First day of Highschool !!

Heartbreaker ~.~

At last, after 2 months of vacation, SCHOOL AGAIN !! Well, for Year 6's, this will be a special day because it's their first day of high school. Some may find new buddies, new classmates, and new environment, of course.


Seohyun's POV

Yey !! I'm so excited to enter a new world, or am I? There are mixed emotions - Sooo excited, quite nervous, feeling scared to get lost, AHHHHH !! I believe some of my classmates are going to study here, too. But this place is just too crowded with so many kids, and SENIORS. I hope I won't get bullied. But that's fine, I know I'm too cute to be bullied ^.^

Kyuhyun's POV

What the?-- I can't believe we're going back to school !! But nevermind. For sure there will be alot of girls to meet, new friends.

On my way to school, I saw some of my old friends, including Boa. So, am I going to confess to her or what? Maybe I'll just first try to show her that she's the girl in my dreams ..

As the students are busy checking on their timetables, the bell suddenly rang and all the students passed by each other, finding their way out of this one big maze. 

The secong bell rang, which means it's time for the first lesson of the day, or the first lesson of the whole year.

"Come in, class. Make sure you've got your notebooks, pencil cases, and everything else which is necessary in the classroom." Mrs. Kim ordered the students as she closed the door shut.

"Welcome, first years to highschool. I'm Mrs. Kim and as long as you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you." The students gave 'excited' looks to each other. "First, we'll be doing our seating plan then we will be all introducing ourselves to the whole class. Ms. Choi, seat there. Mr. Lee, that's your seat. Ms. Seo, please seat there beside the window and Mr. Cho will seat next to you. Blahhh blah...."

Kyuhyun's POV

Good. And there's Boa, soooo far away from my seat. That's fine. At least I'm seating next to my innocent bestfriend, Seohyunnie. And then after a few days, she'll start pinching me again. Aisshhh, this girl. Why do I always get a seat next to her?

"Uhhm, Miss. I always seat next to Seohyun when we're still in primary school. Can I please change seat for now?"

"Well, I'm sorry Mr. Cho. But I am the teacher, right? I'm the who'll decide on where you'll seat, ok?"


Seohyun's POV

Wahh .. he's my seatmate again. I must tell unnie. Or maybe not. She'll just tease me. *The moment Kyuhyun raises his hand to tell the teacher* Oh, what's he going to tell to the teacher? Do I smell bad? *Kyuhyun tellng the teacher* Bwohh??! Doesn't he want to seat next to me? Oh yeahh, I just remembered. He likes Boa !! What the heck. And he's seat is waaayyyyy to far from Boa's seat. Hmmph. Fair enough.

Mrs. Kim handed them some notes about their first lesson which is Trigonometry-Maths.

"So you'll be working with a partner, which is your seatmate. Don't make too much noise or you'll have detention for your first day."

While Seohyun is scanning the notes, Kyuhyun suddenly broke the silence between them.

"I really can't remember how to do this."

"Well, that's why we're working together."


After hours of working at school, the bell rang, indicating the end of the first day. Yes, time may pass really quickly.

"Goodbye, class."

"Goodbye, Mrs. Kim!" The class greeted in chorus and each student got outside quickly.

Seohyun's POV

This is really a quick day at school !! It was really fun. Why am I walking with my eyes looking at my feet again? Maybe I just want to hide my silly face while walking 'cuz I'm so happy today. 





(Want to know Seohyun's expression?)

The next thing I knew is that I stumbled on the ground with my hands on my face, as if to protect it. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a man standing infront of me and some people around looking at us, or maybe just me. Oh, guess what? It's Cho Kyuhyun !! The amazing ruin-er of my day !! Yeah, I made that word for him. He always makes fun of me. But I admit it, the way he always tease me, is like our bonding moment. But no time to think about that. I quickly got up and looked at him, as if I am really angry.

"What? You were not looking on your way. Maybe you're daydreaming again, huh? Of who? Oh, I know. Your crush !! Ha!"

Ok. Now I'm not acting angry. I'm really furious !! Why does he have to say that infront of everyone else?!! Aissshh !!

"Of course not !!"

"Okay then .. hahahaha !!"

Then he suddenly put his tongue out with his eyes closed. Oh my, SOOO CUTEE !! Okay, now I just revealed my precious secret. YES, I HAVE CRUSH ON HIM -- SLIGHT ^.^ Well, I have to go to my unnie really fast at Performing Arts Building.

"Goodbye, Kyu-"

Good. He's actually gone. Why do I always get lost in my thoughts?!! Hmmph .. nevermind.

I ran to the Performing Arts Building, and now I'm really cautious on my way there or I might bump on someoe again.

"Unnie !! School was so fun !! How about you?"


End of Chapter 1. Guess what, Yoona will be seen in Chapter 2. Who enjoyed it? Hope you did and please tell me your opinions for me to get some ideas !! Thank You !!

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Chapter 1: oh my!! i really love this chapter!! please update soon, neh author-nim!