Signs, Leather and Sunflower

Signs, Leather and Sunflower


“Unnie! I have to tell him! I can’t hide this anymore!” She said while she is staring outside her window of their dorm.


“Tell him what, Hyunnie?” Hyoyeon asked their maknae with a puzzled face.


“That I love him and I never stopped loving him.” Seohyun replied to her Hyoyeon Unnie.


“But he is in a relationship with her.” Taeyeon said to Seohyun carefully.


“ Ohh! Unnie it’s just a rumour, he didn’t even confirm it! You couldn’t possibly believe that? You know how our world works Unnie! It’s obvious that some people are just making it up! I am right. Right?” Seohyun said while she is facing her Unnnie’s with tears that starts to drop.


“Seohyun-ah… Please stop crying! Please! I can’t bear seeing you like this. Please?” YoonA said, who is also crying, while she is hugging her best friend.


“Seohyunnie! You did your best but it looks like that he already gave up.” Yuri said while crying.


“What have I done wrong?!” Seohyun shouted inside their room. “Don’t you think I suffered enough after what WGM?” She asked her Unnies’.


“You have suffered enough Seohyun-ah. You’ve suffered too much actually, suffered much more than you can handle and you don’t deserve it.” Sunny said to their maknae, who is now sitting on the floor with YoonA and Yuri who is comforting her.


“Oh swear I’m going to kill him, when I see him. Our baby doesn’t deserve all of this pain! She doesn’t even to deserve to cry because of that guy!” Jessica said while she is looking at Seohyun who s continuously crying.


“I wish  we could do something to lessen the pain she is feeling now.” Sooyoung said while she is currently looking at their very sad and miserable maknae.


“How about giving her some gogumas?” Tiffany asked Sooyoung in a whispering form.


“It will only remind her of him. So please no more things that can make her remember him?” Sooyoung answered while whispering.


Maknae, I think you should sleep, you’re tired and you have been crying for almost 30 minutes.” Hyoyeon said while helping Seohyun get up and leading her to her bed.


When Seohyun felt her soft bed and pillow she immediately fell asleep, while the other 8 girls is looking at their maknae with their worried face.


“We have to do something. I can’t bear seeing her like this anymore.” Tiffany said to break the silence.


“Do you have his number?” Taeyeon asked Tiffany.


“I don’t have his number, but I think YoonA have.” Tiffany answered Taeyeon


“Yeah I have his number. What are we going to tell him?” YoonA asked her Unnies.


“Leave it to me…” Jessica said with her very cold voice. For Jessica nobody could hurt their maknae.


It was already 12midnight when they called the guy who causes their maknae too much pain.


“Hello...” the guy from the other line answered.


“Jung Yonghwa-sshi” after hearing the voice and knowing who owns that voice he immediately sits up.


“Ohh. Jessica-ssi, do you need anything?” Yonghwa asked the Ice Princess with politeness in his voice, but at the back of his mind, he kept on thinking what he have done to the Ice Princess for her to call him in at 12 midnight.


“Oh yes Yonghwa! I need something from you.” Jessica while she is smirking.


“What do you need Jessica-ssi?” He asked her even though he is still confused.


“We need some information Jung Yonghwa.” This time Taeyeon talked to Yonghwa.


“What kind information Taeyeon-ssi?” this time he became nervous. It is the very first time that the SNSD’s Leader and Ice princess would call him just to get some information.


“Tssk! Why are you girls taking so long to ask him! Yonghwa-ssi! Do you still love our maknae?” Tiffany asked Yonghwa straight to the point. Because of this there was a long moment of silence.


“I guessed we know the answer already. We are really sorry for disturbing you.” Yuri said with her most sincere voice.


“Uhm so you know that I still love her?” Yonghwa asked.


“What?! You still love our maknae, but how about the news about dating and stuff?!” Hyoyeon asked Yonghwa with confusion evident in her voice, but nevertheless they all know what will be the outcome of this conversation.


“I denied it all today. And would you girls mind if I go there later I want to fix things with Seohyun.” Yonghwa said.


“No we don’t mind at all, so shall we see you here tomorrow?” YoonA asked him.


“Yes.” Yonghwa said with full of confidence.


“Okay then bye!” Sooyoung said and then ended the call.


“Well at least now I know she will be happy!” Jessica said to the other seven girls.


“Yeah! I can sleep well know! So, good night girls!” Tiffany said, then all of them bid their good nights with each other and went to their respective rooms.


The next day all of the 9 girls is staying on the sofa, 8 of them knew what will happen today, but there is one person who will get a surprise of her life.


“Seohyunnie! What’s with the clothes?!” Sooyoung asked their maknae.


“What’s wrong about leather pants?!” She answered her Unnie.


“Nothing.” Sooyoung said because Jessica is currently giving her some cold stares.


“Little girl, I have a question. What sign would you ask for to know that Yonghwa has still has feelings for you?” Tiffany asked her.


“Hmmm. I would wish for him giving me a sunflower bracelet and him wearing a leather jacket. Why do you suddenly asked Unnie?” Seohyun ask her Unnie.


“Nothing” Tiffany said then she quickly turned to YoonA “Text him faster! Tell him to buy a sun-“before Tiffany could finish her sentence she heard the doorbell ring.


“Too late!” YoonA said to Tiffany while she is looking at Seohyun who is currently opening the door.


“Oppa what are you doing here?” Seohyun asked when she saw Yonghwa standing at their door. When the girls heard of what Seohyun said they quickly went to see Yonghwa with a leather jacket and a box.


“I’m here to give this to you.” Yonghwa said while handing Seohyun the box and opening it.


“It’s a bracelet.” 

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Chapter 1: This is so cute. :)
Chapter 1: ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ great update
cnsdGirl #3
Chapter 1: Omo!!! I'm greedy!!! I want more!!!!!! ⋋_⋌
Can't handle~ my greediness.~ (ㄒoㄒ)
So sweet~ Yonghwa can read Seohyun's mind!! Leather jacket and bracelet!~ (─‿‿─) So sweet!!

Thank you for this! ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ