
Accepting me

You held your breath, unsure what to do. You realized those men were right, someone had entered your apartment but how? After your Freak out you realized you had to do something for Chanyoung. You bent down next to him and shook his arm Lightly.
"Chanyoung... Chanyoung.. Come
On get up..." He stirred a bit but wouldn't wake up. He furrowed his eyebrows and you shook your head, unsure what to do but decided to start on cleaning his cut. You had seen that a cut was made through his shirt, making a long dash hole with blood all around. 
You pulled up his shirt so you can clean the cut then continued your work, you wrapped his body with a roller bandage and smiled in satisfaction. You laid a futon next to your bed near Chanyoung and put a blanket and pillow on it. As if you had any more energy, you carefully pulled Chanyoung on top of the futon and sat on your bed, glad to be done. 

Your clothes were bloody and you felt like you needed a shower, you trust Chanyoung more than anything so you didn't mind leaving him there in your room. 

After your shower , you got on your bed, you weren't able to sleep because you were so worried for Chanyoung, but after a couple of tosses and turns, your body gave in and you fell into a deep sleep.. 

You were still asleep, but like a habit you moved your hand around the bed to feel for Minkyu but he wasn't there. You sat up and rubbed your eyes and remembered what happened the night before. You looked down and noticed that Chanyoung wasn't on his futon. You got up and walked out of your room and into the living room but stopped when you heard voices talking. 

"Noooo.... Umma puts milk then cereal" Minkyu was giving Chanyoung a serious face as he was sitting on the chair with his bowl on the table in front of him, 
"Noo.. Your supposed to put cereal then milk" Chanyoung with innocent intentions tried to explain as he had both, cereal and milk, on the table. 

"Nu uh... How can the boats float without water ... If you put the water after the boats then the boat will sink and papa will sink...." Minkyu sadly replied. Chanyoung looked at Minkyu's pitiful look and then felt guilty

"Ok..  Milk first then cereal... So the boats can float.."  Chanyoung smiled and so did Minkyu.
"Yea when he told me that i also had to agree with him too" you chuckled. 
"Ummaa" Minkyu gave you a hug then returned to his cereal. 
"How are  you? You seemed hurt yesterday.. You have some explaining to do" You eyed him, making him smile. But that smile didnt match well with his busted lip and ripped shirt. 
"Sit first.. My mother taught me to not speak during breakfast" He grabbed a bowl for you and set it on the table. 
"I bet she also taught you to not fight and break into someone's house" Your smart mouth made a comment unknowingly. 
"But i didnt break in.. I used your spare key thats under the Matt.." He gave you his eye smile, which resulted in you squinting your eyes and giving him a look. 
"What? That one kid Ilhoon does it all the time" he said innocently. 
You chuckled and so did he, making the mood lighter.  
"Im sorry i didnt mean to get you and Minkyu into this mess.. I knew i wouldn't make it far last night and i was around your neighborhood.. I didnt have a choice.." He spoke while avoiding your gaze and playing with his cereal. You put your hand over his and gave it a good squeeze, making him look up confused. 

"I wont ask you what happened or who were those men... Im just glad your ok.. And im always here if you need help.." You smiled and he just looked at you in awe, glad he has become great friends with you. 

"Alright? Now i have to get to work... I'll get Minkyu ready.. " you stood up and Minkyu jumped down from his seat. 
"You can stay here as long as you want.. You know where everything is right?" You looked at him but he didnt have the chance to answer because you heard a knock on the door. You opened it and you were surprised at the guest that was in front of you. 
"Morning to you too.." Changsub smiled, making his eyes disappear.  

He let himself in with muffins and coffee 
In his hands. He jolted to a stop when he saw Chanyoung Standing there in the kitchen . He then looked at you and realized you were still in your pajamas. Changsub totally thought wrong and had the look of thinking he was interrupting something. 
"I was just about to leave.. See you later Miyun.. Bye Minkyu.." Chanyoung put his shoes on and with a last glance and a smile,
He left. 

"What brings you here?" You asked casually.. 
"Breakfast?" He smiled but you didnt change your expression and Changsub knew he had lost. 
"You said we can be friends" he replied as he set the coffee on the table. 
"No i didnt .." You furrowed your eye brows in confusions, making Changsub chuckle.. 
"Well something along those lines.." He took a sip of his coffee and walked towards Minkyu.  
"Oh Minkyu look what hyung bought you.." Changsub showed Minkyu the muffin. 
"Ahjussi..".. Minkyu was gonna start but was cut off by Changsub. 
"Hyung" Changsub corrected.  
"Ahjussi" Minkyu smiled.
"I'll get u a boat if you call me hyung " changsub bribed. 
"Hyunnggg" Minkyu said cutely making you Chuckle, but then you cleared your voice. 

" Ok lets get ready for work .. " You held Minkyu's hand. 
"I'll give you a ride " Changsub offered. 
"Its fine.. The bus is our bonding time" you replied honestly. 
"Alright then.. I'll see around .." Changsub ruffled Minkyu's hair and walked out of your apartment. 

A couple days later, Watanabe was having their 6th anniversary. You were getting ready to go, you just had to put your shoes on and Minkyu's. 
Ilhoon walked in your apartment without knocking, which was the usual. He looked you up and down then sat on the sofa. 
"Let's go, ill give you a ride since we are going to the same place" he casually said. 
"Ok.. gimmi a second .." You checked yourself to make sure you were ready and then Got Minkyu's jacket and left. 

The mood at watanabe was amazing. The nice lights, the music was fun, people were just casually sitting and talking and even dancing. However there was definitely mood killers at your table.. Having these thoughts made you chuckle to yourself as you witnessed your best friends bickering. 

"I dont know how we became friends.." Jonghwan shook his head and scooted away from Eunji.  
"I didnt have a choice .. My mother made me befriend you because you were such a loner" Eunji flipped her bangs and crossed her legs. 
"Bwoh?! Liarrr .. Your mother is the one that made me befriend you because YOU were the loner.." Jonghwan pointed a finger at Eunji.  
"I had many friends" Eunji eyed him. 
"Yea bad friends" They both eyed each other then ignored as if nothing happened.  

"Lets go dance .." Ilhoon, who was sitting next to you, blurted out of no where. 
"No.. I dont even remember when was the last time i danced" you replied with a non convincing expression. 
"In an hour You'll say an hour ago.. Let's go" he grabbed your hand and pulled you up. You knew you weren't going to win against him so you asked Eunji and Jonghwan to watch Minkyu until you come back. 

 Ilhoon dragged you to the dance floor and you couldn't stop smiling and laughing because you actually had no idea when was the last time you danced .. 
He held your hands with his and twirled you which caused you to burst in laughter. Your dress twirled with you and your hair bounced here and there. He then held you a bit closer however there was still plenty of space between you two. Repeating the movement you got the hang of the dance. It somewhat seemed like a weird version of the  boogie but you cant say you didnt have fun .. 

"I've never seen Miyun smile so much in a party" Eunji stated as they all watched you dance with Ilhoon. 
"Its definitely because im here " Jonghwan raised his brows. 
"Your also there in every party .." Eunji replied.
"Shut up.. Your just always staring at Minhyuk and forgetting about your surroundings.. " he smiled. 
"No i don't" Eunji protested.  
"Babe.. Let's go dance ..." Minhyuk came from behind her and she stood up. 
"Okk.." Eunji grabbed his hand and left, making Jonghwan scoff. 

 After the dance, you went back to your table, only to find Changsub talking to Minkyu. 
"So your here.." Changsub glared at Ilhoon before he sat down next to you.
"Of course.. " Ilhoon replied with a smirk.
"I dont like him" Ilhoon turned to you and said rather loudly. Then he turned to Changsub and made a face.. 
"At all... I dont even know how you know him.. And why..." He kept speaking. 
"We are old friends ..  Before you even knew her name " Changsub smirked and leaned his elbow on the table. 
"Really? ... Friends? .. Where have you been all these years?" Ilhoon asked confusingly but did so on purpose.  
"Ilhoon..." You gave him a look that said to not into your personal feelings. 
Changsub gave a guilty look and you sigh. 
"Minkyu lets get something to drink .." You left with Minkyu, leaving the two men to quarreling their own.  


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Boonsern_Khumwan #1
Loanalana #2
Pls pls pls write very soon!!!!!
Chapter 27: Yay!!!!! Finally back to reading your story after being offline for such a long time! Still one of my favorites that I can see myself reading again and again. :)
Chapter 19: I have a feeling we are going to be seeing bomi very soon! Can't wait till the next update. Your such a good author!!
Chapter 17: I was seriously going through withdrawals because this story wasn't updated but now I have something to reread while waiting for the next chapter. :) like always love the story. Totally one of the ones I'll read over and over when its done. I just hope ilhoon and her will get together soon.
xternalov3x #6
WOW A WONDERFUL STORY!!! Please continue writing!! I really wanna know what happens to miyun and illhoon.. And especially bomi.. And what will happen if her parents found out..
Chapter 16: I can't wait till everybody knows the truth about her and minkyu so they can stop judging her. Well anyways love the chapter. I know I've said it befor but I'm so glad Ilhoon Is finally warming up to her.
Chapter 15: Noise people in her business can't take a hint to leave her alone. If she wanted you to know where the dad was then she would tell you!! I like the fact that Ilhoon was there to get her out of that little situation. Like I've said before LOVE the story and looking forward to the next chapter!!
Chapter 14: I wonder who it is? I think I have an idea!! Love the fact that he slowly isn't being a jerk to her :)