Chapter 1

Blind Boyfriends and Heartbroken Friends

"Sweetie!" you heard your mom yell from the kitchen, you groaned and shifted your weight to lie on your stomache. "What?!" you yelled back since you didn't want to get out of bed. It was saturday, which ment this was your only morning you were able to sleep in during the weekend. 

"Don't you get snippy at me! Get down here now!" you heard a door shut and you groaned, you knew she was on her way up to pull you from your comfort. You pushed yourself up from the bed and threw your legs over the side just as your mother opened the door.

'What?" you groaned, it was way too early in the morning for any of this. 

"We have a new neighbor, I want you to come meet him." she smiled before closing the door on her way out. You threw yourself back onto the bed and let out a long sigh. *She had to wake me up for that?!* 

You turned over and started to drift back to sleep, when suddenly, your door flew open and someone jumped onto your bed. "Yah! Wake up!" your eyes shot open and you looked up. Luhan had a smile as big as his face as he jumped on your bed. "Get up you lazy ! You need to help me unpack!" he shouted as he jumped off the bed and took hold of your feet. You let out a small squeal and kicked your feet, "Let go, you know how ticklish I am!" you giggled.

Luhan smirked and proceded to tickle your feet as you struggled under his grasp. 

"Hey! Get down here kids!" your mother yelled. Luhan let your feet go and grabbed your hand, "Come on" he laughed as he drug you down the stairs into the kitchen where your mother was waiting.

"What took you too so long? Omo! Luhan, did you finally ask her?!" she lit up as she asked him the same question she does just about everyday. He chuckled and squeezed your hand before letting go he let it fall to your side.

"No, I'm not going to ask anyone that sort of thing." he chuckled as he walked over to the front door, "We're going to go and unpack." he smiled before walking outside. You looked back to your mom who wa looking at you with curiosity. "Um, yea, what Luhan said. Bye mom, I'll be home for dinner!" you waved at her as you ran out to Luhan. 

"So where did you move too? Do we have to walk far?" you complained, you didn't have anytime to get changed. You were standing outside in slippers, shorts, and a tank top. Just as he shook his head it started to snow. You shot a look at him "Where do you live?" your teeth were already starting to clash together from the cold.

He laughed and started to walk to a house at the end of the street. No one ever bought that house, they never liked the view of the ugly pond lake type thing in the backyard.

You caught up with Luhan at the doorstep and put your hand on the knob. "Wait,there's something I need to tell you before you go in there." Luhan said as he put his hand on yours to stop you from going inside.

"Well can't it wait? I'm freezing." you turned the knob and opened the door but it hit something and you heard a loud thud.

"Ow! What the Luhan?" you peered around the corner and saw no one other than Byun Baekhyun.

"I'm so sorry!" you said as you opened the door all the way, Baekhyun was rubbing his head before he looked at you. He smiled and pointed, "You, you're that one girl. Hey." He rose his eyebrows and leaned against a cabnet he was next to. You simple smiled and turned back to Luhan, "So where's your room?" 

You turned back and saw the look on Baekhyuns face, it was complete shock. "Why do you need to know where his room is? You're my girlfriend." You shot a look back to him then to Luhan and back to Baekhyun.


Yay first chapter!!!! Hope you guys like it!!! ^^

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Good luck :D, seems interesting