[Eunhyuk] Strawberry

Sapphire Delights


You were absolutely furious. You were pretty much done with everything right about now, it seemed as if the whole world was out to make your life more miserable. You sped walked towards your car, got in and started the engine immediately. You drove towards the next town over, hoping to find some kind of stress reliever there.

Having arrived, you wandered the streets for a little while until you came across a small, cute looking ice cream parlour named ‘Sapphire Delights’. Unlike most ice cream parlours, the interior of this one was a light blue colour. There seemed to be only one man on shift.

You approached the counter, eyeing the various flavours – some of which you didn’t even know existed! After picking your favourites, you tapped the small bell and kept your eyes focused on the colourful display. Once the man stood in front of you, you looked up, only to be met with a really cute face. Mesmerised by his facial features, you kept your eyes locked for a moment.

“Ah, excuse me, can I help you?” he asked, flashing you a dorky smile.

“Oh – well, yes. I’d like a cone with these,” you replied, pointing towards your choices.

He smiled and complied, grabbing a cone from the holder that was placed on top of the counter. Skillfully, he scooped some scoops of ice from the trays, carefully placing them on top of each other in the cone. After finishing it, he held it out to you with a bright smile.

Just as you were about to grab your wallet, he stopped you.

“It’s fine, this is on the house.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yup! You looked really sad, so you should just take it.”

You nodded and smiled at the man. Your eyes shifted to his nametag, which read ‘Hyukjae’.

“Thank you very much, Hyukjae~!” you half sang. Could this day get any better? You had just been served by a super cute guy – who also gave you your ice for free! Free ice cream and a cute guy! The ultimate!

As you said his name, a slight blush crept upon his face. You had to keep yourself from squealing, he was simply too adorable for words!

Thanking him, you left for home, all the while thinking about him.


You’d been visiting Hyukjae for about two months already, trying to come every day. You’d tried every flavor at least once, and many, many delicious combinations had come from it. All the while you and Hyukjae had started to converse more and more. You learnt many things about him, you had come to the conclusion that he was super dorky and nerdy in the cutest way possible.

However, today was different. Approaching ‘Sapphire Delights’, you didn’t see Hyukjae at all. In his place was a man who appeared only slightly older than him. His nametag read ‘Jeongsu’.

“What happened to the other guy who worked here – Hyukjae? Was he fired?”

Jeongsu turned to you and smiled a bit, his dimple apparent.

“No, no. He was just transferred to another city. More job opportunities, I suppose.”

You felt crushed, Hyukjae had left just like that without even telling you! Then again, how was he supposed to do that? You didn’t get to exchange numbers yet! This was just the worst!

“Ah, thank you… I’d like some of that, please,” you replied, sulking.


You bit your lip, slightly irritated at your friends.

“Come on! It’s just over here, it just opened!” they said, obviously excited.

Somehow, they’d managed to drag you towards some new shop that was opening. You didn’t bother listening to them, but you guessed it was some kind of pizza place. Typically your friends, stuffing themselves with junk food – not that you’d admit you’d been eating ice cream every day for two months, which was probably just as bad if not worse.

Once there, your eyes widened at a familiar logo.

‘Sapphire Delights’.

You immediately rushed inside, and you almost got a heart attack when you saw who was behind the counter.

As cliché as it sounds – yes, it was him! It was Hyukjae, no one but Lee Hyukjae!

Upon the sight of you, he flashed his trademark gummy smile, and motioned you over from behind the counter.

“Would you like a cone of your favourites?” he asked.

You nodded and handed him the money.

As you grabbed your cone, you noticed a little piece of pink paper stuck in one of the scoops.

“Because I missed you too much,” he said sheepishly.

You read it and immediately hugged him, no matter how uncomfortable your positions were due to the interference of the counter.

‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ 

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