
I can't believe she did that

OMG OMG OMG It's my first time of posting my fanfics :O
I hope You'll like it :))
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'Mom, tell me the story about you and dad!' My 6 years old daughter Luna asked me
'ok honey, but it's a really sad story' I said and sat her on my lap
'ok' she nodded
'wow… I remember that day like it was yesterday' I said and started to remember.

Flashback, about 7 years ago

I was laying in my bed. It was almost 11pm and I was really bored. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrating I looked at it and saw it was a text message.
from: Junhyung

Kyung Mi, please, come here. I need you!

ok, what? He can't call his girlfriend or something? Or maybe something happened with her, I have to be with him, he never text me that late, maybe something really serious happened.
to: Junhyung
time: 11:01:59PM
I'm on my way!

I texted him back and went to my closet. I wore a white t-shirt with black sweatpants. I wore my coat and put my shoes on. I went outside the room and rushed to the first floor, I almost reached the door when I heard my mom 'where are you going young lady?' she asked 'mom, I'm 19 you shouldn't be so worried about me!' I said to her and remembered that I forgot my phone upstairs; I rushed again to my room, took it and went back down, and saw she was still standing there. I sighed 'I'm going to Junhyung oppa, something happened and I'm worrying about him' I said and looked at her '*sigh* ok, but! Call me when you get there, ok?' she said 'ok mom, bye' I said and gave her a daughter-mother kiss and went outside. I ran to his house that was about 15 minutes away. When I got closer I called my mom 'I'm here, and yes, I'm ok' I said 'bye mom' I added and hung up. I went closer to the door and knocked. When there was no answer I tried to open it, and surprisingly it opened.
I got inside the house and looked around. Suddenly I saw Junhyung sitting on the couch, with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. I went closer and sat next to him 'oppa, what happened?' I asked and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with eyes red from tears 'sh-she cheated on me' he said and started to cry again I hugged him 'what do you mean? How do you know?' I asked 'we were at the club; I mean I was, and I didn't knew she was there. And I went to the bar to take a drink and I saw her standing there, kissing with another guy' he said and cried on my shoulder 'oh my…' I said and his back which I knew he liked it. 'I couldn't do anything, and just stared at her until she saw me, and when she did she just laughed at me' he said and sobbed. 'Hey, try to relax, please' I said and hugged him even tighter 'I-I can't…' he mumbled 'I loved her… and she did that to me!' he said and I felt my heart aching. I actually really liked Junhyung oppa, a lot more than a friend. 'Hey, calm down, I'm her for you' I said and kept his back as he stopped hugging me and looked at me 'thank you so much, for being here, for helping me' he said and kissed my cheek, I could smell the alcohol that he drank I took the bottle from him and placed it on the table 'you don't need alcohol to forget her' I said and got up. I held out my hand to him to help him stand up. 'What about a walk outside? It's can really help you' I smiled to him as he got up and he nodded. 'Wait a sec' I said and went to his room. I reached to his coat and then helped him to wear it. 'Let's go' I said and opened the door he barely walked so I helped him, we walked about an hour and then went back home. 'That really helped me, thanks' he said as we got inside, the alcohol was no longer there, he back to the old Junhyung that I knew. 

'Mom! Moooom' something interrupted my flashback 'mom! You say that father liked to drink?' Luna asked 'no, it was only that time, now you want to hear the rest of the story?' I asked 'yes!' she said excitingly 'so be quite and listen' I said and got back to my story.

Suddenly, he kissed me, it tried to push him away, I knew he doesn't really like me; it's only because of his girlfriend that cheated on him. He finally broke the kiss and looked at me 'I like you' he said with a quiet voice. I shook my head 'I know you're not. It's only because you're heartbroken' I said and looked to the ground. 'It's not… I really like you!' he said and forced me to look at him 'and I know you like me too' he grinned and my cheek. 'Be my girlfriend please' he said, and kissed me again. This time I haven't fought to stop it and I just gave back and kissed him.
After 3 months of being together we did it, I finally lost my ity to someone that I loved and loved me back. But there was one time, which we did it without any preventive measures and I got pregnant. Luckily it was after my 20's birthday. And my mom accepted it. After 3 months we got married and after another 6 months our little daughter was born. 
end of the Flashback
'and that's all' I said and smiled at her 'it was a great story mom!' Luna said excitedly 'yeah... now go to bad, it's pretty late young lady' I said a lifted her. I carried her to the bed and put her down, I covered her with the blanket 'good night princess' I smiled and kissed her forehead 'good night mommy' she said and I turned off the lights and closed the door. 'You told her our story?' I heard a voice behind me, I turned around and saw Junhyung 'well… she wanted to hear that' I smiled and kissed him. He hugged me tightly 'I still don't regret that day that all happened, it became the best day of my life' he said and kissed me.
'I love you Junhyung' I said
'I love you too Kyung Mi' he whispered and hugged me.  

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-notyourself #1
Chapter 1: haha so cute *-*
i would ask for a sequel you know? XD
e4ever #2
Chapter 1: awwww i dont know what to say