Arrogant Piece Of



"You're right, I will be fine on my own. I'm just paranoid that nothing has been working out for well, a long time. " Luhan admitted with a look of defeat on his face.

"I've got an idea, " Tao said, eyes perking up with enthusiasm, which was rare as Tao seldom smiled. "What do you think about internet dating? " 

Luhan grimaced slightly, staring at Tao, before bursting into a slight cackle. And this was normal, not cause Luhan was drunk. This reminded Tao when they first met, Tao was stiff and awkward of course, but Luhan was the absolute opposite of him.

"You're kidding! " Luhan shrieked, before proceeding to put his dinner in the kitchen.

"I'm not. If i was single i would be on there now, no joke. " Tao followed Luhan into the kitchen, placing his empty plate on the sink.

"But Sehun.." Luhan trailed off.

Tao knew his friend still had feelings for Sehun, and he would not be able to forget him easily. That was just Luhan. When Luhan confessed to a girl in college and she rejected him, Tao ended up staying in the toilet for three hours just to calm him down.

"Everything is so upgraded now that you're 60% garunteed to find your other half! " Tao protested, grabbing Luhan by the arm.

Luhan was unconvinced and Tao knew that he needed evidence, real, concret evidence. 

"Ok, you know Kai & Kyungsoo? One that looks like a stripper and the other with huge doe eyes that look like they could pop out any  minute? " Tao asked, "They met on, " Tao continued, nodding his head with authority.

"Kai said they met while having cooking classes! " Luhan spoked, confused.

"Bull. Do you actually think that Kai cooks when he almost burnt down Chanyeol's house in 9th grade?" Tao rolled his eyes.

A small, embarrassed "oh," came out from Luhan's mouth and Tao grinned.

"Anyway bring me your laptop so we can just have a look, if you're not interested, then so be it. " 

Luhan thought for a moment before dashing up to his room and had gotten his MacBook Pro. He settled back on the couch with Tao and pushed the device onto his lap.

Tao had opened up the google search page and typed ' Dating sites'. Within a few seconds, hundreds and thousands of websites popped up. From college dating sites to professional dating ones. The list went on and on but Tao was looking something that would suit his friend.
And finally he did, clicking on the website, '' ,since Luhan was only interested in guys.
In less than 10 minutes both guys were already shrieking with laughter over some male profiles, collasping over the couch. Oh you didn't know? Luhan and Tao were gossip queens kings.
After half an hour of laughing at the profiles, Tao seem to finally found a suitable guy for Luhan.
"Hey click on that one!!" Tao said, putting his index finger on the face of one exceptionally gorgeous man.
"Hmm" Luhan nooded, double clicking on the guy's profile.
"Kim Jongin. Lives in Seoul, majors in dance, ballet and jazz... holy he is y" Luhan breathe, enlarging on Jongin's profile picture.
"No, stop he ain't the right one hyung. " Tao frowned, regretting clicking on Kim Jongin's profile.
"Why! "
"Have you seen what he describes himself as? " 
Luhan furrowed his eyebrows as he scrolled down Jongin's profile ;
he is kinda y
he does look pretty good
well of course since he majors in dance
. . . . . . .
Luhan eyes widen before quickly clicking on the 'next' button. If it was one thing Luhan hated the most, it would be sharing. What? Anything that belongs to him. 
"Told you hyung, " Tao muttered before earning a slap on his back from Luhan.
They kept scrolling through the pages and looking at the profiles until late in the evening. The combination of alcohol and laughter made the hours passed by like minutes.
Tao had just pointed to a photograph and started to say something about the guy resembled his ex when they were suddenly interrupted by a ringing sound.
Ayo GG!
Yeah Yeah sijaghae bolkka? 
eomeo! yae jom bwara yae, 
museun iri isseot gillae 
meoril jallatdae? eung? 
Tao lazily took out his white iphone from the back of his jeans, 
"Hello " 
"Hey, Tao? "
"Yeah? "
"I'll be late again so don't wait for me, sorry baby, love you " 
"....Ok anyway i'm staying over at Luh- " 
And the line went off.
"i love you too yifan.. " 
Tao sighed, this wasn't the first time Kris had hung up on him.
He knew Kris was busy, especially during December since Christmas was coming soon, they had to stock up on their goods. Even before they got married Kris was always in his office, either doing paperwork or shifting items. And because of this he had gotten quite used to this, even though he was disppointed, but what could he do?
"Kris again? " Luhan patted Tao on his back, pitying him.
He was jealous that Tao and Kris could have a happy marraige, unlike him, but he was also silently contented that he wasn't one of them. Kris often hangs up on Tao, due to his work schedules, but Tao wouldn't complain or say anything, he did not want to lose Kris.
Tao nodded his head, face filled with disappointment.
"It's alright, it's not the first time anyway! " Tao said,forcing himself to smile.
They were back to scrolling, another site this time, Tao trying to take his mind off Kris and Luhan trying to forget Sehun. When all of a sudden, Luhan grabbed Tao's arm, his nails digging into his skin.
"What the Luhan? " Tao shouted, shaking his hand off from the older's death-grip, half laughing and half confused if he had drank too much. 
"Tao. Don't ing look, don't ing look " Luhan yelled in reply, eyes as wide as saucers.
"What? " Tao stared at his friend, flabbergasted.
Just as he turned around towards the screen, Luhan wrapped his whole body around Tao, a knee on his upper thigh and an elbow around his neck, fingers covering both his eyes and mouth.
"ing hell Luhan!  " Tao tried to shout, muffled by luhans arms , "You're strangling me! " 
Luhan stood still for a moment, still holding onto Tao, arms and legs clingling tightly around the younger's body.
"I'm going to let you go, but just don't look at the screen ok? When i let you get off, close your eyes ok? OK? " Luhan said carefully, slightly shaking Tao, causing the younger to feel alittle dizzy
"Ok ok ok, " Tao assured, wondering what is wrong with Luhan, "Just get off if you don't wanna see me dead in your house! " 
Luhan slowly removed his hands from his friend's eyes, climbing off the other before swiftly grabbing the laptop and whipping it out of his sight. He ran into the kitchen, placed it on the counter and clicked on what Tao had assumed is a profile.
Tao had closed his eyes for a few minutes now, waiting for Luhan to snap out of his weird behaviour. But when he opened his eyes, he saw Luhan staring widely at the screen, one hand clasped over his mouth.
Tao had stood up abruptly and started walking over to his friend.
"Luhan? What's going on? " he questioned, "You're freaking the out of me. " But what he saw on the screen when he peered behind his friend freaked him out even more.
There on profile number 246 was a photo of a man he recognized.

Kris, his husband. Smiling back at him.

Eyes staring out of the screen at him, his blond hair was waxed so it looked messy and he had on a white skull shirt that Tao had gotten got him on his birthday. 

His heart stopped, unknowing he had put his hand until it found Luhan's, grasping them slowly.

Tao felt dizzy. Weak. Confused.

They had been together for a long time and had gotten married less than a year ago. And there was his husband, Kris. 'Tall' , 'y' , 'Handsome'  were the words he had used to describe himself.

Arrogant piece of , Tao cursed.

Storming to the coffee table, he grabbed his wine and tipped its contents down his throat, wondering how the hell he was going to handle this.


Kris's profile was on a dating site.

AN: Sorry for the late update! I had tests this whole week so i was quite busy, but don't worry today was the last day! Anyways, i'm kinda stuck for writing the next few chapters, so please leave suggestions/criticisms/ideas below!!
Thank you for reading 
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SteamingSehbooty #1
Chapter 8: I must say i enjoyed this fic very much!
I had a heartclenching buzz throughout the chapters and i just cant explain whut i feellllll.
IT WAS AMAZING, angsty but really nice. :) thanks for sharing this lovely fic.
Chapter 8: Nooooooooo I MEAN


can you just make a chappie where everyone appologizes to Kris? ;_____;

Or at least one where Tao admits that he was wrong D<

And Xiumin...OH HO HO
who does this b*tch think he is? >_>

Luhan..."he messed up big time"
Psssh I'll mess you up D<
Just cuz he's your friend doesn't mean he's always right!!!
There ARE /AT LEAST/ two sides to every story
*grombles* little ing know it all

Lol OMG I love you KYUNGSOO <3 *gives him all my love*

Rant over Owo
Chapter 8: Lol, at the end omg! Soo adorable TaoRis! My favorite otp! My Taoie so cute! ^^ (*¯︶¯*)
Chapter 7: cute lil boy <3<3<3
Oh....i understand well u can break luhans door down then lol
Chapter 6: kris are u gonna explain with lies!??? huh!?!
give him one good reason for your stupidity????
Chapter 5: how could you kris??? poor taozi
it serves u right kreese!!!
Chapter 3: glad nothing really happened!!!
no that wasn't Tao..that was his shadow?!??? lol
Chapter 2: ohhhhhhhh shet!!! kris you're in trouuuuuble!
Chapter 1: move u get to find kris