Chapter 2

The Beauty of Ugliness





It’s been exactly four months since that incident and Kris has been trying to talk to me ever since. A part of me wants to talk to him but another part doesn’t want me to talk to him. I don’t know why I don’t want to talk to him but I have a feeling I was gonna get hurt. Especially since Kris is a kingka. The one that plays everyone, thinks he’s all that.  But I enjoyed his company, he was nice to me. Unlike everyone else where they would call me names. I made a friend, he never cared about my looks ever. I was thankful for that.  Or that’s what I thought…

I was walking down the hall going to my class when Kris stopped me. “Hey.” He greeted me. “I havta tell you something.” He whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him curiously, waiting for him to say it. “What is it” I asked.  He grabbed my hand gently and tugged on it pointing to the rooftop.

“Can we go up there?”

I hesitantly nodded. *What ‘s he going to do? I’m kind of excited.* I giggled to myself. We were walking towards the rooftop and I noticed Kris’ friends looking at us. I gave them a meek smile and looked straight going to the rooftop with Kris. I sensed some kind of tension between Kris’ friends and I. I looked over at Kris and he gave them a smirk to Exo-M.

We were at the rooftop now and I was facing Kris.

“JooRi-ah.. Will you go out with me?” He asked me. I didn’t respond to him, I didn’t say yes nor did I say no.  He was waiting for my answer but I still didn’t say anything. I was shocked to hear this from him. *Should I say yes? But..* “You know what never mind. I just wasted my time.” He growled.

“Eh?” I softly said.

“I wouldn’t go out with you ever. I was even stupid to ask, stupid to agree this bet. Wasted 4 damn months with you. I don’t even care anymore.” I could feel wet tears rolling down my cheeks. *I shoul’ve known this was gonna happen.* I thought. He continued, “You’re that ugly duckling. No one would want to go out with you. You never talked to me once while I was being “nice” and . Just a waste of my damn time.” He growled.

“What bet..” I trailed off.

“Oh you don’t know about the bet?” He snickered. “Well it was made by Lay and I. If you were able to fall for me in 4 months and then I was supposed to humiliate you later. But I think this is better. Don’t you think?” He walked to the back of the rooftop and looked out. “ I don’t know if you liked me or something but just know that I never liked you and I never will. If you were to go out with me you would have to be pretty and have a nice body. That’s something you don’t have.” I wiped my tears  away but they kept on coming. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I turned away trying to avoid the person that was going to come up.

“So Kris.. how was it? Successful?” I heard a guy say. Kris chuckled.

“And waste my time on her? Yeah right. Bet’s not worth it.” He said and walked away. I heard Kris’ footsteps getting farther and farther away. I turned around and slowly fell down to the ground. I didn’t know Kris’ friends were still there when I heard LuHan slightly gasp.

“Lay…. Let’s go.” LuHan mumbled.

“Wae?” Lay turned around and saw me. Lay smirked and came up to me. “Is JooRi alright?” He asked. I didn’t reply. I turned around so I wouldn’t have to talk to him. “By the way… I hope Kris had fun with you too bad he can’t get his prize.”

“Lay, that’s enough.” LuHan growled.

“Fine, fine.” He got back up and walked away. With Tao and XiuMin following Lay. Chen and LuHan gave me a sympathetic smile and left. When they left, I couldn’t control my tears anymore and they all came rolling down like Niagara Falls. Why did he have to do that. I should be used to being called ugly but I thought he really liked me, I really thought he really liked me.  

I wiped my last tears away and got up. I didn’t even want to go to class anymore. I trudged my way over to the school gate and left school. To think I made a friend, I’m so stupid. *Pabo! Pabo JooRi!* I hit my head softly scolding myself. *Kris, Lay, Exo-M I hate them. I hate them all.* Why did I even think Kris was gonna like me? Never again, I’m not gonna talk to anyone. I don’t need to. I have everything that I need at my house.

I got my key out and unlocked the door. “Coco! Kurin! I’m home!!” I yelled.  Coco came up to me with her tail under legs, whimpering. “Coco… Where’s Kurin boy?” I asked. “Kurin! Where are you boy?” I said. I was now getting worried. Why wasn’t he coming? “Kurin..?” I walked to my room with Coco following me.  I saw Kurin on my bed breathing heavily.

“Kurin?” He looked at me without picking his head up. “Kurin get up boy. Let’s go for a walk. Do you want food? Water? What is it boy. You gotta tell me.” I said. How old is he? He’s as old as me. He’s 17 years old.. Is it..time?

Kurin’s breathing was heavy and slowing down. “Kurin… C’mon boy.” I said. I carried him up on my lap and let him stay there. It was too late. It’s been so cold lately and he was just at that age. I didn’t want him to go but I knew I couldn’t do anything anymore. “Kurin..”

Coco jumped up on the bed and laid next to Kurin. She whimpered softly and Kurin’s face.  “Lemme get something to eat for you and me. It’ll be a special treat.” I softly said. I walked to the kitchen and got meat from the fridge. Putting into a saucer, I cooked it and put it in the bowl. I was softly crying. “Not today. Why today. Why didn’t I know?” I got a spoon and a pair of chopsticks with rice. I went back to my bed and sat down. “Coco…yeogi.” I scooped some meat and rice in the spoon and fed her. “Kurin…eat.” He looked at me, then the food, and laid down. “Kurin. Please eat.” I begged but he wouldn’t eat any of it. “Kurin please. It’s too early dude. You can’t go yet.” Kurin put his head below my hand waiting for me to pet it. I did as he requested and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Kurin was sleeping with Coco. I smiled and got up. Coco picked her head up, looked at Kurin, and laid back down next to Kurin. I went to the Kitchen to get him some water. I can’t go to school today, I need to take care of him. He needs me.

So I went to get the water for him but he wouldn’t drink it. I went back to the kitchen and got a syringe  so I can put it in his mouth and he can gulp it down. I sighed. He still wouldn’t drink it. I laid down next to him and petted him. The last movement he made was unforgettable. Kurin lifted his head up and went to Coco to her face and came back to me. He sat down and my hand and looked at me and fell down. He took one last final breath and closed his eyes. Those eyes weren’t going to open any more.

The tears came rolling down so fast. Coco looked at me with sad eyes. She wasn’t that happy dog, she knew what happened. I couldn’t control my tears, I was now sobbing.

“Kurin!! Kurin boy. Was it really time? Kurin. Gomawo. Thank you for everything boy. I love you.” April 15, 1996 to February 12, 2013. “In two months you were gonna turn 17 boy.” I sighed. “I’m really happy I was able to be with you until the very end. Thanks.”

I got up from my bed and got a towel to wrap him up in.

I went to school later that day, and only to be greeted by Exo-M. “So you skipped school ‘cuz of Kris, I see.” Lay yelled. I ignored him and wiped the tears away. “Yah! Answer me!” He screamed. I ignored him again and tried to leave but I was stopped by Lay. “Didn’t I tell you to answer me?” He sneered.

“Let go.” I mumbled.

“Wae. No I  don’t want to.” He smirked.

“Just please let go.” I said. HE shook his head.


“I had enough! It’s not cuz of Kris alright? Just let go of me you sick bastard!” I finally let go of my feelings. Lay and his friends were shocked to even hear me talk back to him.

“Oh you’re gonna get it.”

“I don’t care. Just leave me alone.” I said, I couldn’t believe Kurin was gone. The tears were coming back again. I walked away from them and went to the rooftop. I looked up at the sky and saw clouds. I swear to god I saw Kurin up there. There was a shape of a dog, that dog looked like Kurin. I knew he was happy now. I looked up and cried. “I miss you.” I softly said.

“Who do you miss?” A guy’s voice said. I gasped. When I looked at the guy, it was Kris’ friend.




How is this chapter?? The ‘Kurin” incident just happened 6 days ago. I miss him so much and I wanted to express my feelings through fanfiction. Sorry if it was boring to you about the dog but I hope you still continue reading this. Thanks.

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Pandas4love #1
Chapter 17: WTH.... I wonder if Luhan rejected hyerin, and since she knew that kris had an involvement with Joori, she decided to kiss him in front of the two... Wonder what's gonna happen next..
Haruhi-Chan #2
Haruhi-Chan #3
Chapter 15: She should end up with YongGuk!! XD
Chapter 15: AAAHHHH!!!! YongGuk wats in your mind????~

Keep it up! Loven your story~^^
Chapter 15: Omonaa kris is jealous x3 i wonder who will she really ends up with xD thanks for the update, authornim ! ^^
Krisdorable #7
Chapter 10: INFINITE <3333