
The Word Bucket [Taking Requests]

“Jonguppie-hyung, can you take the fish, please?”

There was a reason Junhong didn’t like sushi. Well, he liked it. He just didn’t like the sea creature on top of the rice.

It started long ago when Junhong was still seven and Jongup was eight, back in the days where they used to drag wooden sticks in the sand to write random words (like bubble) or have drawing competitions on who could make the uglier picture (which Jongup always won, for some reason). It was a regular afternoon, the sun was shining high in the sky, the sand practically glowed like gold by the shore, and pieces of seaweed distributed itself all over the place like sprinkles on a cupcake. Basically, it was a picture perfect day. At least, it was supposed to be a picture perfect day.

The two children wandered closer and closer to the sapphire waters of Busan’s beach, their parents simply relaxing on the golden sand with no worries to bother them. Farther they stepped until the water was at Junhong’s chest and at Jongup’s belly button, either way, the two simply held hands under the water because everyone knows that holding hands makes everything seem a little safer.

Everything seemed fine. The waters were calm, the winds blew at just the right intensity that Junhong questioned whether or not they were in a fairy tale or something. Anyway, things were beginning to become magical (because whenever light reflected from somewhere, Jongup always thought that it was magic) and Jongup unlaced his hand from Junhong’s because he found something shiny in the water. Junhong, curious as to why his hyung stopped holding hands with him, turned around to see Jongup edging away slowly.  Just as he was about to call out ‘Jonguppie-hyung’, Junhong was suddenly pulled back by the currents.

The young boy felt something slimy slither by his ankles, a furry substance brush against the heels of his feet, and before he knew it, he was tangled up in something and was being yanked harshly from the surface of the water.

“Jonguppie-hyung!” Junhong squealed after he felt a creature pinch his legs. Jongup turned around, ready to smile at Junhong when he saw that the poor boy was struggling to keep himself upright.

Neither of the two could really remember what had happened during that moment. Maybe it was because of the adrenaline or the trauma, but whatever the reason, all they knew was that by the time Jongup had dragged Junhong to the surface, Junhong had an army of clams on his ankles, fish biting his legs, and all sorts of sea-related things attached to him. Either way, that was the day Junhong began to hate seafood and also the day where Jongup became his hero.

So whenever Junhong asked Jongup to eat his fish when they went out for sushi, Jongup didn’t mind. Because Jongup was still Junhong’s hero and the older boy would protect him from anything. Even raw fish lying on a clump of sticky rice.


Herroo. I don't even know anymore. Here you go. Here is some JongLo.

Word Vomit Count: 504
Genre: I should come up with a genre for me...xD
Pairing: JongLo
Credits: chucksdiary


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Chapter 12: Oh god, my daejae feels...
"But you hate caramel cookies..."
"Precisely" xD

Lol - awww :D
ah. it ran out of chappys. D: #hit with reality# why does all good things end D:

^^ Keep posting authornim!
Chapter 11: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww </3 "Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?" LOL LOved that line kekeke~~ :D
Chapter 10: OMG HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA #chokes# How can you BUWAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA haaa~ man that was good xD #still laughing#
Chapter 9: XD "Come here you bastard"
"With pleasure"

#rollsoutlikeaquid# Jeesh Daejae feels overflow...
Chapter 8: OMG I want to change my lunch with someone too <3 Suddenly sounds so fluffy <3 -_- gah; why am I forever alone again?
Chapter 7: LOL SO freaking adorable ASDFGHJKL I loved it when their foreheads bumped "Ow" awwwwwww <3 Kids are lovely </3
Chapter 6: -_- no youngje; that is not how you interpret it. "That bastard of a friend is in love with me" is how you do it.
Oohgodmydaejefeelsarebaaaaack <3
Chapter 5: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW JONGUP MY HERO <3 Thank you for saving Junhong Daww ASDFGHJKL LOVED IT </3
Chapter 4: DANG THATS WHAT IM TALKIG ABOUT hahhahahhahaha xD Its like 'Damn your y' and 'don't mind if I do' just hit my head with saucepans hahahhaha LOL im a ert; cant help it xD
Chapter 3: :P Yeah everyone gets off their 'period' or 'episode' of thinking love is stupid. I know I did.. :P
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 'you kinda, sorta in a way have feelings for me too' was soo cute :D