
Tell Me Your Wish

Jeti everyone~~

I got the inspirtion when i saw soshi 2nd japan tour fancam. When they sing way to go Tiffany sing like "You set me free... baby" while looking at Jessica eyes ^^


"Jessie we're in the middle of concert" Tiffany said while trying to push Jessica away. They are currently on the backstage. Tiffany had her body pinned on the wall by Jessica. As much as she want to kiss Jessica,she have to held it since they're in the middle of concert.

"Oh come on! Just a kiss" Jessica whined. Tiffany was contemplating whether she have to give in or not,and she decide not to.

"Jessie i know you,you'll try to depend the kiss and we'll end up getting caught or get scold by the other member" Tiffany said while crossing her arm. Jessica on another hand alread bring her hands back to her side while smile nervously.

"Of course not!"

"Yeah right" Tiffany rolled her eyes at the pouting Jessica.

"Hey you two lover come on! The other waiting for you already!" Hyoyeon suddenly enter the room while covering her eyes with Sunny tailing behind her and did the same with her eyes.

Hyoyeon peek through her finger and sigh in relieved after noticing the couple just looking at the weirdly. "Glad my eyes still innocent"

"We're not doing anything" Tiffany said with tint of red oon her cheek

"Almost..." Jessia wispher and got elbowed by Tiffany who had her g=face getting redder. Hyoyeon and Sunny watch in amused a the couple.

Sunny shhok her head and bring her attention back to the couple. "Come on! If you don't want to get scold by the other for make them wait" Sunny informed them. She nudged Hyoyeon and both of them went out from the dressing room.

"Let's just go" Tiffany grab Jessica arm and drag the pouting girl out.



Tiffany should have listened to Jessica when she asking for a kiss. She really regret to object the offer. After that incident Jessica had been seduce her the whole time. This time was no difference. They're currently singing Way To Go and Jessica grab her arm and drag her to the main stage. They sang their line when Jessica suddenly stop and look her stright in the eyes,make Tiffany speechless. 

"You set me free... baby" Jessica laugh silently in victory. Tiffany come back to her sence when she see Jessica smirk,make her blush. She was about to pinch the other girl but Jessica was faster and dodged it. The member questioning gaze didn't help her and make hace turn redder. She made a mental note to kill Jessica later.



"JESSIE!" Jessica look up to her girlfriend who's seem angry,but to Jessicca it was really cute.

"Yes?" She asked the girl calmly while flashing Tiffany her innocent smile. She know she'll get this kind of reaction so she prepared already.

"What was that for?" Tiffany whined.

"What? i didn't do anything" Jessica said teasing Tiffany

"Jessie!" Tiffany once again whined. She turn her body around pretend to sulk. Jessica chuckle silently before she stand up and back hugged the other girl.

"It was really embrassing!" Tifany turn around and pinch Jessica arm make Jessica yelp in pain. Jessica pout at Tiffany but the younger girl just ignore her and turn around again.

"Well that what's you got for resisting the almighty Jung Jessica" Jessica said smugly.

"You're so full of your self"

"But you love this over-confident person"

"Said who?"

"You even called me baby about half hour ago"

Tiffamy sigh in defeat. "Fine you win"

"Then where's my price?" Tiffany look questioningly at the slightly older girl. When Jessica pointed at her lips,she got the massage and smile until her eyes gone. She circled her arms on Jessica neck while Jessica bring Tifany closer by her waist.

"You'll get it soon" Tiffany wispher before Jessica close the gap between their lips. They're lost on each other world until someone fake cough.

"You guys do know that we still here right?" Sooyoung ask sarcastically while tapping herfoot annoyed. Taeyeon just push the giant and said "NO! You can continue it! We didnt mind"

Sunny pull Taeyeon by the ear make Taeyeon whimpernshe drag Taeyeon out from the room and signalling the other to come out too.

Yoona help maknae cover her eyes while Yoona had her eyes covered by Yuri. Hyoyeon just shake her head and drag Sooyoung out before closing the door behind them. "If in 10 minute bith of you didn't come to the van,we will keave you!" Sooyoung shout from outside the room. Tiffany and Jessica just stare at each other before burst out laughing.



a/n: I know it's crappy ._. im kind of lazy to read it back so forgive me for any grammar mistake. Comment~~ and thank you for subscribers!!


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 2: Oh my jeti are so adorable... I'm dying and missed them....
Chapter 1: Hi author!
Love the JeTi one shot<3
Cute indeed and reading through it just made me smile:)
Hope more JeTi moments will come and inspire you to write more:D
bella88ss #3
Chapter 1: What does "but.... i already forget half of it" means?