shine once again, strong like the day when I meet taemin, I;m not sure but maybe one of the guardians try to find me? Taemin said I must find them all, when I will by sit in his home I can not have a chance meet them right?

I catch the most shine diamond and come out from home, the voice become some how louder

" are you wake up?" show me your power?"

I didn't now how I should show him my power, I didn't know how he is and how he look, I was going faster and faster and finally I start to run

I need to find this soul, she search me to i somehow fell this, but if creature like from my world almost catch me I need to look out becouse I don't  know what kind of things can meet me in this world, I stop for a second listen new voicce look around, everything here was kindd opf strange but somehow beautifull to, in front of me the trees end and suddenly i saw that someone stand few meters in front of me, it was a stranger boy, he stand on the end of cliff he can fall what should I do? if I scare him he can do something stupid? he dosn't look at me he only up his hand like he want to catch a wind

I slowly become closer becouse the new voice ask me over and over where I'm

then I stop in a place and ask the wind:

" where are you"

then the boy turn his head his face was suprised will I scare him, I forget for a moment about him I should not tell anything becouse....suddenly when I look at him our eyes meet then he smile and he jump to the cliff....

WHAT?!!!! I didn't think and run in his direction before I realized what I do I jump after him .....but he wasn't anywhere I fell I'm going fall down what I do?!!! someone....

please........!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!! I close my eyes and want to open my mouth to screaming but then I felt someone grab my wrist, and I fell like I'm flying

I slowly open my eyes I truly flying?!!!!

then I look back to saw who hold me and.....

it was the boy from cliff will we die and go together to paradise?!!

he smile gently his eyes was so preatty and his face to was preatty like a doll He smile and said

" you finally come" eh? his voice it must by my second guardian, I take a deep breath and kiss the diamond in my hand and stick him close to my heart he smile to me, turn face to face and then

without word his lips touch my lips

eh?......KISS AGAIN?!!!!!

what is going on with this kiss?!!!!

then we stand on a ground he let me go he bowed in front of me touch my hand and kiss her then he look at me and said:

- my name is Key my power belongs to wind and air and it means the air and wind belongs to you from now on

he have a lot of manners I start to think but then he start to laught and said:- alright we are not in  old movies why you didn't come when I call you fatser?

- eh?

I was wrong he is kind of rude!

he sight and try to said something more but slowly my head....oh no...again...I'm soooo tired"

" eh? I look around I was in  Taemin place again, Taemin was sit next to me he smile and said:

- are you al;right?

- mmmm - maybe all this story with this strange Key was dream, but then to the room went Key Taemin look at him cold eyes and said to him:

- you should said something to her right?

Key sight and look at me added: - I'm sorry to made a fun of you and let you jump from the cliff

I was suprised then Taemin said:

- no matter what, no matter how much you want to help and find the souls, you can't risk your life understand?

I nodded right I could die in that moment and waht could happend then

it's so many thinghs I can't understand yet I need some time it's not a dream or fairy tale it's true life....my life"

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VampireGirlDream #1
there where is green diamond should by Onew picture but isn't SHOW:_((((( sorry for that