bun-hong sek

HoMinHo Drabble Collection


Based on the outfit in this performance


Changmin stared at the mirror facing him. Makeup artists and codi’s running around like a bunch of headless chickens behind him, as the rest of the artists in the room were being prepped for the camera. Having their faces powdered and BB creamed until they shown like the oily stars they were. 


He was currently having his own makeup done, and was sitting on a stool in front of the makeup mirror, waiting for the cordi’s to find the right shade of toner for his perfect skin. Changmin ignored the commotion around him and focused on his outfit, his stare slowly becoming glare-ish as he inspected the bright clothing. 


Out of all the colors in the spectrum, pink was the only color they could think of?


Pink? The color associated with unicorns, and candy and hearts and all that lovey-dovey bull. But worse of all, little girls.


Pink most certainly did not suit Shim Changmin.


The scrambling behind him quieted down, and another annoyed glance at the mirror revealed his Hyung playing around on his iPad on one a loveseat in the background. Long legs incased in patterned pink fabric, a black suit jacket and hot pink shirt underneath, sparkling jewels adorning his neck rather than a tie. 


His eyes went back to stare-mode, his body relaxing from its tensed position. 


The color pink, however, suited Yunho rather well. 


Stupid, perfect, annoying, lovely...Changmin’s mind rattled off his Hyung’s not-so-much character flaws as he continued to stare a whole through the reflective surface, though with an altered focus.


Changmin purposefully relaxed his expression when said boy looked up and gave him a great big grin at the attention. The sight of those pearly whites and shiny eyes made Changmin’s retinas burn more than the uncovered bulbs lining the mirror. 


As he was stunned from the bright smile, and the answering warmth swelling inside him, he was surprised to find, a moment later, a pair of strong arms surrounding his shoulders, a light weight pressing against his back. 


“You look so handsome Changdola.”


Yunho smiled brighter, leaning his head against Changmin’s. They stared at each other through the mirror for a few seconds more, Changmin attempting not to hyperventilate as usual whenever the older one initiated unexpected skinship. 


“Hmmm. You should definitely wear pink more often,” Yunho said, a light blush growing across his cheeks. 


Changmin’s eyes became slightly unfocused, his answering smile becoming softer. Focusing on the ridiculously adorable picture they made in the mirror, Changmin coughed lightly in embarrassment, tapping the others hand in front of him. Yunho jerked back, as if he himself hadn’t noticed his actions, releasing his hold on the other. 


Changmin watched the other straighten, fidgeting with the jewelry at his collar. He wished he didn’t feel the disappointment building in his stomach. 


Yunho walked back to his game unsteadily, picking up the Ipad and sliding a slender finger across the screen to unlock it. He peaked up once more to find Changmin’s eyes still following him through the mirror. 


“Really Changmin, the color really suits you. I wish you wore it more often,” Yunho admitted, the still present blush darkening to match his shirt. He ducked his head to focus on his game, though the tenseness of his shoulders revealed his awareness of Changmin’s watchful eyes.  


What he didn’t know, was that Changmin’s own cheeks, ears and neck had slowly redened to the exact shade of pink. 






Changmin wore a white shirt, pale pink trousers, and matching socks the next day. 





A/N: Another little Homin drabble. I’m obsessed with their pink outfits and choreo for ‘I Don’t Know’. Changmin looked like a prince and Yunnie was freaking adorable and gorgeous and FLAILING ヽ(○´∀`)ノ. btw, bun-hong sek means “pink” in Korean ^^ Max's outfit at the end is based on this pic.


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Chapter 9: it's not just me right??
I always think yunho will be bottom lol
Chapter 1: supercuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute omg omg omg xD
jungshim #3
Chapter 15: this is GOOOOD LOL
i remember that one trip where Min has this stupid smile all the way
and Yunho is just one grumpy bear
you did good!
jungshim #4
Chapter 13: i want to be at the window watching these two love birds make out tooooo
so cute..
purewhite1981 #5
Chapter 11: so sweet..
i love it
jungshim #6
Chapter 10: so cute, is changmin being emo morning-after
hehe, cute yunho is his prescription