The Tears That Fall From My Eyes Are For You

Crying For You


  "He never loved her. I mean come on his wife is in surgery right now because of internal bleeding and he's here infront flirting with The nurses. Do you know what I think? The old lady whispered to her friend on her right, I think that the marriage was just a way for the child to not be discriminated--"
"Hey don't speak like that , he might hear you.... I know what you think about their relationship but why would he be here if he didnt love her-" 
" I just feel sorry for her . Apparently the whole story about them being together for 9 years was just to cover up the scandal with him and this other woman. I can't believe that she would go all the way to that extent to protect him and even give him life. Dont you just feel sorry for the poor girl. It's enough that his fans didn't accept the fact that they were together and gave her hardships but her whole relationship wit him was fake. A lie."
Meanwhile, kyuhyun who was at the front of the counter listened intensively to the two ladies. With his fists sat upon the heavenly White and hard table, he looked Towards the nurse. 
The young nurse smiled at him sadly. "Don't mind them, they like to gossip about untrue statements anyway, sir I hope that she will pull through."
Kyuhyun blankly stared at the girl- "See what I mean, look at that nurse's face she's smiling and look at him with that smirk on his face . He doesn't even care about the poor girl." 
At this Kyuhyun looked at them. Startled the two ladies sitting down looked away but still continued to talk. He was thankful at first for the lady that defended him. Suddenly, doctors and nurses ran into the room and started asking questions....
"What blood type are you sir?". Kyuhyun responded with an empty look, as he driftd off in his mind looking, at the white walls. The pale colour mocked him. Reminded him of what it symbolises. Signifying innocence, truth and Pureness. Without knowing his mind suddenly brought itself to think of her . Her innocence. 
 "Oppa what does that mean?" 
 "Oppa don't worry just go to her, I'll cover up and tell your mom that you had an emergency schedule". He still remembered how determined she looked yet her dull eyes looked into his dark chocolate eyes and her small smile planted upon her face. 
Her Pureness " Oppa w-w-what do I d-o?"
Kyuhyun was pulled out of his trance and as his eyes wandered around the room, he was surrounded by people with white robes. 'White again'.
"SIR!" he turned around to the nurse behind the counter.
 "What is your blood type?"
"Umm... AB why?" 
The nurse smiled and shouted "DOCTOR WE HAVE ONE PERSON!!" 
All of a sudden kyuhyun was dragged to a seat and his blood was checked.
 "You'll be helping your wife" The nurse said.
 "See what I told you, he seems so lost-" 
"He seems lost because he doesnt know what to think about other than his wife In the surgery room."
"Oh don't even bother trying to defend him just because you're a fan of him-"
A dark and hoarse voice spoke over the old lady
"I do love her."
"Then  how come no one ever sees you and your family out ever since you had the scandal with that retched woman?!?! Huh?!?! ............
See you can't even answer. Now I may sound biased towards her but I feel her pain.Loving someone who doesn't even love you or has ever looked towards you for the same damn reason. I used to think you were the perfect couple until that day." 
"I know I may not show it towards her or the media often but never have I stopped loving her!! "
"Yes I know I did things wrong but somehow I always end up going back to her. (chuckles) I remember when I was drunk once and went back home. She was there of course. I knew that. She would always be there. When the scandal broke out she still smiled at me, even though I knew it was fake and small she still smiled. She mocked me-"
The old lady then screeched "HA! see I told you, he doesn't care bout her I mean he even said that she mocked him and I result that made him hate her, despise her!"
Calmly kyuhyun heaved a breath and started to talk but the nurse interrupted him "Don't sir, you're giving a lot of blood it's best to save your breath since you're going to be tired later" Nevertheless Kyhyun carried on with his defence.
"I admit she mocked me and that made me resent her but it was only because she had enough strength to smile at me even if she was hurt. I knew the scandal affected her and I didn't do anything about it but know this, at first it was like a game to me. She was the person that was willing for me to play with. Know that at first I didn't accept her because I had another relationship and I thought that she was going to ruin my plans of marrying that girl, then she gave me a son." 
Kyuhyun looked up from his lap and stared at the silent tv. It showed Kyuhyun's car battered in black and blue on the highway. 
"We got married because she gave me a son and of course I refused at first but then I thought about my career and hers, she still had a long life with her, she was happy where she was. Still I continued to play with her like fire and water right?"
With silence as an answer, kyuhyun stared at the tv again, this time showing his wife on a hospital stretcher with their son in her warm embrace. 
"The game continued but I guess I was in denial. I didn't want to love her yet I came to love her. Yesterday I was in new York and got the news . I didnt know what to do but once backstage my feet just started to move on it's own. Next thing I know I was looking at her look at our son. She told me to just look at our son and so I did."
A pregnant silence filled the White room. 
The old lady asked hastily "Why would you play with her? Every woman is fragile to the man she loves. Why?!?! (scoffs) Tst! Some love you say . Bet you're still with that woman and you only came here for your son. Bet this while story you're telling us is just another fake lie to cover up the truth."
The nurse then said "Please stop" But the lady continued. "It's true isn't it? 
" I never once said sorry to her. She was always the first one to say sorry even if it wasn't her fault. I never once said I loved her and I guess that's why we became distant. But I knew that the game ended a long time ago once she gave in to me and when I gave in to her; for me at least."
A large hand rested upon Kyuhyun's bent back. Looking up he saw his mother with tears b in her eyes. 
Super Junior and others; After School, Inifinite, Kara, 2pm, and 2NE1 sat in their respected seats watching the performance on the lit stage. After Super Junior performed everyone received a text. "SNSD's Seohyun and her son arrived in Seoul hospital at 3:30am this morning . It is said that seohyun has been badly injured while protecting her 1 year old son In the car". 
Surprised by the news , the others hesitantly looked towards their sunbaenims' table. There sat 14 silent men. Applause. The performance of PSY ended and soon the MC came running towards tables interviewing the artists. Finally, after 10 tables the MC came to Super Junior's
"Hey it's Super Junior people, whats up you guys?" SJ answered enthusiastically. 
"Wait.....There's only 14 of you, where's the other one?"
Henry answered "He had to go back to Korea because of an emergency". The MC then switched to another topic ; their new concert. Super junior answered until the very last question but was worried about their dongsaeng in another country. 
-SEOUL, KOREA, 4:16pm-
"Mom are you okay?" 
 Kyuhyun's mother smiled a teary smile "You did well Kyu...."
Kyuhyun sighed and blankly stared at the wall. At this time the nurse pulled out the long needle and gave him a bandage. Not even sparing a look towards the nurse and whereabouts his wife was, he looked straight on towards the TV. It was still flooded by the shocking news of Seohyun and their son. 
The silence however did not last long. The old lady sitting nearby began talking again 
"I must admit young man, you did well for giving your blood but this still does not prove your love but merely your sympathy."
Kyuhyun simply ignored the lady and continued to stare at the silent TV. His mother had fallen asleep beside him due to her tears. Turning to look at his mom, he saw a tear stained face with occasionally wrinkles found near her eyes and forehead. He sighed and for once looked towards the empty hallway. 
Unconsciously, 1 hour passed by then 2 hours . Wondering why it was taking so long Kyuhyun drifted off into a slumber. 
The 3rd hour came and faint footsteps from the hallway was heard. Kyuhyun jerked his head up and looked towards the man walking towards him. He woke his mom up who also looked towards the man in the white robe. 
"I'm sorry, we tried everything but her inducing the pain too long was too much for her." 
Gasps and crying echoed through the dark and empty halls. When did it get dark kyuhyun thought.
Kyuhyun's mother cried shaking in her sons's arms "I-I shoul-d-n-'t h-have listen to h-er . She didnt want this!"
Confused, Kyuhyun whispered in his mom's ears and asked "What do you mean?" 
After calming down, she finally stood up and dully looked towards her son. Smiling sadly she said "She told me not to tell you about her accident. She pleaded. She said that once you hear the new you would come for Seung Ho. She said that if I didn't tell you.... You would finally be happy...."
Kyuhyun understood yet he sat still on the uncomfortable white chair. 
The old lady gasped and said "Boy why aren't you crying??! Your wife is gone! What are you going to do about your son? He has no mother!!"
"SHUT UP!" Kyuhyun shouted. The old lady suddenly stopped her rant and looked at Kyuhyun with bewildered eyes. The hurt boy apologised.
Ignoring his comment she asked "Even if the truth was uncovered and your relationship was or is fake wouldn't you at least cry for her sake? She was your wife after all.
Kyuhyun chuckled to everyones surprise (sigh) "She never liked me crying , she thinks I'd hurt even if I was crying in concerts. She would always ask 'Oppa gwenchana? Where does it hurt?' That's why I don't cry. I dont want to worry her and  hurt herself even more." 
Standing up he walked to the automatic door leading to the outside of the hospital. There he saw the whole SM family that weren't in New York trying to get through the large crowd. They saw kyuhyun and hurried over while the paparazzi snapped their pictures "What happened?!?!? Is she okay?!?! Kyuhyun was silent and everyone suddenly knew what that meant. Cries were heard again. 
"Why are you guys crying? " Kyuhyun blatantly asked. Tiffany angrily looked at him and shouted "We lost a sister, a family member and you lost your wife and yet you ask me why we're crying?" 
Kyuhyun sighed yet again and squeezed through the crowd with papparazzi following his every move. Like a shadow they moved in synch leading to the park. The paparrazzi stopped and thought that he needed time and so therefore left him .
Sitting in the snow white freezing bench he stared into the dark yet white sky. Snow fell gracefully on the ground. In a way it reminded him of her and himself. Frozen icicles sat on the side of the bench as if it was frozen tears.
His phone rang and he knew who it exactly was , without anything else to say he said coldly
"It's over..."
Raising his hands to his face, he felt his tears streaming out of his eyes . Finally he was crying but he couldn't help but think of how he treated her and yet she forgave him so many times. How could a person love someone so disgusting?
Letting his guard down he cried. He cried for his son. He cried for his mother and father. He cried for her fans.... He cried for her.
Never had seohyun cried in front of him, so he cried for her when she couldn't. 
He regretted not ever saying 'I Love You' to her for the last time. 
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Chapter 1: Good and nice fanfic I ever read
I'm crying, I regret with kyuhyun oppa did.
Why turn like this. Poor seomma too
Stand4SeoKyu #2
Chapter 1: I'm sorry but i don't understand..
Who is the old other that had an argue with kyuhyun eomma??? Way kyuhyun did that to Seo???
Why kyuhyun very nappeun???
And who is the other woman???
God, Eventhough i didn't understand but surely it makes me cry..
Poor seo, even until she die she still thinking of her husband and son's sake..
Kyu, regret much eoh..
maknaewire #3
:"( really sad *crying hard
Chapter 1: awww.. this is too sad...
it's really a nicse story!!!
sounds interesting...
please update soon...
Jambamolly #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^