drabble requests (1)

HoMinHo Drabble Collection

for cactuzoz who wanted: pairing : homin.  prompt : they are at the ocean mv, jung fell down. rating : any


“IT’S VERY COLD~~!!!!”


Changmin shakes his head back and forth, rubbing his cold skin through the arms of his thick coat. So loud~ and at this time in the morning. He smirks lightly as Yunho continues to make strange smacking noises from the little platform placed in the full pool; the sound of little pattering splashes as his cold feet stomps around the chilly water. 


“IT’S ACTUALLY VERY COLD TANAKA-SAN!” Yunho gasps loudly, stuffing his hands into his own puffy long-coat. 


“Yes, yes, Yunho-san I’m sorry about that.” The director scratches the back of his neck, giving the strawberry haired man a chagrined look. “It is April though, and there isn’t much we can do about it. I’m sorry Yunho-san.” 


The redheads countenance does a 180 turn, as he takes in Tanaka-san's regretful smile. “Ha~that’s true don’t worry Tanaka-san, I’ll do my best,” Yunho grins, doing a little jig to warm up. He gets a bit overzealous and starting jumping around, moonwalking around the platform. 


Changmin turns away with a sigh, Coordi-san giggling beside him. 


His hyung was a two year old. A goddamn two year old. 




What? Changmin whips around and stares towards the pool. 


Yunho had fallen. Again. 


A voluptuous young woman clad only in a bikini rushes to his hyung’s aid. She helps him into a sitting position, fluttering over him as he lay on the side of the pool, stunned. Changmin watches as she fans a manicured hand inches from his face, and they laugh together, Yunho apologizing profusely as he blinks his initial shock away. Changmin remains awkwardly positioned near the edge of the pool, watching them. His fingers twitch anxiously. 


Did he hit his head? Fracture? Bone displacement?!


“Ah, I’m so sorry to have you help me like this.” Yunho smiles with his teeth, peeking up at the pretty lady. Changmin glances at Tanaka-san who was slumped in his chair behind a giant camera, being fanned by an assistant with a magazine after almost having a heart attack when Yunho suddenly fell. Changmin patted his own stuttering heart and takes a calming breath. 


As if reading his mind, Yunho looks around the crowded set, made up like a luxurious weekend getaway, his red head spinning around till he spots the younger man. “Ah, Changminnie I’m fine,” Yunho calls, waving his arms furiously like an over excited toddler up at him. 


Changmin smiles crookedly from his frozen position a few feet away, and hesitantly waves back before turning away with a sigh. The two year old was gonna be just fine. His shoulders were still stiff, and he rolls them, swallowing down his initial fears. What was this, the 100th time Yunho’s been injured on set? The millionth time he’s gotten hurt, ever?


“Yunho-san will you be able to return to filming?” The bikini girl’s soft voice floats over to Changmin’s isolated corner. He sticks his hands into the pocket of his coat, ears perked. Would Yunho be able to return to filming? Pffffft. Please, the man once did nonstop performances with dislocated ankles.  Changmin scoffs quietly, but a heavy sort of stillness comes over him as he recalls all the times Yunho has cried out in pain during their life together. 


She doesn't know him at all


“Oh, of course I will.” Yunho answered instantly, just as Changmin knew he would. The younger man nodded to himself, self-assured. He sneezed suddenly and rubbed his reddened nose. It really was a touch chilly. He should make sure Yunho ate plenty of meat at lunch time. A full stomach meant a warm stomach. 


“O-Oh. Alright, if you’re sure.” The bikini girl seems surprised as she replies hesitantly. Ha. Ha-ha. Hahahaha~ 


“Hmm, Of course, let me just--Oh!”


Changmin’s ears perk up once more, the topic of meat gone from his thoughts. He new the sound of pain in Yunho’s voice; probably better than anyone. 


“Is something wrong Yunho-san?”


“...oh yes, I’m fine, sorry to trouble you.” Changmin envisions Yunho backing away with a gentle smile, waving his hand in a ‘no worries’ motion as he made his escape. 


Yunho made to shuffle past him from behind but Changmin turns around sharply, and stuck one leg out, blocking him and almost making the limping man fall over. 


Yunho blinks. “Changmin?” 


“Sit down.”


“--but Changminnie.” Yunho tries to push past Changmin’s leg block, making the younger man wobble a bit, but the limb held strong. 


Oh no you don’t. Changmin pierces his hyung with a serious look. Not this time. 


“Sit. Down.”


Yunho lowered himself cautiously, keeping his wary eyes on Changmin’s. “I’m fine,” He murmurs under his breath. 


“Give me your leg.” Changmin waits with his arm outstretched. Slowly, carefully, like a little bird who’d fallen from a tree and injured his wing, Yunho shifts the leg he has tucked over the now obviously injured one near Changmin’s hand. Changmin grasps the lean, bruised calf and pulls it towards himself. He tsk’s at the bloody puncture wound just under the man’s knee.


“I really can’t take you anywhere, can I?” Changmin says, exasperated. Yunho snuffles in reply. He thanks their manager who places a first aid kit at his side. He pulls the cap off a water bottle with his teeth, washing the torn flesh gently, while rubbing the tender skin under Yunho’s leg.


By the time Yunho’s all patched up, a red bandaid, by request, wrapped over his cut, the pout on his lips has digressed into a thankful smile. Once Changmin reluctantly removes his hands, Yunho hops up on his uninjured leg and leans down to press a grateful kiss against Changmin’s temple, and wanders off to shoot the rest of his scene. 


Changmin purses his lips, organizing the first aid supplies carefully. At least it was just a few scraps and bruises.  He’s sighs as his shoulders finally lower to a relaxed position. 


“You’re welcome.”



from drabble request ask on my tumblr:)

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Chapter 9: it's not just me right??
I always think yunho will be bottom lol
Chapter 1: supercuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute omg omg omg xD
jungshim #3
Chapter 15: this is GOOOOD LOL
i remember that one trip where Min has this stupid smile all the way
and Yunho is just one grumpy bear
you did good!
jungshim #4
Chapter 13: i want to be at the window watching these two love birds make out tooooo
so cute..
purewhite1981 #5
Chapter 11: so sweet..
i love it
jungshim #6
Chapter 10: so cute, is changmin being emo morning-after
hehe, cute yunho is his prescription