Tigger Jealousy

The Word Bucket [Taking Requests]

Himchan was the type of boy who became jealous very easily. His next door neighbor, Youngjae, a lot for it, too. Himchan, however, always defended himself by saying ‘It isn’t fair that Gukkie likes Tigger more than me!’. Which, to the eight-year-old, really was unfair because Gukkie was his (he called dibs way before that Tigger dude and dibs should never be taken lightly) and no one, not even Yongguk’s favorite stuffed toy, would take that away from him.

“Gukkie, let’s play! My momma bought me a new train for my train set yesterday and-”

“Not now, Channie. I’m playing with Tigger! Tigger’s the best!”

This, of course, was totally the wrong thing to say (not that Yongguk knew it at the time) because in a flash, Himchan was running away from Yongguk and his new found best friend.

“Yongguk’s a meanie! You’re not my best friend anymore!”

Shocked by his words, Yongguk immediately stood up and ran after the younger who, by now, created quite a distance between them. It was a good thing that Yongguk had exceptional eyesight, because at least from the grassy hill, he could see Himchan opening the side door of his house and slamming it shut behind him.

“What did I even do?”

Wondering to himself the entire time as he made his way to Himchan’s house, Yongguk decided that he would willingly give Himchan his precious Tigger if it made him feel better. Yongguk knocked on the front door and was greeted cheerfully by Himchan’s mom.

“Why hello again, Yongguk! What brings you here?”

“Mrs. Kim, I’ve come to see Himchannie!” the boy declared, nodding so solemnly that Mrs. Kim couldn’t help but ruffle the younger’s jet black hair and laugh lightheartedly. She retracted her small hand and tucked a strand of her chocolate hair behind her ear. Yongguk knew that Mrs. Kim was really pretty, beautiful even, and that’s where he concluded Himchan got his looks from.

“Alright, dear. He should be upstairs. I’ll bring some cookies, okay?”

“Mhm! Thank you, Mrs. Kim!” like lightning he dashed up the stairs and began pounding incessantly on the wooden door of Himchan’s room. “Channie! Let me in!”

“No, you jerk! Go away!”

“But Channie! I have a present for you!”

“No! Gukkie, you’re such a big meanie! I don’t like you anymore. I’ll go play with Youngjae instead!”

Instantly, Yongguk felt a pang of jealousy in his heart and he knocked on the door louder and even more obnoxiously than before. There was no way that this Youngjae kid was stealing his best friend. No way. Not even for all the cookies in the world.

“Himchannie! Just let me in! I swear that I’ll do anything!”

There was a moment of silence and Yongguk was almost sure that Himchan would let him in soon.

Anything?” Himchan called out from behind the door, his voice loud enough where Yongguk knew that Himchan was practically standing with his hand on the know by now.


“Cross your heart?”

Yongguk smiled his famous gummy smile and made an X over his chest where his heart was.

“Cross my heart!”

The older boy heard a series of locks become unlocked before the door was opened only a crack to reveal the single eye of Himchan.

“You have to swear that you’ll spend way more time with me than with your Tigger, okay?!” the younger yelled from behind the door. The black-haired elder nodded his head vigorously, wanting Himchan to forgive him right away so that they could hang out again without worries like Timon and Pumba.

“I swear it!”

“Cross your heart! Cross it!” Yongguk did as he was told and the moment he did, he was hauled into the room by the small hand of Himchan. He tumbled in without grace ended up colliding with Himchan’s forehead.

“Ow...” they both groaned out, and the two settled for laying beside each other instead.

“You better keep your promise.”

“I will! I swore on it, right?”

“Exactly! Now, who’s more important? Me or Tigger?”

“Ti-” Himchan shot the older boy a murderous glare from beside him.

“I’m just kidding, sheesh! Of course you are! I ran after you, remember?!”

“Whatever. For as long as you swore on it, you better not break your promise!” Himchan warned, bumping shoulders with the taller boy next to him.

“I won’t! You’ll always be more important than any Tigger, Himchan. You’ll always be the best!”

And that one statement was more than enough for Kim Himchan.


Ello, again~ LOL. Guys. I'm like on a roll today with all this word vomit xD. So it might be going along the lines of the DaeJae one but...Oh well.

Word Vomit Count: 756
Pairing: BangHim

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Chapter 12: Oh god, my daejae feels...
"But you hate caramel cookies..."
"Precisely" xD

Lol - awww :D
ah. it ran out of chappys. D: #hit with reality# why does all good things end D:

^^ Keep posting authornim!
Chapter 11: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww </3 "Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?" LOL LOved that line kekeke~~ :D
Chapter 10: OMG HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA #chokes# How can you BUWAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA haaa~ man that was good xD #still laughing#
Chapter 9: XD "Come here you bastard"
"With pleasure"

#rollsoutlikeaquid# Jeesh Daejae feels overflow...
Chapter 8: OMG I want to change my lunch with someone too <3 Suddenly sounds so fluffy <3 -_- gah; why am I forever alone again?
Chapter 7: LOL SO freaking adorable ASDFGHJKL I loved it when their foreheads bumped "Ow" awwwwwww <3 Kids are lovely </3
Chapter 6: -_- no youngje; that is not how you interpret it. "That bastard of a friend is in love with me" is how you do it.
Oohgodmydaejefeelsarebaaaaack <3
Chapter 5: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW JONGUP MY HERO <3 Thank you for saving Junhong Daww ASDFGHJKL LOVED IT </3
Chapter 4: DANG THATS WHAT IM TALKIG ABOUT hahhahahhahaha xD Its like 'Damn your y' and 'don't mind if I do' just hit my head with saucepans hahahhaha LOL im a ert; cant help it xD
Chapter 3: :P Yeah everyone gets off their 'period' or 'episode' of thinking love is stupid. I know I did.. :P
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 'you kinda, sorta in a way have feelings for me too' was soo cute :D