~August 7th-8th, 2012~

I Met My Seoul Mate in Paris


~August 7th, 2012~

Hongki sat backstage before FT Island was to perform. He still had 5 minutes on standby. He thought about Sammy through sound check, warm ups, make up, and even now, he wondered when she would call.

As if on cue, Hongki's phone buzzed, announcing he had recieved a text message.

"Hey. It's Sammy :)", it read.

"Hi, I'll text you later. I'm about to go on stage. Wish me luck!", he hit send.

"Hongki, Fighting!", he opened the message. He smiled and put his phone away, feeling relieved and reassured. Now, he could perform his best.

At the hotel after the show, Hongki texted Sammy about it. They ended up talking on the phone. Time flew by as it only felt like 10 minutes when they'd seen it was really 3 hours. They agreed to meet up tomorrow on Hongki's last day in Paris. They'd meet at the cafe at 11 and Sammy would give him a private tour of the beautiful city.

~August 8th, 2012, 10:50 AM~

Sammy sat at the table she and Hongki sat at just days before, humming quietly to herself. The humming was soon joined by a voice singing the words in perfect Korean. Hongki stood beside her and Sammy rose to her feet and began to sing with him. The song was one of FT Island's, Severely.

They stopped at the end of the first chorus. They shared a smile, a silent exchange of compliments.

"Are you a fan?", Hongki finally broke the silence.

"I brushed up on my Kpop after we talked last night.", Sammy answered.

"I see."

"Ready for the tour?"


That's when Sammy interlaced their polished fingers and headed away from the cafe. After a closer look at the Arch de Triumph (and taking plenty of selcas with it in the background), Sammy led them to her car. She drove them to the Eiffel tower, taking the scenic route to explain other landmarks on the way.

On the green lot in front of the Eiffel tower, they took more selcas and then headed to the ticket area. The line was extremely long and Hongki huffed in annoyance at the thought of waiting so long. Sammy led them, however, to the side entrance for those with special passes. She flashed her pass and the guards quickly checked their bags and let them in. They took the first elevator up to the first stage and took pictures from there. After looking around from there, they took the elevator to the second level. They skipped the selca's from here because Hongki was getting impatient and was eager to see the view from the topmost stage. They arrived there from yet another elevator and gazed at the ground in awe of how high up they were. They headed back down to the first stage after their last Eiffel Tower selcas and other pictures.

"Shall we take the steps down from here?", Sammy asked.

"We're still so high up..", Hongki said.

"Oh, come on. I've done it before. It's only 137 steps.", she tried to convince him.

"Alright. I could use the exercise anyway.", Hongki finally agreed with a small smile.

They began their slow descent down the 137 steps. Hongki decided to show off at the last few flights and carried Sammy to the ground. It was 1:00 PM by the time they reached the ground. They headed back to the modest little cafe for lunch.

"It's only one, yet this day has been so much fun.", Hongki said, thinking about how much he had enjoyed the day so far with Sammy.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.", Sammy said raising a piece of pissaladière (picture in link) to Hongki's mouth. He bit the French pizza and closed his eyes, enjoying the delicious piece of culinary art.

"What do you think of Paris? As a tour guide, I like to know how I enhance someone's travel experience.", Sammy said, taking a bite of the pissaladière.

"Paris is delicious and beautiful and smells nice. But, the people, they're my favorite part.", Hongki looked into Sammy's eyes and placed his hand on hers atop the table.

He continued, "I'm going to miss Paris. Home is still home, but Paris will stay in my heart, as well."

"Maybe I'll visit Korea someday. And if I ever long to hear your voice, there's always Youtube.", Sammy smiled, Hongki's hand with her thumb.

Hongki frowned, "You have my number, though. You could call me if you miss me, too. In fact, I'd rather you call. I could sing for you, I take requests."

Sammy giggled at his cute response. "I forgot about that for a second. Don't worry. I'll call you."

They chatted and ate for a little while longer. Though, soon came the time for Hongki to prepare to go back home. The pair stood and said their last goodbyes.

"Don't forget about me. I won't forget the best tour guide who showed me the beauty of Paris no other could have. Thank you for showing me the city of love.", Hongki said, feeling sadness pulling his heart down again.

"I'll miss you. I'll call, I promise.", Sammy said, placing her hand on his cheek. She leaned up toward his face and connected their lips in a delicate, but passionate kiss. She slowly pulled away, letting her hand trace his neck and shoulder, down his arm to his hand as he took a step away from the cafe. Their hands disconnected and he drearily walked away.

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duanzhandeyimiao #1
Chapter 1: Update soon!