reached feelings

Since 2 Years Ago

Two absolutely different schools are built side by side: Seoul Girls High School and Seoul Boys High School. Because of this arrangement, two students from each school met and became frenimies right off the bat. 

Dahee's POV

Ahh it's gym today. My worst class ever. It's not like I hate the sports but it's because I hate the sweaty feeling and running around because of a damn ball. It's a little pointless to our future. 

I was the last one to go to the changing room because of the dreaded feeling that I'm having. I dragged my feet to the changing room. I went inside the changing room and my eye literally almost went out of its sockets. 

There was a guy in the corner of the room! I looked around at the other girls and they acted like as if the guy wasn't there. I was so horrified that I went up to the guy. He was holding a broom and was wearing the cleaner's outfit and a sunglass to cover his eye.

I waved my hands in front of the guy and he didn't do anything, "Helloo?" I asked. He didn't reply.

"It's no use Dahee! The guy is blind. He can't see anything." Soojin said, as she tied her long hair up. 

"Seems like he lost his way and ended up here. We'd like to help him out but, time's running out. I'm pretty sure Mr. Kang would scold us if we're late!" Hyemin said and ran off to gym class, followed by the other girls. 

I looked at the guy again. True, he looked like he was blind but there was something about him that's bothering me. I felt weird so I changed into my gym outfit in the toilet. 

When i went back to the changing room to put my uniform inside my locker, I overheard a voice from the changing room. It wasn't a girl's voice but a boy's voice. I didn't want to just barge in like that. I need to know what he was talking about.

"The girls here have great bodies! I pretended to be blind and they didn't even care about me! Man, their bodies are so-" 

I slammed the door open and face to turn the culprit. 

"I'll call you back later" The guy said.

"Oh no, you won't be calling him back later because you will not be alive by then." I replied menancingly. I cracked my knucles as I walked nearer to him. 

"W-wait! I-I was wrong! Please don't tell anybody about this!" The guy kneeled on the ground. 

"I knew you weren't blind! You pretended to be one! You pevert! I'll tell the school about your behaviour! Guys like you are the worst!" I shouted and turned to walk away but he held on to my arm. 

He looked at me with a begging expression. His strong hand hurt me. His height hovered me. And i suddenly felt weak in front of him. Suddenly, a flashback came into mind.

2 years ago

"Are you okay, Miss?" A guy asked me. He held on to my arm tightly like as if I was going to go away. 

"Were you hurt anywhere?" He asked with a gentle voice. 

I was too shocked that I couldn't say a word. The incident made me go weak. My legs couldn't support me and I fell to the floor. 

"I-I was so scared." My voice was shaking. I could barely hear my own voice. I looked up at my saviour. He had a gentle face and wrried expression on. By having his presence here made me feel save and I couldn't ask any more. 

He suddenly pulled me nearer to me. I snuggled my head into his chest. I could hear his heartbeat beating fast and I felt at ease straight away. I clenched his shirt tightly.

I didn't want to let go of him. 

I looked at the guy in front of him. My heart suddenly started racing. I could feel the heat rising up to my cheeks. The guy that I have always wanted to meet and thanked him is finally in front of me! The words that I wanted to say suddenly stucked in my throat. 

"So, will you keep a secret?" He asked, his face was nearer to mine. 

I turned my head away, "Fine. Just this once." 

Maybe I'll stick to him a little longer.

"In exchange, I'll tell you how to get a boy's heart! You look... like you've never dated before." He eyed me up and down, with a judging look. 

My eyebrows twitched, "No thank you, Mister." I gritted throught my teeth. 

"Oh I'm Lee Chanhee but you can call me Chunji." He stucked out his hand. 

I shook hands with him, "I'm Dahee." 

He suddenly pulled my hand and I fell to his chest. My face reddened at the thought of me in his chest. "Let's meet at the back of the school where the fences are." Chunji said, and pulled away. I suddenly felt sad. 

What are you thinking Kim Dahee?!

"See you Dahee!" He waved his hands and ran away. He left me here with my heart racing. My heart couldn't stop beating so fast. 

My eyes glanced to the clock and the feelings that I felt suddenly left me in an instant. 

I was late for Gym Class! 

Chunji's POV

I was smiling all the way in school today. Thanks to Dahee, a friend I just met. Well, I'm not really sure if she consider us as friend... Whatever. She's still my friend though. 

"Chunji! Why are you smiling so much today?" Niel asked. 

"What happened? It's freaking us out!" Ricky said.

"Nothing really. I just found a new friend! Her name is Dahee!" I replied. 

"A GIRL?!" The boys shouted in unison .

"You never made a friend with a girl!" Changjo shouted, "You always flirt with girls!" 

"Chunji-ah? Are you sick?" C.A.P touched my forehead and touched his. 

"No I'm not!" I screamed and walked away.

What a bunch of friends they are. Is it really weird for me to have a female friend? I mean, I don't really flirt that much.... 

Putting that aside, it's time to see Dahee! 

I walked to the back of the school. There, I found her sitting down with a book in her hand. She put a strand of her hair to her ear. I felt my heart beating loudly. She looked so pretty and angelic. Her small face makes her cute. She probably noticed my presence and turned around. 

"Yah Lee Chanhee!" She shouted. In an instant, her angelic side disappeared.

"Why do you ask me to come here?" She asked. 

"Nothing really. I just wanted to see you again." I replied. I saw her cheeks flushed. 


I giggled, "Let's meet here everyday. We'll eat lunch together!" I suggested.

"No." She replied. 

"Why not?! It'll be fun!" I replied back. 

"Fine. Whatever. You've got to keep me entertained then." She said. 

"My pleasure, your highness." I said, earning a chuckle from her. 

I smiled. I felt at ease when I'm with her. I forget about everything and I just want to be with her. 

Dahee's POV

It's been 3 months already. I'm starting to enjoy his company here. He made me laugh and smile whener I'm with him. He made me fall for him ven though I've been restricting myself. I started to fall for him deep. His super lame, cold jokes had never failed to make me laugh at him. 

"Dahee-ah, I want to ask you something." His voice suddenly change into a serious tone. 

"I know it's weird coming from a pevert like me but-" He sighed, "W-what type of boys do girls usually like?" Chunji asked.

"What do you mean? Do you have someone you like?" I asked him. 

My world suddenly turning black. I was hoping that he would say no to my answer and have me relieved again. But looking at his action, I doubt he'd say no. I'm scared. 

Chunji didn't looked at me. His fringe was covering his eye but I could see a tint of pink on his cheek like he was blushing. I felt a huge rock dropped on me. I suddenly felt dumb. I thought he would like me because of the time we spent with each other these 3 months. But it was only me. 

Only me that fell in love. 

"I-i'm not sure. it depends on the girl." I replied, not looking at him. I felt like crying but I couldn't show him my tears. I don't want him to see me in this state. it feels pathetic to cry in front of the guy you like. 

"I-I gotta go. I forgot I had to do something." I grabbed my stuff and ran in to the school. Once I stepped into the school, my tears started falling uncontrollably. I never felt so hurt before. 

Chunji's POV

Did I do something wrong? It's been 4 days since I've last seen Dahee. She didn't come to see me during our break time. Did I say something wrong? I don't remember anything that I did wrong. 

Is she sick? That's why she couldn't see me? That's probably the reason! There's no way she didn't come to see me because of something i say or do. She'll probably lecture me if I did. 

"Kim Dahee is such a kind person! She helped me when my books fell on the floor this morning! Ahh, if only I was her boyfriend." Taehee whispered to Junhyun. 

This morning? She did come to school! But, she didn't come to see me. Maybe i did something wrong to her intentionally. Worrying like this won't do anything, I'm gonna see her. 

"LEE CHANHEE!" Miss Jung screamed. 


"Aish, where is she?" I asked myself. 

I was in the Seoul Girls High School and currently cross dressing as a girl to blend in with the students here. Thanks to my godlyfacial features, I managed to get unnoticed by the students or teachers here. 

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" Someone asked. 

Without realising, I answered with my male voice. "Kim Dahee. Do you know where she is right now?" I turned around and faceed with a teacher.

"I'm sorry. But you're going with me mister." The teacher dragged me by my collar. The students were whispering to each other and some was even laughing. I don't think I can live a good life after this. 

I suddenly met eyes with Dahee. By instinct, I shouted her name. "Kim Dahee!" 

The teacher stopped and everyone turned to look at me and Dahee. They were already whispering to each other. 

Dahee looked at me with a cold gaze and turned to walk away but I shouted her name loudly again. 

"Kim Dahee! Wait! Don't leave!" Dahee stopped in her tracks. 

The teacher released me and allowed me to speak, which I am thankful for. If not for her holding my collar, i probably couldn't even speak.

"Why didn't you come to the back of the school for 4 days? I waited for you but you didn't come." I asked. We were a few metres away from each other. Her cold eyes stared into mine. She didn't reply. 

"D-Did I do something wrong?" I asked. And again, she only stared at me. 

"I-I came here to find you and to tell you something." I looked at her. I breathed in to calm myself down and to think of my 'speech'. "These past 3 months or so, we were good friends. You were fun to be with and I love your company. I couldn't help but feel comfortable around you. Because of a certain incident, we met and I'm glad that we met." 

I looked into Dahee's eyes and said, "I love you." 

Her eyes widened in shock. 

"Honestly, I loved you since 2 years ago. Remember that time when you were disturbed by the group of thugs and I saved you? Yeah, I fell for you. The way you held onto me made me want to protect you and never want to let go of you. I know it sounds cheesy and all but" I looked down at my shoes, "I really fell for you hard, ANd in these 3 months, my feelings for you deepened. When you didn't come for the past 4 days, I couldn't help but felt worried. I couldn't stop thinking of you. Mymind was filled with you." I sighed and breathe in to catch my breath. 

As I looked up at her, I saw her holding her tears in. She suddenly started crying loudly like a baby. 

"W-wait! I haven't even finish my sentence yet! You can't cry yet!" I panicked. Dahee started crying and I didn't know what to do because I have never made a girl cry. 

"You idiot! What took you so long?! Do you know how long I've waited for this!" She wailed in between her cries. 

I smiled at her and pinched her cheeks, "I'm sorry." 

"I love you too." Dahee tackled me in a hug. 

"Ahem" The teacher 'coughed' 

Me and Dahee stood up. Dahee was red from blushing. I intertwined my fingers with hers and gave her a loving smile. 

I salute to the teacher, "I will be borrowing your student for the day ma'm!" 

I took Dahee's hand and ran away before the teacher could process what I said. I looked at Dahee and she laughed all the way. 

I never felt so happy before. She's the greatest thing that ever happened in my life. 



The story is crappy. omg it's been such a long time since I write so please forgive me /le bows 90 degrees 

I'll be back with another one soon. And hopefully by then, the story wouldn't be as crappy as this.

Until then! ^^

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Chapter 1: very cute! ^^
Chapter 1: Aw. This story is so cute ^-^. I really liked it!
Chapter 1: woah... cuuuutee!
Chapter 1: woo~ I always love your oneshots!