Hidden Scar

The Third Wheel



(Two Months Later...)

“But why couldn’t mom come back? It’s my wedding!” Ann whined to her father who was going through his stacks of document in the study room. “What is so important? And where did mom go?”

Mr. Lee sighed, removing his glasses and rubbed the area between his eyes tiredly. He looked up at his daughter and shook his head. “Look Ann, I know you need your mom’s advice and help for the wedding. But we have already hired several wedding planners and that’s what they are for. You can ask for their help. Your mom just needs some time alone after Xiao Shan’s ‘incident’.”

He had refused to use the word ‘death’. Mr. Lee was by no means conservative man but he didn’t want to curse his daughter.

“Is mom with Xiao Shan? Where did they go?”

“Your mom went for a vacation by herself. As for Xiao Shan, you know we are not supposed to bring it up again. She chose to leave for your sake so you should appreciate that.” Ann made a face.

“I know she’s doing it for my sake but mom has been gone for more than two month now. I need her too,” she tried again. “At least let me tell Lu Han. He feels guilty.”

However, her father snapped sharply at her. “And risk having the secret blown? He doesn’t need to know and you will not bring this up again. Your mom will be back when she’s ready.”


“No buts, Ann,” her dad said with finality.

Ann pouted angrily and stomped her feet out of the room. Once Mr. Lee was satisfied that he heard the front door slammed shut, he picked up the cell he has hidden underneath his file. He sighed again.

“You heard that?”

“Ann is just a little spoilt. I’m sure she’ll understand,” Mrs. Lee replied sadly from the other end. “Is everything not going smoothly for the wedding?”

“Oh, everything is perfect,” Mr. Lee answered sarcastically. “Ann keeps bugging me about you and your whereabouts, the wedding planners keep changing the details, the groom…” He stopped and leaned back into his high leather chair.

“Lu Han thinks it’s his fault and he has been asking me about Xiao Shan,” he continued.

“What did you tell him?”

“I told him that she has been unstable these past years and it was just the last draw. She took sleeping pills and committed suicide, just like her mom. It isn’t his fault and he should just concentrate on the wedding.”

“And did he buy it?”

“He insisted on seeing her body but I told him I cremated it. I feel sorry for the kid. He’s such a nice guy.”

It’s Mrs. Lee’s turn to sigh. “He’ll get over it.”

“What about Xiao Shan? How is she doing there? Is everything alright there?”

“She has been holed up in her room since we got here. She didn’t say it but I know she misses home.” She was silent for a while. Then she resumed, “I think she misses Lu Han.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, she has never actually admits it but I think she likes Lu Han. But because he’s dating Ann, she kept quiet about it. They have always been close and Lu Han has always been caring to her. She is always happier when with Lu Han.”

He made a sound of disbelief. There’s so much that he didn’t know and understand about his youngest daughter. Shutting his eyes guiltily, he asked, “Did you ask her about it?”

“You know she will never say anything if she makes up her mind about it. She has given up. Let’s not hurt her by bringing it up.”

“The wedding is in a month. Can you come back for it?”

“I don’t know. She cried a lot when we first arrived but now she just sits around the house not talking. I try to take her out more, meet new people and join some classes. She’s slowly improving.”

“I don’t know how to answer Ann if you’re not back for the wedding. She’s really getting out of hands these days.”

“I will try to make it back. Xiao Shan has not been feeling well too so I’m a little worried.”

“She’s not feeling well? Is it because she’s not used to the place and food? Or is it because of the weather? Vancouver has been chilly these days so you two should take care.”

“No, it’s just that she has been vomiting since yesterday. Maybe it’s the food that she’s not used to. Plus she’s not eating much so she’s weak. I’ll take her to the doctor later.”

“Alright, call me once you’ve seen the doctor. And take care, both of you.”

“I will, don’t worry,” she assured him. After wishing him goodbye, she closed her phone. Turning to look out of the living room window, she saw her daughter sitting at a bench outside the garden.

Xiao Shan sat staring out to the distant, the sweater her mother insisted she wears whenever she goes out lay forgotten on her lap. It wasn’t that cold in her mind. Besides, she welcomed the cold wind. It wakes her up and calms her down.

“Xiao Shan…” She turned when she heard her mother called. Smiling, she opened to answer that she’s fine sitting out. But her mother added, “We need to talk.”

“About what, mom?” she asked softly while was getting up to her feet to return to the confines of the new home.

“It’s about the child you are carrying now,” Mrs. Lee answered grimly. “And the father…”


I updated again~  I'm so bored out of my mind now so I've decided to update another chapter. Hehehe... And this time with sort of a cliffhanger, but anyone would have guessed the father. -_-;; Complicates the entire situation now. 

I'm glad to see a few readers are rooting for Luhan. ^^ To be honest, he's my bias in EXO so lots of love for him!! <3  One reader mentioned about Ann's character and her possible turn in the future. I won't reveal much but I can say that Ann is like the most of us, an average girl who wants people to love and care for her. May seem a little selfish but who can really be like Xiao Shan? 

And as always, if you like this story, or have any suggestions or critics, please leave me lots of comments~ 

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teaquiIa #1
Chapter 40: KK GODDAMN
Chapter 40: ...still team luhan.
majesticx09 #3
Chapter 40: Thanks for the update boo~ Merry Christmas!!
Chapter 40: my cutie patootie xing is in this chapter<3 as much as i love him, why does he have to be such a smart boy? i know i love his smartness but it's gonna hurt him in the end knowing what the adults are talking about. xing should never have the thought of his mum leaving or abandoning him. TTuTT
and i don't have anything to say about xiao shan besides poor her though. i don't even know what she's planning to do (as in try to love kris or try to get luhan or ??)
thanks for the update and have a wonderful christmas and early happy new year!
dawnxiamara #6
Chapter 40: I believe that in love there is no fear.Loving someone so selflessly even trying to give up her son just for love is just an example of this. But, Luhan surely gave her love back to her by giving something not only her pride back but his ultimate support by giving Xing monetary support until he can support himself. That's all he can do because he can't be with them personally.
Back to Kris, I guess his love is not enough to open Xiao Shan's heart but, I guess a little more patience won't hurt.
Chapter 40: I think Kris would make a wonderful father to Xing...why doesn't she give him a chance. Why is she still pining over Luhan :/
Chapter 40: I must make a confession, I've never been in love and to me it is out of my understanding of why Shan would still hope for his love after all this time. I mean, COME ON!! There's a hot and y and tall model beside you who is giving all of his heart to you! Why!! Just why girl???
Chapter 39: okay so.... the reason i commented so late was because..... i give up. i don't have a reason okay? *cough*toolazytoreadsorrynotsorry*cough* ha ha ha... anyways, i knew keo was sent into the room to defend xiao shan for me because i couldn't be there. i loved the points kris made and i legit would've liked to punch ann too. that- ugh. luhan too, that guy *slit eyes* although he is in the midst of it all, he should NOT be sitting there and watching it all happen (however i still do feel slight pity for him). and i guess the parents aren't THAT bad to defend xiao shan when ann asked for xing.
but legitimately ann? are freaking kidding me? "why do people paint her (ann) as a selfish person?" omg you're too selfish to even see the selfishness in you....-.-
anyways, thanks for the chapter!
roxie9289 #10
Chapter 39: Oh my god. The emotional rollercoaster I was on while reading this. First off this is one of the best fabrics I have read and I really don't say that often, much less comment on it but God Danny I just felt the need to. Secondly I am in love with Xing! He's so cute! Third I want Xiao Shan and Kris to be together but not so quickly there needs to be hella lot of drama and trials before that happens. I mean luhan is okay and all but I don't know what to feel about him he's almost like a side character can't really love him can't really hate him. Lastly I don't appreciate Ann and her decision that's just being selfish. I somewhat understand her position being the illegitimate child but come on she had everything pretty much handed to her and she's asking the most stupidest request of taking yet again her life. She already killed her sister once maybe even twice, although the her "dying" for them to get married was Xiao shans choice, she's basically asking for her to die again.