Sweet Moments

My Little Sister's English Tutor





Chapter 12 "Sweet Moments"


[A/N: Me: *finally updates*









The day was filled with dusts floating in the air, beads of sweat rolling down temples and labored breaths coming from two men. Boxes were emptied, clothes were hanged and folded. Things were placed where they were supposed to be. 


Sehun flopped down the couch. Wiping his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt. It was almost seven in the evening and LuHan was at the kitchen already preparing dinner like the cute little wife that he is. The brunette stood up and walked towards the kitchen. His lips formed a small adoring smile seeing his boyfriend in a cute pink and frilly apron.


Walking quietly, he gave the smaller male a back hug that made the blonde squeak.


"Yah!" LuHan yelped, facing Sehun and giving him a feminine slap to his chest.

"You scared me." and the blonde pouts. Sehun remembers LuHan saying, "Manly men pout, too!" when he argued with LuHan about pouts being girlish and cute.


"What are you cooking, bug?" Sehun asked, ignoring the cute angry face LuHan was making.


LuHan looked at Sehun, glaring. 

"Do I look like a 'bug' to you?"


The brunette laughed, pecking the smaller male's nose.

"Doesn't it sound cute? Just go with it. Everyone calls each other 'babe' or 'baby' now. 'Bug' sounds better. It's not common, too."

"When have you become so manly and domineering, huh?" another slap.

"From what I remember you're such a timid high schooler!"


Sehun chuckled lowly, "Ever since I found out you're girly as hell, Bug~" another peck on the nose.

The blonde pouted, "Just go away and sit still at the living room! I can't cook with you distracting me with that face."


One last peck on the lips and the younger male went back to the living room, closing his eyes for a moment while his cute boyfriend made clanking noises at the kitchen.






Dinner was served successfuly. LuHan cooked bulgogi and soybean stew. The scent practically making Sehun drool. 

The younger's face was stuffed. Cheeks almost exploding because of the food. And eyes rolling back because of the ic food.


"Dinyishush." Delicious.


LuHan just laughed and started eating, his eyes widening the moment the soup touched his tongue. He bolted up the chair, face scrunched up and he ran to the sink, practically showering his mouth with as much water possible.


He looked back at Sehun who was still stuffing his face.


"Bug! How could you eat that?! It tastes like sea water!!" LuHan screamed.

"What do you mean? This is like the best thing I've ever had!" Sehun argued.

"Aish! Throw it up! That's not good for you! It's too salty!" 

"No! I won't let you throw the food you made for me! I'll continue eating!" And Sehun continued stuffing his face with the salt-water soup.


LuHan could just feel apologetic, at the same time feel so giddy inside because of the youngster.








Both took a shower, separately, of course. Changed into jammies and got ready for bed. They were at the living room. The coffee table was moved aside. Lights all turned off except for the TV that was lighting up the whole room.


Futons and blankets were spread on the floor. Pillows piled up moutain-high. A bowl of leftover popcorn by the side, a melting half gallon of ice cream and an empty box of milk.


Movie Night.


Sehun had his back supported by the couch, legs spread with his cute boyfriend in between them. LuHan's back was pressed to his chest, his head parked at his shoulder. The brunette's arms wrapped affectionately around the blonde's petite waist. They were watching a sad love story. Sehun was dozing off. LuHan was crying his eyes out.


Sehun just realizes LuHan just continues to make him fall for him even more.


Eyes full of tears, little sniffs, and quivering lips. Interested glances, hidden smiles and stopped sneers. Movie night was finished.








They laid side by side, thick blanket covering their bodies, pillows surrounding them. Sehun looked into LuHan's eyes, and smiled. He swears that he will never see such beautiul eyes as LuHan's. It's like you're gazing at the night sky with sparkles called stars.


LuHan gazed back at Sehun's warm eyes. Wanting to know what's going on inside his head. The younger male pursed his lips, looking down then straight at LuHan again. 


"Bug, I'll pay it all back. I'll study hard. And pay it all back. The food. The tuition. The rent." he said.

"Sehun-ah, you don't need to. I'm not doing this coz I need to. I'm doing this coz I want to. It's two whole different stories."

"But-" he was cut off with a kiss. 

"Sehun, just be here by my side always. That's already enough for me. Never lie to me, never keep secrets from me, and always tell me if something is bothering you. Never doubt my love. Always trust me. That's all I want." LuHan smiled, holding Sehun's cheek, gazing to his eyes lovingly.


Sehun nodded, minds still full of worries and thoughts. LuHan smiled, completely oblivious to the thoughts of Sehun.


They kissed. Full of love and affection. Full of nothing but innocence and assurance.


They pulled away the same time, and Sehun hugged LuHan closer, wanting to be as close to his lover as possible. He pecked his forehead.


"I love you LuHan."

"I love you, too, Sehun. I hope we'll be like this till the end."








What did I just write? ;__;




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Multifandom1908 #1
Chapter 12: No :’(
Chapter 12: Wer iz da ?! ┳Д┳ btw, Love this story ^3^
sweetteddybear #3
Chapter 12: Ugh the feels is so cute
faithlu #4
Chapter 12: AW SO MUCH FEELS
Chapter 12: kyaaaahh
HunHan's pure love is killing me
Chapter 12: this is so fluffyyyy omygosh i can see unicorns and rainbows *__________*
Chapter 12: You just wrote a bunch of cheese and fluffy unicorns...
Chapter 12: you just wrote a bunch of fluffy unicorns!!!
Chapter 12: That was soooooooooooooo adorableeeeeeeee!!!!!! UPDATE FAST!!
Chapter 12: Awwww they're so adorbs!! *giggles*