Round what?

Accepting me

Chapter 27 



You looked at ilhoon, unsure of how you felt. You then shook your head lightly with a smile and faced forward. 
"Alright everyone, sit in front of your partner..." Eunji smiled while everyone groaned because they had to move again.
"Sorry... I know it's unnecessary moving.. But it'll be worth it'" her smile, forming from ear to ear. You looked at Ilhoon and he was already standing so he can move from next to you to the seat in front of you. 

"Ok.. Everyone, im going to stick a piece of paper on your forehead, with a noun or a verb, and your partner will have to act it out and you guess.. Got it?" She lifted her eyes brows in questioning. 
"What are you going to stick the paper with?" Some girl asked, having all eyes move to her. 
"A stapler..." Eunji said with a straight face. Making the girl's eyes round in fright.
"Just kidding.. I have tape" Eunji held the tape up and smiled. Everyone chuckled and the girl blushed in embarrassment. 

Finally when everyone had their paper taped to their foreheads, all you can hear is laughter from everyone as they read each others paper that was taped on their foreheads.

"Ok we'll start from the first row.... Hara and jimin.. You guys first..." Eunji sat in her seat and Jimin began to act. Hara's word was 'kill two birds with one stone' Jimin acted like a bird and pretended to through something. Everyone laughed at Jimin's  bird imitation, but it wasn't long till Hara got it and it was her turn to act. 

After two other partners, it was yours and Ilhoon's turn to act. 
"I'll act first.." Ilhoon told you and you nodded. 
Ilhoon pretended to fall.. You got that part and nodded then he made a heart. You looked at him in confusion and everyone laughed at your expression. 
"Yah that's easy Miyun! Come onnnn" Jonghwan said at loud, as if you were dumb. 
"Miyun... You do this with almost every celebrity..." Ilhoon said with a straight face then chuckled when you made a fist, indicating you were going to beat him up.
He then repeated what he did and then you got.
"Falling in love?" You pointed at Ilhoon.
"Yessss'" he gave you a high five and you proudly smacked his hand. 
"Ok your turn Miyun.." Eunji informed and you stood up. 

A two timer... How would you act this.... You thought for a bit and got an idea. 
You put you arm around Jongwhan, who was sitting to your right and pretended to laugh and blush. Ilhoon raised an eyebrow, obviously not grtting it.

"Oh gosh your horrible already..." Ilhoon blurted, and everyone chuckled but you kept acting. Then you waved good bye to Jonghwan and went to your left and put your arm around Penial, who was sitting next to your left. You pretended to laugh again and blush, repeating what you did to Jonghwan. Ilhoon stiffened and glared at both of you when he saw Penial blushing at the skinship. You then stood back at your spot when you finished and nodded your head asking what you just did. 
"What am i?" You asked ilhoon and he scoffed.
"A hoe.." He said with a straight face then smirked. The boys roared with laughter and you leaned foreword across the table and smacked Ilhoon's arm.
"Ow... What? it's not?" He asked with a smirk.
"No!... You glared at him... You then tried to explain through your actions.
"A cheater!" He pointed and you nodded and moved your hand a bit to tell him it's close to that And everyone nodded and clapped. 
"Two timing?" He asked and you smiled. 
You then high fived each other. 

The game went on and everyone had a good laugh at the funny actions and imitations. 
"That was fun.." You said when the game was done and everyone nodded in agreement. 
"Ok take a break... We'll play another game in a bit.." Eunji was the first to stand up and go to the bar to get a drink then everyone followed. 

You took this chance to check up on Minkyu, who was happily playing with the toys, then etreated back to your seat. 
A couple of minutes passed, then someone sat next to you. 
"Here you go.." A voice was heard as a pink lemonade was set on the table in front of you. You turned to see who it was and to your surprise it was Changsub. 
"I'm guessing you don't drink, like always... Especially since Minkyu is here today.." He smiled and you nodded and grabbed your cup.
"Thank you.." You took a sip and Changsub smiled, thankful you didn't reject him in a mean way. 

Ilhoon then sat in front of you and conversed with Penial as he took a couple of sips of his soju.
"Look who came?" Penial said as he turned to the entrance and waved for the girl to come his way. Ilhoon looked and was surprised by her appearance. 
"Bora?.. Yah... How did she come.." He wondered out loud. 
"I invited her..." Penial said cooly.. Ilhoon stared at him and penial looked back.
"What? We're friends you know..."  He informed and ilhoon faced the front, still surprised at her coming. 
"It's your chance... You said she was hot...." Penial snickered and ilhoon smacked him then looked a you, who just chuckled then continued looking around. 

"Hey.. Sorry i'm late.." Bora said and Penial motioned for her to sit in the empty seat, which was next to Ilhoon. He was in the middle of Penial and bora, he also faced you, who was sitting next to Changsub. Now Changsub was facing bora. 
"Did i miss anything?" She asked as she placed her bag on the table.
"Just round one. But your in time for round two." Penial replied then she nodded gladly. 

"Ok everyone round two... Choose partners again ... It doesn't have to be the same person" She finished.
"Ay be with bora... I declared Miyun's mine this round anyways.." Penial smiled evilly.. Happy to hook up his friend.
"I promised to be Miyun's partner this round, so have Ilhoon as yours..." Penial informed bora as he stood up and she nodded with a smile. 
"Aww what... I was gonna play with Miyun this round...." Eunji pouted.
"Where's Jonghwan that punk... Minhyuk is working this hour..." Eunji went to grab Jonghwan and came back. Penial took Ilhoon's seat, so now Penial was sitting in front of you. Ilhoon took Changsub's seat, so now he was sitting to your right, and in front of bora. Changsub was no longer sitting to your right, but was sitting to your left.

Eunji stood up and finally spoke after everyone was seated. 
"Ok.. You don't really need your partner for this one, we just used that excuse to mix and match you all without you favoring seats..." Eunji smiled evilly while everyone looked at her in confusion. 
"Since im nice, ill give you guys a chance, your actual partners are the ones beside you, ill give you all 10 seconds to switch if you want. 

"10...9..." Eunji started to count down. Penial eyed Ilhoon and nodded for him to switch seats, so he would sit next to bora. Penial stood up and Ilhoon switched to Penial's seat. You were now in the middle of Penial and Changsub. Ilhoon was back to being in front of you, with bora to his right. 
" 2...1! Stop!" Eunji clapped and brought a plate full of thin paper. 

"Okkk.. You all know what this is!?" She laughed and smiled. No one understood, so she rolled her eyes and took a piece of paper. 
"There are two teams... This side.." She pointed the side across from you. 
"And this side.." She pointed at your row. 
"Each team will have to pass as much papers as possible, you know... Paper passing, mouth to mouth...." Eunji smiled evilly and 2 seconds passed before everyone understood which game. All at once, everyone looked at the people they were sitting beside.
"Oh hellll noooo....." Some guy protested, because he was sitting next to another man. 
"Yahh..." Some complained and some blushed. Ilhoon smiled a bit, knowing he'll have to pass it to bora, but then looked at you and noticed you were sitting in between Penial and Changsub. He stiffened and his face went blank. *why that ?* he thought to himself. 

He then made eye contact with Changsub, who smiled in return, glad to be your partner and shrugged. Hinting that he could've sat next to you also, but he gave up his spot to Penial. 

"Alright everyone... We have one minute... Ready...go!" Eunji took the first piece of paper and it in, then passed it to the girl seated beside her, then the girl passed it to a man who passed it to another man who passed it to Ilhoon, who passed it to bora.
"We are good!" She complimented and passed another. As if she had just jinxed her team, everyone erupted with laughter as the paper had fallen from one man which resulted in him and the next man to brush their lips together. 
They both screamed and wiped their lips, which caused you to hold you stomach and laugh so hard. 

"Five papers... Not bad.." Eunji said proudly and your team got ready. 
You made eye contact with Changsub, who smiled a bit then faced the other way, waiting to get the paper from the other female. 

You were so nervous, you were never this close to a man before, let alone touch his lips with only a thin piece of paper in between. Changsub turned to face you but you burst out laughing because he had his lips puckered like a duck, which made him look so hideous and have you forget about being nervous. Afraid the paper would fall, Changsub put both his hands around your face and gave you the piece of paper. You gasped, which caused you to the paper and Changsub to let it  go. You turned to your right and gave the paper to Penial. He was horrible at this game, it took him so long to take the paper, people would misunderstand it as an indirect kiss. 

Ilhoon kept glaring at you two, he knew he didn't like seeing it because it was Changsub. And not because he was jealous. 
"Six papers!.. You guys win!" Eunji clapped. 
"So what's the prize?" The man in Eunji's team asked. 
"You get to brag that you kissed another man!" Eunji smiled, making the man make a disgusted face. You doubled in laughter and almost fell, but Changsub pulled you back and chuckled at your clumsiness. 

"We should so do this again..." Bora said excitedly. She was a sweet outing girl. Someone you knew you'd get along with very well with.
"Had fun? Ilhoon is good at these things... You guys should spend some time together..." Penial gave Ilhoon a wink and bora blushed. 
"We should spend some time together too..." Changsub said casually and you looked at him, Ilhoon also did the same.

"As friends of course... Just let me know whenever he's not there.." He nodded towards Ilhoon. 
"He's a mood killer..." Changsub whispered but loud enough for Ilhoon to hear, making you chuckle. 

"Round 3! Drinking game!!" Eunji held a cup of alcohol up.
"Andd thats my que..." You stood up and so did Changsub.
"Me too.... I'll take you home..." Changsub smiled and walked towards Minkyu. Well you couldn't say anything now. Ilhoon frowned but started a convo with the others.
"Alright, see you guys soon.." You waved and grabbed your purse. Ilhoon was talking to others so you didn't want to interrupt and walked away. 

The car ride was quite, only thing was heard were the cars out side and minkyu's random talking. 
"It was nice seeing you smile today.." Changsub said out of no where. You looked at him but he was facing the front, driving like it was a mission. You didn't say anything because you didn't know what to say.

"You were always horrible at games.." He said and this time he was looking at you with a smile. 
"Yah.." You smacked his arm, making him chuckled. 
"I'm driving... Your going to kill us..." He said through a smile and you smiled back. He was driving with one hand cooly, reminded you of why you liked him back in the days. He was a smart and cool person. 

"Are you admiring me?" He asked with a straight face..
"Ha.. That was years ago..." You said the last part softly to yourself but Changsub heard it and you bit your lip when you realized you blurted that and it wasn't just a thought anymore. But you didn't think he'd hear it since the engine was loud.

Finally you got to the front of your apartment side walk and took off your seat belt.
"Thanks for the ride..." You said as you got off the car but didn't see Changsub in the drivers seat. You closed the door and then saw him coming from the other side with a sleeping Minkyu in his arms.
"I"ll take him him" he said as he walked to your apartment. You didn't reject, not because you didn't want to, but because he was already ahead of you.

"Thanks again..." You said as he placed minkyu down on your bed. It was 10 pm already and you were exhauseted and he can see that.
You walked him to the door and he faced you to say something. He had a serious expression, as if he was about to say something impotent but changed his mind.

"Don't forget our day out.... " He smiled and left. Again leaving you speechless. How do i get myself in these situations? you thought.

You took a quick shower and got into bed ... It was 11:30 and you were half asleep when you heard some noises coming from the living room. 




how was it?? 

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Boonsern_Khumwan #1
Loanalana #2
Pls pls pls write very soon!!!!!
Chapter 27: Yay!!!!! Finally back to reading your story after being offline for such a long time! Still one of my favorites that I can see myself reading again and again. :)
Chapter 19: I have a feeling we are going to be seeing bomi very soon! Can't wait till the next update. Your such a good author!!
Chapter 17: I was seriously going through withdrawals because this story wasn't updated but now I have something to reread while waiting for the next chapter. :) like always love the story. Totally one of the ones I'll read over and over when its done. I just hope ilhoon and her will get together soon.
xternalov3x #6
WOW A WONDERFUL STORY!!! Please continue writing!! I really wanna know what happens to miyun and illhoon.. And especially bomi.. And what will happen if her parents found out..
Chapter 16: I can't wait till everybody knows the truth about her and minkyu so they can stop judging her. Well anyways love the chapter. I know I've said it befor but I'm so glad Ilhoon Is finally warming up to her.
Chapter 15: Noise people in her business can't take a hint to leave her alone. If she wanted you to know where the dad was then she would tell you!! I like the fact that Ilhoon was there to get her out of that little situation. Like I've said before LOVE the story and looking forward to the next chapter!!
Chapter 14: I wonder who it is? I think I have an idea!! Love the fact that he slowly isn't being a jerk to her :)