
Dear Noona

"Noona, stop crying."



I hate it when she told me about Minseok hyung; bluffing about how happy she was or ranting how tiring it was. I hate it so in' much. I'm here, Noona. Is it because I'm a little bit younger?

She's been in love with this hyung since they first became friends, not so long after they met each other.


While I've loved her since I met her in High School. She was my sunbae that time. A sunbae who couraged me everytime I fell out the game, everytime I thought I'd be losing myself. And there she stands, that time. Her shoulder-length hair, chubby cheeks, and her soft yet deep voice (she have a really good voice, perhaps she'd be a good singer in the future); I remember the first day I met her. Classic, she found me in our school's furthest park. Crying. No, I was the one who cried; bullied because I was a Chinese transferee. She acted like a mother that time; now I laugh at how different she is actually. Few days after, I got proofs of how un-lady-like she was.... And that's how my feelings grew by then.

We became good friends (more like noona-dongsaeng relationship actually, not that I hated it but yeah, ow I hate it that much). She acted like my noona, and yes.. She did. But this noona, is the only lady that made me tougher. And I love the way she did that. She was the one who make me think that I have to become a man after all, that I have to be strong and wise. Oh you have no idea how much I want to protect her for my whole life after all the things she had done.

And there she is now;

Crying her heart out, over this Hyung that doesn't even noticed.


word counts: 310

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Chapter 1: Aw! </3 Im hurt for Yixing. I was hoping that somehow he can confess to his noona. Thank you for this story!