
Haikus (Four Shot)

It was like any other day for Kim Jonghyun, sitting out on the bleachers writing in his notebook.  A soft breeze gracing over his slight figure, sifting through his three toned hair in the process. He sighed with contentment at the soothing feeling. Leaning his head back and taking in a deep breathe, his puppy like eyes closed in satisfaction.

These were the simple pleasures that Jonghyun loved the most. He opened his eyes slowly while smiling, quickly shooting forward and opening his notebook. It was a tattered looking thing. The outside had slightly ripped edges, as did the insides. The black spine of the marble notebook was held down with a metallic duck tape, random splotches of ink all over the cover. On the black lines where usually your name is written, rested two letters.




Despite its ragged and battered appearance, the inside was filled with A's, 100%, and red words filled with praise from his english teacher. Jonghyun was among the brightest and promising students in the Advanced English Class at Seoul Academy. There were only about 5 other classmates, but he was one of the best among them all. His skill with writing poetry and haikus were unparalleled with the other students in his class. Even better then the two Kibums, who were step brothers who lived in America for a while. Jonghyun was alot better at writing then speaking though, that being his only issue. His shyness was his downfall causing his marks to be a few points off sometimes due to his timid nature.

The tanned boy whipped out a pen from his pocket while flipping through the pages to a blank one. Which proved to be slightly difficult since most of his book was filled with his work. Their was still a decent amount of blank paper left. A tanned, small hand began to glide across the page, a royal blue following behind the movements of his hands. His hand curling and twisting in a fluid motion until he pulled back, a pearly white smile, painted across his strong facial features.

A crisp and cool breeze

Envelops me soothingly

Leaving me happy


Not his best work, but Jonghyun indeed felt happy. The senior stared at the cursive english with a triumphant smile. This was another one of his talents, which was being able to write in English perfectly, and IN CURSIVE. That was also another thing Jonghyun loved about English, or cursive specifically. Even if he were to lose his notebook, no one would be able to read it unless they were someone who could actually read or write cursive, which was really rare. The short boy's attention was taken by the sound of his phone ring with a few added vibrations. The tanned senior pulled out his iphone to reveal two photo messages. One from a person named Key, and another from a person named Taem.



Jonghyun slid the lock screen and entered his password, clicking on the two red numbers looming over his notifications. He opened the first message from key which was a photo of himself in one of his latest creations. 


isn't this outfit cute jong jong? I finished it today ~ Aren't I just 2 fab 4 my own good ;D


Jonghyun chuckled while typing back a few excited emoji's and a BS response to humor his diva of a friend.

Oh my~ It's so nice! The Almighty Key has done it again :D

Key was one of the 'Kibum's' in his English class. He was a pretty good speaker, not as good as his brother who spoke with no foreign accent whatsoever. Kim Kibum, or what everyone calls him which is Key; wants to be a world famous fashion designer. He excelled the most in the Fashion Design and History classes offered at our school and was known for setting the trends here at SA. Jong smiled when his phone vibrated again, only a few seconds after he sent his first message.

kekekeke, so sweet jong jong. i'll make you something cute today~ wat u doin anyway? spying on your boytoy? ;)))


Jonghyun blushed a bit after reading his glamorous friends message, purposely ignoring it to check Taem's message. When he opened the file it erupted with loud music, scaring the daylights out of Jonghyun. When the puppy eyed senior regained his composure he turned down the volume on his phone and rewinded the video clip. It was a video of his younger friend Taemin dancing. He met Taemin at the beginning of the school year, the freshman started crying when a sophmore named Mir took the last banana milk in the lunch line. Jonghyun had witnessed the entire scene and was used to seeing the first year grab banana milk everyday, immediately understanding he must love the drink. That's also when Key met Taemin as well. Key had a natural Male Umma like sense. He cared for all of his friends as a mother, and a friend. It was strange, but comfortable at the same time. While Key was ing out Mir, Jonghyun was talking to Taemin calmly until the carton of banana milk was ed in his face by Key.

After that Jonghyun and Key watched out for Taemin alot. He could handle his own, but his innocence was something that needed to be looked after sometimes. There was that time that the buzzer went off at a restaurant (the one which tells you your table is ready), and Taemin jumped and hid since Key told him it would explode if it went off. 

Jonghyun smiled while scrolling to read the text his dongsaeng sent him.


I choreographed this for Onew hyung. Is it good Jonghyun-hyung? Do you think he'll like it? 


The poet grinned while chuckling a bit. Taemin had the biggest crush on another one of his peers in his Advanced English class. The intelligent Lee Jinki, or Onew. Onew was a senior and one of Jonghyun's bestfriends since they were in middle school. The two shared a passion for music, along with many other things. They joked around and had fun karaoke nights every now and then. Jong could understand why Taemin liked Onew so much. He was kind, bright, intelligent, and had a gentle aura which relaxed anyone. Making him the ideal hyung in their English class, always defusing class debates which got a little too heated.

The entire english class was comprised of shockingly the top 5 students in the school. Onew was the second in the school while Kibum, Key's brother; was the number 1. Jonghyun followed in third, while Key took fourth, and Cheondung aka Thunder, who was an incoming freshman from the Phillipines. Most of the people in the school had a huge amount of respect for them, since being intelligent was such an important thing in Korean culture. Students who were intelligent were extremely respected, except for poor Thunder who had been ridiculed since he wasn't even from Korea. 

Jonghyun sighed while looking up at the soccerfield which was one of the reasons he sat there. Day after day. He was a senior with half day privileges. Being able to drive home early if he wanted, but instead choosing to stay late and watch the soccer team practice. The poet stared intently as the boys did a play, completely focused on the ball which was flying from one end of the field to the other. 

The poet was so immersed in the practice that the sound of a camera shutter right by his face made the gradient haired boy jump and almost fall off the bleachers. Jong sat up glaring, as a hearty and melodious laugh resonated.

"That's not even cool Onew-hyung", Jong said quietly while adjusting his clothes. His hyung gave him a bright smile which his eyes mirrored. Jong couldnt help but mirror it as well, his hyungs smile was contagious. Onew smiled while bringing the expensive SLR camera to his eye, and snapping another photo. That was Onew's passion. Photography. He was the photographer for the school newspaper and yearbook and he dreamed to be a photographer one day. His shots were nothing less of amazing too. 

"Yess. Blackmail for Cheondung", Onew said satisfied while looking through his most recent shots. Thunder was on the soccer team, and a pretty good player too.

"More like Blackmail for Key", Jong said while chuckling, Onew sharing in his best friends joke. It was a known fact that Key had a major crush on his chic Dongsaeng Thunder. Cheondung was extremely fashionable, but in a manly type of way, and a noted ulzzang for his tall body and tiny face. Key instantly fell for the adorable transfer student with the cute Filipino accent.

"Hah Key's not the only one. I got some blackmail for you too", Onew said while chuckling. Jonghyun blushed again, a curiousity overflowing in his puppy dog eyes. Jonghyun lunged for the camera and Jinki leaned back causing his dongsaeng to topple over on top of him. It didnt really matter as the two wrestled for the camera, or in Onew's case wrestled to keep the camera AWAY from Jonghyun. Jong used to be a star wrestler in middle school and during his freshman year but quit after losing interest in it. Jinki finally got the puppy away from him by flipping over, causing Jong to fall on the lower seat.

"MUAHAHHAHAHA. TRYING TO TAKE MY CAMERA IS LIKE TRYING TO TAKE CHICKEN FROM ME", Onew said while laughing and standing up. Some of the soccer team had stopped to watch the spectacle, leaving an annoyed and blushing Jonghyun, and a sheepishly smiling Onew. Not many people knew of his weird obssession with Chicken, so it left almost all the soccer players baffled, except Thunder who was laughing his off.

"Ope, Taemin just texted me asking him to meet him at the dance room now... Wonder what he wants. I better hurry. Don't wanna make him wait", Jinki said while running down the bleachers, nearly tripping on the last one. Jong let out a tiny laugh before his phone rang. He quickly answered it and regretted doing so when he heard a screaming Diva on the other end. 


Jonghyun jumped and started booking it down the stairs. Haphazardly shoving his things in an ped backpack. While running to meet Key, the poet failed to notice that a very prized possession of his had fallen out of his bag.



So this was the first chapter and really just the intro of the characters in this four shot. The intro of EVERYONE'S FAVORITE FLAMING CHARISMA is next chapter and Ontae will also be next ^^  got an awesome Unnie co author who wrote the first half of this chap. really glad to write this story with her :D Check out some of  kairipark's stuff~ She has some pretty good Suju and BigBang fics and is recently coming out of a long hiatus~ She doesn't really write SHINee but she's a really good reviewer & coauthor ^^


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Niel_CM #1
This story is cute and I love how the characters have their own thing!
dancelover201 #2
Chapter 1: Yay! So awsome! I'm so happy bythe fact that the writing actualy makes sense in this story! I'm looking forward to the next chap! FIGHTING!!