
Just A Kray Drabble.

You guys! So down there (like below) in the comment box, please tell me if you like it and I should continue it to make it a full-on story. But trust me if I do make the story, it will be fluff. Like fluff fluff. Yeah, I can't wait. I just need your honest opinion.

ARASSEO. You may continue clicking and typing as you were~


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Chapter 2: I hope you will make a full-one kray fluffy story, i can't wait.
I love ur drable before, it was sweet and y hehe
fighting! ^^
Chapter 1: Laaaay! I mean Yeay, yes XD
uh nice fic, awesome :)
haradatwin11 #3
Chapter 1: Please write more! The more fluff the better! :)
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl
oh my God, that's sweet and y moment. oh my God, my feels. ;A;
yeah, please write more. i love it. <3 :))
Chapter 2: Please, make a full-one kray story! I really like that little drabble you wrote before and idea that Kris is wraped around Yixing' finger=)
Will be waiting your update and hope you'll decide to write this)
Chapter 1: OMG, AWESOME~~~