Tell Me Tell Me

Do You Know My Heart ?



    It's been few months already since their Jeju trip. Now all the seniors of  Woolim High including Sunggyu, Hoya ,Dongwoo, Sungyeol , Jung Nana

and  Park Sunny are busy with their final year examinations and university enterance examinations. Meanwhile for the juniors it's school holiday !! as

they  already  finished their exam a week earlier than their seniors 1st examination date.  Today  is the last day of examination which consist of 

University eterance exam ,  Mathemathic exam and  Social Sciene exam for  Sunggyu and his friends. They went to school with high hope that they'll 

do well in the exam and will end their school life beautifuly. Meanwhile ,  Min Ji , Myungsoo and Sung Jong  secretly plan to make a suprise party

welcoming their beloved hyungs , oppas, unnie and noona as they would soon become graduates of Woolim High.  At the Lee resident Min Ji is

busy by herself  in the kitchen baking a Chocholate Rasberry cake. In the living room Sung Jong and Myungsoo are busy blowing the baloons ,

organizing and putting  all the foods that  already been put in the tupperware with all the things that they want to bring into the big basket. Once they 

are ready they headed towards a nice park nearby their school and start to set up the spot they choose to be party like. Lee family driver is driving 

them there today as none of them have car license to drive yet. Now it's almost 3 pm . The three of them finished setting the place up. Myungsoo 

rush to the school as fast as he can to lure those people to the Park.  Sung Jong decided to take a nap for awhile under a big Cherry tree . Min Ji is

sitting on the mat looking up onto the beautiful evening sky until she lost in her toughts ....




< Min Ji Flashbacks .. >

 1 Month Ago


     Min Ji is on the way to go to her  Physical Education class in the evening . As usual she will be crowded by bunch of her fanboy which make she 

feel so uncormfortable and want to scream to the bottom of her lung. As usual also she pretend to be  so fierce by glaring at her fanboys giving them 

signal that she is not comfortable with what they are doing. But  the fanboys would never understand her or neither they pretend not  to understand. 

They keep crowding her asking for pictures , phone numbers ,taking pictures and some even give her flowers or other gifts. But today it's absolutely

a shocking day in Min Ji life.  One of her fanboy suddenly run towards her and hug her from behind then keep saying he love Min Ji loudly. Min Ji 

and the crowd are startled for awhile. Then suddenly Min Ji face turns out to be so red and she angrily slap that  fanboy and struggling to get away 

from that boy. Out of nowhere Myungsoo suddenly appear in front of her eyes.  He punched that boy face slightly then  in flash he grab Min Ji hand 

and run together with her to the Photography Club room. Fortunately  there  are no one  in the room at the mean time.  They sit on a wodden chairs.

Myungsoo bitting his lip seeing Min Ji who look so frightened after what happened.  Suddenly Min Ji rest her face on Myungsoo shoulder and began 

to cry endlessly. Myungsoo eyes widden in respond to what  has just happened in a flash. A word  " Thank You " come out from Min Ji mouth while

cying.  Myungsoo respond by gently patting on  Min Ji head and  he say  " Kwenchana  cry as much as you want".  Finished crying Myungsoo hand

over tissue to Min Ji and   Min Ji  clumsyly wipe of her face with tissue in hurry as she was so  embarrased  thinking how she could cry on Myungsoo

shoulder then politely bow  to Myungsoo before she leave for her Physical Education class. Myungsoo smiled sheepishly    in reaction to Min Ji

behaviour which make Min Ji heartbeat raise  up  for a moments.


<  End Of Min Ji Flashbacks .. >



   Min Ji is happy just to think about it. untill she's snapped with the sound of her cellphone  message alert tone.  It's Myungsoo texting him informing

that they are  coming right now so be prepared.  In this few months they tend  to  texting each other often compared to before. She wake up  Sung

Jong from his beautiful nap then they both hide inside the bush in attemp to   suprised those peoples. At the other side Myungsoo keep luring them 

to the park by saying he have something amazing to show them. Those people have no clue of what's happening and bluntly follow Myungsoo. 

Among them Woohyun and Sungyeol is noisy one as they tend to  shoot numerals of questions to Myungsoo which Myungsoo nervously asnwered.

Once they arrived  at the park Sunggyu saw the decorations they made and he smile touchly. Then he shout loudly saying " Look , look.. over there.

Everyone turn to look  at where Sunggyu hand pointing then they quickly run towards that place and secretly Min Ji and Sung Jong came of from 

the bush singing Korean congratulations song together with Myungsoo.  Suprisingly Woohyun eyes got teary. This is the first time seing him like this

so everyone is a bit shocked. Looking at this reaction Woohyun wipe of his tear harshly  then pretend to be cool by scolding Min Ji saying " Ya ! 

Lee Min Ji " what do you think you are doing ? Don't ever think  I'll be touched with what you've doned today. I still hate you ok ! " From shocked now

everyone burst into laughter. Later Sung Jong invite everyone to enjoy the food and drinks. They chat about their sweet memories in high school and

what will their unsure future be like. After the party finished everyone help tp clean up. While cleaning Jung Nana sneakily move towards Sung Jong 

then whisper into his ears " Kumawo Chaggi for this suprised party ". Sung Jong jumped a bit and giggle. This is the first time she ever call him

Chaggi . Hoya got a call from Park Sunny . She ask Hoya to come to  her house immediately. Hoya excuse himself from the park and rush to Park 

Sunny house. Park Sunny live with her female cousin who 's  25 years old. She work as promoter at a huge cosmetic company. As soon as he

arrived  he could see the house door is open widely and Park Sunny sitting down on the corner of her living room crying  in terrified. There are also

some broken flower vase on the floor.


                        Hoya : ( Hugging Park Sunny worriedly ) Sunny ya..  wae ? did anything bad happen to you ? tell me everything ok?


             Park Sunny : ( crying ) That guy.... That guy ... He come to my house angrily then he tried to hurt me..


                        Hoya : ( Confused and angry) Which guy is it ? and who is he ? Just wait if I see him anywhere.


             Park Sunny : ( Nervous) Its .. its.. Mr Jang Yoobo. 


                        Hoya : ( Anxious) Huh ? who the heck is that ? Do I know him. 


             Park Sunny : (  Shaking her head) I don't  think you know him. ( nervous ) We just meet a month ago and start going out together from

                                     last two weeks. Mr Jang is a nice person, he always help me when I am in trouble and he will buy me anything that I want

                                    no matter what is it.  Well I only go out with him since he say that he's lonely as his wife is a busy businesswoman who rarely

                                    care about him and my intention is only to fool him and enjoy his money as much as I can. But he's so kind to me that I plan to

                                     stop seeing him.  Last night  he invited me to a luxurious dinner at  hotel.  Then he suddenly asked me a favor to be his  

                                    mistress but  I rejected his offer as I am not that cheap  and I didn't even love him. I even warned him to stop seing me again 

                                    before quickly make my way out  from that place. But just now as I just reach homed after school finished I saw him standing in

                                    front of my house and once he saw me he hug me roughly and  keep pleading me to be his mistress. I was so scared that I kick

                                     his leg  then barely open the door an run into my house. But he is faster, he catch me up and he's trying to me. At that

                                    panic moment I saw that flower vase and without thinking more I grab it then knock it on Mr Jang head. He's bleeding badly and

                                    luckily he get off me and run away from this house. I was so panic that time so I called you and ask you to come.



    Hoya feel so betrayed and pain that he start to hit his chest in despair. Park Sunny tried to beg for his forgiveness and repeteadly saying that only

Hoya own her heart and only Hoya is his true love. He love Hoya truly  and  just playing around with other man thus only look at their money and

wealth. Hoya feel so disgusted upon hearing that and he began to blame himself on how a playboy like him would be trapped with a fox girl like Park

Sunny. In fact  their relationship already last for 3 month. The longest compared to Hoya other ex- girlfriends. Park  Sunny endlessly begging for 

forgiveness but ignored by Hoya. Once Hoya settle down he began to walk away from Park Sunny and cooly ask for breakup. He also sincerely 

thanks Park Sunny an answer for his confuseness in this few months. He is confuse with her feeling for Min Ji and his new blooming feeling

towards Park Sunny. But the blooming feeling is totally crushed today. Park Sunny screaming like a mad person  when Hoya cooly left her alone.




Park Sunny Living Room



   Myungsoo is reading a story book to a cute little girl. The girl was so immersed listening to him untill she suddenly say that she's hungry  and 

whinning to get her lunch. Myungsoo swiftly closed the storybook then sweetly call her wife in the kitchen to ask if the lunch for their little princess is 

ready ? Luckily her wife just finished cooking. In a flash Min Ji  appear with a  plate of fried rice  and glass of orange juice. The little girl look so happy

that she clap her hand. Suddenly Myungsoo smell as if something burning. His mother who was watching television on the hall take a fast steps 

running towards kitchen where the source of smell could be detect. As soon as she arrived she yell loudly ... ( Myungsoo ya !! your fried egg is 

burning ! Aigoo this boy . Daydreaming agaian ?) Myungsoo startled from his unusual dream to turn off the stove and then give his mom sweet smile

to melts her mom hearts. Haish Myungsoo ... Myungsoo.. he's could be worse when he's daydreaming.








      Min Ji is resting on her bed while reading magazine. " Bip Bip " her phone ring. She grab her phone as fast as she can to see that she got a 

text message from Myungsoo.


               FROM : Myungsoo ( my prince ) + 6013......

Anneyeong. Min Ji sshi.. are you free today ? want to hangout together at  Myeongdong street. We can invite Sungyeol hyung & Sung Jong too if they  

want  ;-)



    Min Ji smiled to he ear upon reading this.  She then rushed downstairs to asked his parents if they allow her to  hangout outside today. Her 

parents cooly allow her but remind her don't go home too late in the night. Min Ji then hug both her mother and father. She promise that she'll be 

back early and she will call home  when she's going back. She also said that she'll used public transport  today , so she didn't need the driver with 

her. Her parents don't mind about it and says that she could call the driver anytime she want if she really need him though. Sung Jong in the 

conversation whinning that he want to follow Min Ji.  Min Ji   give him a " ok" glare  then move on into her room to dressup. Sung Jong yell loudly to 

Sungyeol who are reading newspaper at the  lawn asking him if he would be intrested to follow them.  Sungyeol yell back saying he's not coming 

because this afternoon Sunggyu and Hoya are coming over  to Lee Residents.  They planned to play PS3 together  , hanging out in the house and

 spend a night here. He also  said he already inform mom and dad about this matter and they welcome the guest. In her room , Min Ji try to dress as 

best as she can  but yet simple and not overdo cause she  want to look beautiful in front of his prince charming eyes.  While dressing up she reply 

Myungsoo text and call Jung Nana to ask if she would like to join them ? Jung Nana quickly agree as she's actually planning to call Min Ji later as 

she want Min Ji to accompany her to take a walk and shopping around Myeongdong street. What a coincident...



                   TO: Myungsoo ( my prince ) + 6013......

Anneyeong Myungsoo sshi :-)  since when you like to invite me out ? usually you'll invite my brothers out and I'll hangout around ? kekeke just kidding :P. Text me when you arrive at my house later. Today we'll use Public transport. Ok ?


  Myungsoo didn't take too long to reply.


              FROM: Myungsoo ( my prince ) + 6013......

Kekeke just bored and I want to know more about you. Well you knew ... we already know each other since kindergarden but yeah we rarely talk. Just this few months we started to talk right ?  funny isn't it ? Ok I 'll inform you when I arrive.  Got to go now or I'll miss my bus :)


   Min Ji giggle reading that text message.  As soon as they arrived at  Myeongdong street  Sung Jong and went into an awsome spectacle shop 

where there are bunch of spectacles and sunglasses with various unique design tu pick from. Both of them totally love collecting sunglasses and

there are plenty design of sunglasses owned by them. Myungsoo and Min Ji also  join them and tried various design of spectacles and take pictures

as memory.  Each of them bought a pair of sunglasses with the design they desired. 




Sung Jong sunglass                                                              Jung Nana sunglass





Min Ji sunglass                                                                          Myungsoo sunglass


   Then they strolling around the street  untill they  find  a  Happy Couple competition in the middle of the street where all Myeongdong visitors would
gather.  Only 3 lucky couple would be the winner.The  1st place winner will get Samsung Galaxy S4 each,  a set of high quality Korean beef   , 2
hamper for each of the couple sponsored by Etude House and  a set of    Chicken  Galbi meal  and  Ice Tea voucher  from  Yoogane restaurant in
Myeongdong which is famoust for  it's Chicken Galbi dish.  Meanwhile the  2nd place winner both get Chicken Galbi Voucher and hamper from Etude
house each lastly 3rd place got  only Chicken Galbi Voucher. Jung Nana  and  Sung  Jong  are excited  thinking about the prizes offered.  They
decided to enter the contest just for fun and who know if today is their lucky day perhaps they may get any one of the prizes ? .  Right now there are 
already  9 couple registered to enter the competition. They just need 1 more couple to filled the empty spot. The MC for today competition is Ha Dong
Hoon a.k.a Haha from Running Man. He  make special announcement that only 1 spot left in the competition so if  there are any couple who are
interested to  join please register at the registration counter right away now so then we can start the competition. Thank you.  Myungsoo drag Min Ji
to the registration counter then in flash he registered their name as one of the contestant. Min Ji is a bit clueless and flustered then she ask 
Myungsoo as if he's going nuts ? Myungsoo giggle upon hearing those words. Min Ji eyes widen as Myungsoo giggle and she could help but try to 
look at other direction because he find Myungsoo  and his giggle is too cute. Myungsoo  hold Min Ji shoulder and say kwenchana... we'll do our best
ok ? imagine ... high quality Korean beef and Chicken Galbi Voucher.  Yummy !! and it's free ( myungsoo start to smile like a kid get candy ). Min Ji
laugh as respond as now she got it why Myungsoo want to join this competition . It's 1 pm in the afternoon now. The competition officially begin. 
Myungsoo managed to wish Sung Jong and Jung Nana good luck before the competition start. There are 4 round of competition today. The first
round  is couple  dance. Random song will be played by the DJ and  each couple must dance to that music freely  in any styles as they wish. After all
the 10 couple finish dancing public around that area can vote on any couple they desired by putting on the star sticker  on the couple name at the 
board provided. 3 couple with lowest vote will be eliminated this time.  Now it's Sung Jong and Jung Nana couple turn. The music playing is " 4 
minute Whats Your Name " . Jung Nana put on a powerful y dance and Sung Jong respond with a charismatic neat dance. The audience is 
excited and start cheering for them.  The last couple to dance is Min Ji and Myungsoo. The song that they get is " Raibow Tell Me Tell Me " . At first 
Min Ji start to dance shyly and after a few second she began to dance cutely that captured the audience hearts and most importantly Myungsoo heart
without she even noticing it.  Myungsoo respond with a cute bubbly dance and then they dance with the same rythm  and step then ending it with 
throwing hearts and wink  to the audience. After voting finish 3 couple were eliminated. Luckily Sung Jong & Min Ji couple both are still in the
competition.  For the second round the couple are given 1 minute to express their love to their loved one. But only 1 person out of the tw will be doing
it. MC Haha hold a box where each couple must take a ball each from the box  to see who'll be expressing the love. Red ball for girl and Blue ball for
boy. Sung Jong couple and Min Ji couple both get red ball which mean the girl will  be expressing their love. Jung Nana nervously say Sungjongiee..
noona love you.. arasao ? then she blushed and say argh.. mullayo..  mullayo. The crowd start to laugh seeing this. Jung Nana is shy but
then she suddenly act cute by doing gwiyomi which Sung Jong respond by following her actions and end up doing heart pose together. Next up is 
Min Ji and Myungsoo couple. Min Ji talk in love voice to Myungsoo saying that she don't know what to say and ask Myungsoo to teach her some 
words. Myungsoo scratch his head then he he calmly ask Min Ji too imagine his dream prince is right here in front of her and just say what she want
to  her dream prince. Min Ji is a bit flustered and she start to blush. She bit her lip  a bit  then  start saying. Uhm... Myungsoo sshi.. actually... actually .
I really like you and want to tell you err... I love you ? so please stay together with me like this forever ? Don't ever leave me alone understand ? 
Myungsoo is a bit shaken by Min Ji words but he keep cool and give Min Ji his sweet smile as he constantly say to himself that this all only act and
not real. After the voting finish only 4 couple advanced to the next round including Min Ji & Sung Jong couple. The last stage is couple fashion show.
They must wear any couple clothes provided by  the organizer  where they can choose from the wardrobe. Sung  Jong & Jung Nana couple pull of  a 
couple Pyjamas amazingly  while Min Ji & Myungsoo couple pull off  a  couple  ballroom outfit where Min Ji look so beautiful like  a princess and 
Myungsoo is her crown prince. In the end Min Ji and Myungsoo couple win 1st place while Sung Jong & Jung Nana couple win 2nd place. After the
competition finish they head off  to the restaurant  to have lunch  and  continue strolling around  Myeongdong  for  awhile before going back home. 
Jung  Nana walk home as her house is just  around Myeongdong. Min Ji , Sung Jong and Myungsoo took bus number 65 to  go home.  In the bus , 
Min Ji is sitting with Sung Jong meanwhile Myungsoo sit with one  old lady.  While sitting, Min Ji is mumbling alone. She's curious  wether Myungsoo
already know that she loved him or that guy totally clueless about it ? Myungsoo has been too kind to her in this few months perhaps there are lots
of romantic moments happening between them in this few months. Min Ji  murmur alone saying just tell me  do you know my heart ? tell me tell me..
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Chapter 10 coming soon


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Chapter 1: The first chapter surprised me! Great story!
missycherie #2
Chapter 1: heheh it's cute :D but the highlights is kinda glaring for my eyes :/
Chapter 8: AWWW update soon:) poor sunggyu
Chapter 1: oh my gosh, please continue to update
it really interesting in this first chapter
Chapter 6: Update soon!!! Good story;)
Chapter 6: Cool story! :)
Chapter 5: Just some tip, don't make such big intervalls between your meanings, it gets complicated to read but your story is a good story! :))
Oh this story sounds interesting ^_^