Photo for only You and Me.

What happens in Greece...........


It's like the cool breeze before storm comes. Siwon was still energetic and full of gestures during the Fan Meeting in Chengdu despite of the shock he got from his almost topless boyfriend photo shown to the whole stadium full of fans. Siwon wasn't fine, fine was a total understatement. He was jealous and fuming, his intestines and blood were all boiling above 100degrees. However being an idol he is, he had to act all calm and himself.

Unlike the other members, Kyuhyun knew. Kyuhyun knew that a storm will come. He won't be Siwon's boyfriend if he didn't know. He was as shocked as Siwon when the photo was on screen. He knew Ryeowook took the photo, but he never thought that he would ever show it to the whole world. When Siwon said "I've never seen the photo before too" to the host, he knew it, he knew Siwon was upset. When Kyuhyun tried to talk to his boyfriend at the backstage, Siwon would avoid him or turn to start a random and weird conversation with the person next to him while giving helpless Kyuhyun a weird glance. Kyuhyun knew the petty and jealous boyfriend has now appeared.


Once Siwon entered the changing room after the Fan Meeting, he let out a loud sigh. He then heard the changing room door slam closed leaving the other members waiting outside whining. Turning around swiftly, he saw Kyuhyun standing in front of him with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Why are you avoiding me? It's not like I was the one who disclosed the photo. Why am I being punished for something I didn't do? If I remembered correctly, I was the victim in that photo!" Kyuhyun said matter-of-factly.

Siwon's sigh was the only thing Kyuhyun got after he stopped. Siwon, being a perfect boyfriend didn't want to to fight even when he was jealous and fuming. He doesn't want to say things to Kyuhyun knowing that he would regret right after that. Sighing was a way to calm himself and think before speaking. Hearing nothing, Kyuhyun continued his bratty talk just to probe Siwon into speaking.

"Siwon, why are you even jealous? Eunhyuk was also topless but you don't see Donghae being a about it here right..." Kyuhyun knew that would make Siwon reply him.

"I'M NOT A KYUHYUN! I CAN HEAR YOU!" Donghae shouted behind the door.

"There is a difference.... Eunhae strip at every stage we have. It's like a norm that they are topless nowadays. It's like me, you won't get angry when I'm topless standing on stage....." Siwon was cut off before he could continue.

"Who says I won't huh! Choi Siwon, just because you enjoy being topless on stage and letting fangirls you DOES. NOT.MEAN.I.APPROVE!" Kyuhyun said and shot Siwon a deadly stare.

"I know, I know. Can't you see I'm not doing it lately anymore? And I know it's not your fault the photo was shown." Siwon bowed his head down feeling a little ashamed.

"Then what is it huh?" Kyuhyun walked over and held up Siwon's face lovingly. He doesn't like to see Siwon being sad.

"How is it that someone else has a photo of your nearly chest in their phone, when you refuse to even take a photo with me? You did not even send me any photo when I was missing you so much when you were in Greece. It would be nice to have a y picture of you in my phone to look at when I'm lonely at times.... you know." Siwon was now sulking and embarrassed in front of Kyuhyun, which isn't very common and Kyuhyun was definitely savoring this moment.

"I'm not the one who is busy and missing schedules to not be with the group and my boyfriend...." Kyuhyun then peck Siwon's lips making Siwon smile before pulling Kyuhyun into a bear hug.

"Later okay, later" Kyuhyun mumbled at Siwon's lips before pulling away to let the members in.

"Is the big discussion over now?" Sungmin looked grumpily at them before walking pass.

"I'm going to say this again, I'M NOT A !" Donghae shouted while picking up his bag.

"It's not a norm to be topless on stage okay, it's a performance~~~" Eunhyuk said looking proud of himself.

"WHY ARE YOU TWO LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!" Ryeowook gulped looking back at the Wonkyu couple.


*beep beep*

Siwon picked up his phone and saw a message from Kyuhyun who was actually just sitting in front, back facing him in the airport lounge. When he opened the message, he smiled. The message was a photo of Kyuhyun's selca looking all happy and behind at the corner was Siwon reading a book. Below the photo was another message "I'm shocked... why aren't  you here beside me. Am I more important than that book?"

When he looked up at Kyuhyun, he saw his boyfriend smiling at him, that got him standing up and moving to the seat beside Kyuhyun.


Next day, Siwon was home resting while Kyuhyun went off to Jeju with his friends.

*beep beep*

Siwon sat up to find his phone under his bible he was reading just now. It was a message from Kyuhyun, he sat upright again to look at the jaw dropping message.

The message Kyuhyun sent included a photo and a message like the day before. This time the photo was a picture of pouting Kyuhyun who was topless (first topless Kyuhyun photo not including the others he took secretly while Kyu was asleep) with a message "I'm lonely without you tonight too...."

And with that, Siwon forgot about the secret photo from the night before. He took quick steps and slammed the bathroom door close.

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Chapter 1: /dead/

Chapter 1: Hahahahaha, this is soooooooo good. Yeah Kyu, treat your hubby well or else those groppy-fangirls will more than happy to steal him away :p
Chapter 1: I want a shirtless Kyu picture too :O
Chapter 1: Donghae is super cute... overhearing Kyuhyun's insult... no hae... you are NOT a ____ =P

Kyuhyun is adorable, taking pic with siwon (in a way) not tooo noticeable to others...keke... You are suh a thoughtful sweetheart...

Siwon you sweetiepie... getting jealous cos your kyu wont take a pic with you...muhahahaa LoL

Such a sweet story... thanx XD
Chapter 1: hahaha my wonkyu are so sweet! :D
Chapter 1: OMG a topless Kyu photo turned Siwon on xDDDD I loved it (:
Chapter 1: I like to see both of them jealous with each other and btw, what did siwon do in the bathroom? XDD ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: hahaha. I was also suspecting that Siwon got jealous about that formerly unseen photo from Greece. ♥
chemist4kyu #9
Chapter 1: omo what is siwon going to do in the cr..y thoughts consuming my brain hahahaha =) can we have more of this? =))