I have a surprise for You

"Mismatched Lovers" an Online Dating Site for Lonely Losers

"Lae Soung! Lae Soung! Lae Soung-iss!!!!" Sehun yelled from across the room as he frantically waved his hands back and forth above his head. I slammed my pencil down and looked over at him. 

"Lae Soung, do you need a moment?" I turned back, my teacher was standing there with his arms crossed, tapping his foot. I shook my head and gave a small smile, "No sir. I'm sorry for the interuption." I sat back down in my seat and picked up my pencil that had rolled onto the floor. 

I was taking the final test before graduation. I was sick when everyone else took the test, so I was in after school, and so was Sehun. It's sad though, Sehun has already finished school and yet here he is, trying to get a better score than before.

"Here you are sir." I said as I held up the piece of paper. The teacher walked over, took it from my hands, and read through the answers very quickly before giving me a smile. "Good job Soung. I feel you did very well, I will let you know your score via email by next week." He smiled before walking away, he walked to his desk and pulled out his bag. "Have a good future Lae Soung.' He bowed before walking out of the room. 

I smiled and bowed back to him, once he left I threw my hands into the air and giggled.

"I'm done!" 

"Yay for Lae Soung! Now, just how are we going to party on this fine day?" Sehun yelled from across the room, I looked over at Sehun, he stopped jumping and just looked at me. "What?" He asked, I pointed behind him, he turned around and saw the teacher standing behind him, looking at him through the window. Sehun let out a loud gasp and fell to the floor, I let out a loud laugh and looked at the teacher. The teacher gave a smile before giving me one last wave, he walked off don the hallway, leaving Sehun still on the floor.

"You alright?" I asked with a sarcastic tone as Sehun stood up slowly, looking out the window like some spy in a movie.  

"He never fails to scare me. Even when I was a student here, he was always popping up out of nowhere, aish! Crazy old man. Anyway, I'm fine! What do you want to go do now?" 

I laughed, even though Sehun was older than me, he didn't act like it. He was always acting like a kid, or a lost puppy at times, it was cute. I looked at Sehun and gave him a wide smile, "I don't care...how about we go grab lunch?" I said as I grabbed my bag and made my way over to him. 

"Sounds like a plan, I'm starving! Where do you want to eat?"


* 3 Hours earlier*

"Hyungggggg!!!! Hyung, hyung! Please hyung?!" Sehun asked as Luhan poured him a glass of orange juice. Luhan eyed Sehun and sighed. 

"Fine! Just stop it! Gosh you can be really annoying sometimes you know that?" Luhan said as he gave Sehun his drink and put the carton into the trash.

"I know, Soung tells me that all the time. But I'm glad you'll do it!" Sehun smiled as he lifed the drink to his lips. 

Luhan turned back around to the counter and sighed. *I'm so busy though. But I haven't hung out with him in a while, so, this will be good.*

"Hyung, I have to go, so I'll see you here tonight alright? I have to go, Soung is taking her big test. She's coming to by the way." Sehun smiled as he put down the cup and walked off, waving to Luhan as he exited the coffee shop.


"This food is so good!" Sehun exclaimed as he took another bite of his sandwich, I snickered and took a sip of my coffee. We had decided to eat at the local coffee shop, it was my favorite place to hangout when I got the chance to.

"Are you alright Sehun?" I asked, Sehun had been acting a little strange ever since we got here. He's been llooking around, checking his phone, and doing all sorts of things. "Sehun!" I yelled, Sehun whipped his head back to me and gave me a look. 

"Yes?" He asked with a smile.

"Are you alright? You seem distracted, even more than usual an-" Just then my phone went off, I pulled it out and saw the message on my screen. I clicked the button and opened the message.

From: Unknown

Congratulations on your sign up with "Mismatched Lovers"! We have already found a compatible person for you to meet! Please login to see you clicked yes on you!

I closed my phone and scoffed. "What is it?" Sehun asked, a slight smile in his voice. 

"I don't know, I just got a text from some dating site, but the thing is I don't even ha-...wait a second." I turned and glare at Sehun who now had a wide smile on his face.

"You didn't." I said. Sehun's smile grew bigger and he clapped his hands together.

"So who's the lucky fellow?" He sang.

Yay first chapter!!!! I hope you guys like it! if you do then subscribe and don't forget to comment!!!! :D


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