

G Dragon~

 “Arhggghh” I screamed.

My head hurts like hell right now from the hangover I got last night. I held my head to prevent it from hurting even more.The last think I remembered was; I was dancing with Dara nuna in that club and… poof! Everything went blank.



Where am I now? This is not my house.... This is definitely not my bed. And this is not even my room?!  Why is my leg chained to this bed? What actually happened last night? I wanted to yell for help but the word stuck at my throat and my head hurts so much.



Where in the world am I?! 




Last night~






The door opened. Daesung’s head appeared from behind the door. He entered the room and opened the path for his hyongs who were carrying GD into the room. Seungri followed after them.



“Hyung, faster! Put him on the bed!” said Daesung in hurry.



“Haish, Dae, calm down. Don’t you know how heavy Ji is? How about you carry him there instead, huh?” said TOP with an annoyed tone.



“Okay. I’ll calm down.... Just…. Put him on the bed and… don’t shout at me please!” replied Daesung. He looked scared since TOP shouted at him and worried at the same time.



“Guys, would you stop arguing each other and help me with Ji here!” said Taeyang.


Haish, I’m helping though. Just keep on walking.” said TOP.



“Hyong! Faster, before manager hyong sees us!” said Seungri worried. He looked over GD, “Gosh. He must be very drunk huh?” said Seungri again.



TOP rolled his eyes. They finally put GD on the bed. TOP and Taeyang released a relieved sigh. After that they left the room.






The door opened once again. This time it’s not Daesung’s face who appeared in front of the door, it’s the laundry guy.



He has a weird blonde wig on, a weird mustache on and his face looked worried like if someone was him entered the room. He came near to GD and smiled.




“Hah HUH HAH HUH” the laundry guy panted. He was pushing the laundry cart in hurry with all his effort. With that skinny body, he must have used all his effort to push the heavy cart. He has a body of a girl. His body is too skinny for a guy. Something was wrong with his feature.



He reached the elevator and pressed the button in a hurry. The elevator opened.



He entered and hid his face from the camera. He looked like he was so afraid if a camera caught a picture of his face.






The elevator opened. He pushed the laundry cart in hurry. He was at the basement parking. What a laundry guy like him doing there?



Suddenly, a car stopped right in front of him.



“Hurry! Hurry!” said the guy to the driver. What a surprise that he has a girl voice instead of a guy.



A girl came out from the driver’s seat. She had a boyish haircut. Something is wrong with her face. Her nose looks too small for her face somehow. Her age was around 18 to 20 same as the guy.



She helped that guy carried the laundry bag.



“Gosh! He is so heavy.” Said the girl, showing all her effort to carry the laundry bag.



“YAH! Just carry him and stop complaining! Don’t you know how many guards I have to go through to get this thing down here?! Said the guy with a pissed tone.



The girl pouts and rolled her eyes. She ignored her friend’s word. They carried the heavy laundry bag to the boot. At the back seat there was another girl waiting for them with a worried face






The guy and the girl gasped. The laundry bag just fell from the girl’s hand.



“YAH! What have u done?! You just dropped his head!” said the guy angrily



“Omo sorry I missed my step and my hands were slippery and.. and…” said the girl with a panic tone.



Tap tap!



“YAH! Stop arguing and fasten up before the guard sees us” said the girl from the back seat through the window.



“Min ki- ah you are not helping so shut up and be patience.” replied the guy with annoyed tone.



They finally put the laundry bag in the boot safely. Fortunately, the laundry bag fits the boot.The guy ripped his fake mustache off. He threw it on the ground. He turned up to be a girl.The car left the basement leaving the mustache on the ground.




“Nae Na – ah , are you sure about what you are doing? What if the police find out that we are doing this? We could be caught. I don’t want to suffer all my life in jail. And he is a famous guy … and…and” Said the girl who was driving with a worried expression.



“YAH STAPH it! No one will know we kidnapped him and stop being such a coward girl He Ra!” shouted the girl next to her. She was the one who disguised as the guy.



He Ra shut out and continued driving. Usually she will fight back whatever her friend said. She always fought with her no matter in what case but tonight she doesn’t speak much. Probably because she was scared and worried.



The whole car went silence as night flow. Suddenly someone broke the silence.



“Nae Na- ah, did Soo Ra know about our plan?” ask Min Ki from the backseat. She keep on silent while her friends were arguing just now because she knew that they won’t stop arguing even though she said to stop. But her question just now made everybody in the car hesitate for a while.



Everybody is scared when someone mentioned that name. That mighty name. Soo Ra, Kim Soo Ra. She is the unnie in their house. In fact she is the owner of the house. She is a very strict person. She never smile. And she hates intruders.



“I’ll…. I’ll talk to her” replied Nae Na in a confident tone but there is something in her tone that showed she is scared when she heard that name being mentioned. Well everybody scared when that name being mentioned.



He Ra kept shut all the way. She was thinking about what’s gonna happen to her and her friends when the world founds out that they kidnapped the famous leader from a famous band . G DRAGON.


writer's note:

comment juseyo! (*^^*)

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