Lunch Trade

The Word Bucket [Taking Requests]

The first day of second grade was one of the hardest days for Jongup because he just moved to a new elementary school and he didn’t know anyone there. And since Jongup was from the countryside (you know, with all those tan farmers and creepy cows and random red barns all over the place),  he really didn’t know any better when it came to ‘city things’. Frankly, the boy had no idea what a Nintendo DS was, nor did he know about these strange beings named Superman and Batman. Sad, yes, but seeing as he’s from the countryside, it really is quite understandable to not have that kind of knowledge yet.


Dressed in blue plaid shorts and a plain t-shirt, the little boy was holding a red lunch box with his two little hands for dear life as he sat alone on the bench located just a bit farther from the school park. He opened the lid, grimacing when he saw the contents. Three chocolate and strawberry jelly sandwiches (he’s a growing boy, don’t judge), two bananas, and one grape juice box. The eight-year-old sighed heavily, knowing he should have never let his Uncle Bang pack his lunch for him. There he sat, eyeing the food reluctantly, sighing again as he picked up the ziplock full of sandwiches.




The dark haired country boy jumped in his seat, whipping his head around quickly to see who talked. Before him stood a boy his age whom he recognized to be his deskmate (that he more or less ignored), Jun...Jon...Junho...Junjae? Well, Jun-something.


“H-Hi...” Jongup muttered, looking away because he wasn’t used to talking to people much. He heard the bench creak and scooted a little to make way for his classmate who was busy staring holes into Jongup.


“I’m not gonna bite or anything. Unless you’re made of chocolate. I like chocolate. My gramps used to call me Choco when I was five because I ate so much chocolate.”




A gigantic smile graced the younger boy’s face and Jongup couldn’t help the little flip his stomach did when he saw the smile. No one apart from his mom smiled at him like that, and his mom’s been dead for two years now. Seeing the sweet smile plastered like duct tape on Junhong’s face, Jongup couldn’t help but smile back and shake Junhong’s tiny hand.


“Well,...What do ya-Is that a chocolate and strawberry jelly sandwich?!” Junhong gasped dramatically, practically jumping like a hyper-active bunny on the bench. “Lucky!” he calmed down a little, pouting in a way that reminded Jongup of his cute pet duck, Peater. “My dad packed me three rice balls, some ham, and some noodles, and a whole corner of my lunch has broccoli. I hate broccoli.”


This time, it was Jongup’s turn to jump from happiness.


“Do you want to switch lunches?” he asked eagerly, already shoving his lunch box into Junhong’s still occupied hands. The younger’s eyes sparkled in enthusiasm and he quickly switched their lunches. Jongup with Junhong’s yellow one, while Junhong held onto Jongup’s red one.


“Sweet! Thanks!” both boys dug into their new lunches, happy to be eating food they actually liked.


In between bites, Junhong looked at Jongup from the corner of his eyes. Realizing that he forgot something, he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his green shirt and nudged Jongup in the ribs. Reaching a hand out, Junhong cleared his throat and swallowed the rest of the sandwich he had packed in his cheeks like a chipmunk.


“I’m Junhong, by the way! What’s your name?”


Jongup pointed to himself, his left hand still managing to stuff a piece of broccoli in his mouth along with the rice ball and noodles. Thickly he swallowed, putting the chopsticks down as he tried to regain his speech.


“J-Jongup. Moon Jongup.”


“Well, Moon J-Jongup,” Junhong giggled slightly, amused by the way Jongup’s cheeks flushed a little as he spoke. “We’re friends now.”


The younger of the two boys grabbed Jongup’s hand and made their thumbs meet, startling Jongup a bit, but making him grin nonetheless.



Ello, my lovelies. LOL. What is with me and JongLoXFood?! Anyway...LET ME LUVS U ALL <3

Word Vomit Count: 688
Genre: Fl...uff
Pairing: JongLo

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Chapter 12: Oh god, my daejae feels...
"But you hate caramel cookies..."
"Precisely" xD

Lol - awww :D
ah. it ran out of chappys. D: #hit with reality# why does all good things end D:

^^ Keep posting authornim!
Chapter 11: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww </3 "Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?" LOL LOved that line kekeke~~ :D
Chapter 10: OMG HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA #chokes# How can you BUWAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA haaa~ man that was good xD #still laughing#
Chapter 9: XD "Come here you bastard"
"With pleasure"

#rollsoutlikeaquid# Jeesh Daejae feels overflow...
Chapter 8: OMG I want to change my lunch with someone too <3 Suddenly sounds so fluffy <3 -_- gah; why am I forever alone again?
Chapter 7: LOL SO freaking adorable ASDFGHJKL I loved it when their foreheads bumped "Ow" awwwwwww <3 Kids are lovely </3
Chapter 6: -_- no youngje; that is not how you interpret it. "That bastard of a friend is in love with me" is how you do it.
Oohgodmydaejefeelsarebaaaaack <3
Chapter 5: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW JONGUP MY HERO <3 Thank you for saving Junhong Daww ASDFGHJKL LOVED IT </3
Chapter 4: DANG THATS WHAT IM TALKIG ABOUT hahhahahhahaha xD Its like 'Damn your y' and 'don't mind if I do' just hit my head with saucepans hahahhaha LOL im a ert; cant help it xD
Chapter 3: :P Yeah everyone gets off their 'period' or 'episode' of thinking love is stupid. I know I did.. :P
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 'you kinda, sorta in a way have feelings for me too' was soo cute :D