The Babies And The Bodyguard

I'll Be Your Bodyguard

Mom, dad - do you remember? When I was in fifth grade in elementary school, I used to go on four hour long trips from Mokpo to Gwangju solely out of my passion for music. I don’t how I got the guts to do it, but I even gave up soccer, the activity I loved the most, just to travel that long distance. (pauses) Wait, I still have more. Mom and dad still allowed me to go, even though they were worried. Truthfully, I know that you guys thought that I wouldn’t be able to do well at school. Back then I was unstylish because I had long hair and tanned skin from playing soccer. Despite all that, I luckily got accepted and my mom began taking me to the terminal everyday. She even went through the trouble of packing me lunch. But one day, my mom told me to ride the bus. Since I was so young, I got mad at her words. Later, though, my brother told me that it was because my mom was sick that time. I felt so sorry. I made a promise with my brother after that. We promised to become successful and make our parents smile. After I got moved to Seoul, my mom and I were separated from my brother and dad. My mom struggled to tend to our new house. I felt helpless watching her do everything and sometimes even cried in the middle of training [when I thought of her]. Even through all that, I continued to whine and ask you to buy me things, and I hope you can forgive me.

Also, when I got accepted into TS and got split from my mom, a stylist and her husband took me on a ride. I was sitting in the backseat and seeing them together reminded me of my parents, and I missed them so much. Now that [same] Junhong is fulfilled his dreams of becoming a singer,became the maknae of B.A.P under the name “Zelo”, and is now standing in front of his parents and brother. All the people who have come to support me and B.A.P that my parents are seeing right now are our BABYs, who are another part of my family. Can you see them?

Mom and dad, I promise to become to be an obedient son.

Under the names Choi Junhong, B.A.P, and Zelo, I will be a kind and praiseworthy son. Mom, dad, brother, and my other family members, BABYs: I love you!

Translated by x-iahtic @ Tumblr - take out with credits!






"You okay?" I said, when we went backward stage.

"Hmm... i think," Zelo held out face up, trying to hold back tears.

He just kid, and he is so adorable, but i love him. I love he crying, smile, laugh and everything. But, today i just want to embrace him. That tears, fell down his face so soft and smooth. I grabbed his right hand, hugging me and gave me comfort that he needs. He looked me, and smile. But, i know, he really missed his family and brother too. I stretched out my hands, ready to give a warm hug.

"Don't cry baby," i said with softly.

"Ne, hyung... but, I'm so missed them. i really missed my family," his tears were dropped.

"Hey, do you forgot with your promised? You'll be a perfect and best person for your Dad, Mom and brother," Daehyun said, so mature.

Zelo just silent, and just shut up and smell the scent of Busan boy.

"You have me in here, you have b.a.p member, baby, so cheerful again," I ask.

"Hyung ... i love you," Zelo is pulled back.

I looked at his face and wiped his eyes slowly.

"Let's go home, there are many things we must do for our comeback stage," I said.

"Hmmm ..." Zelo said briefly.

Finally, our concert today very successful. We entered into the van together. Yongguk hyung, sitting in front near the driver. Jongup and Himchan-hyung sits in the middle and I, Zelo and Youngjae sitting behind. In less than five minutes, Zelo already closed his eyes. He slept very soundly. True Yongguk hyung said, he looks like a baby when he fell asleep, without sin, and his face was so bright.

I put his head on my thigh. My body blanket with a jacket I was wearing. The air is very cold tonight, but I think he's more in need of warmth tonight.

"Poor Zelo, he missed his family," said Himchan.

"Ne, hyung. Could I sleep with him tonight?" I said.

"Of course, but you should
guard him with well," Yongguk hyung said with leader charisma.






All members came into the room. I also brought Zelo in my arms. I put Zelo on the bed, lay down nicely. Then, I replace clothes with pajamas. He really looks like a child, even though his ​​body was so high, but he still looks so innocent.

"Zelo, i love you ..." I whispered.

Zelo move his hand, holding his wrist. I saw her eyes were still closed. He was still fast asleep. I tried to pull her hand softly, but he was talking quietly.

"Eommaaa ... I miss you," he said with a tone of sadness.

"Zelo baby, you're delirious?" I asked.

He did not answer, well I guess he's still sleeping. However, when I tried to get up, Zelo hold my hand so I'm staying with him.

"Hyung ... hug me tonight. I want to cry in your arms," he said so innocent.

I smiled at him, and went to him. I hugged his skinny body, give warmth he needed. Slowly, I hear the sobs sobs. I hugged him deeper.

"After comeback stage, I'll ask for permission to the manager, so you can see your family," I was so mature.

"Seriously? I hope you'll come with me later," he said.

"Hmm ... go to sleep, I do not want to see you sick tomorrow," I kissed his lips very gently.




*so sorry caused this fics so short.. ^^ subcribe and comment please

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Chapter 1: Hi Author!!
Can I ask you something?
May I have your to permission translate this fic into Vietnamese?
I'll keep all the credits and give you the link when I post it.
Reply to me soon.Thanks!!!♥