Day O2 !

Stuff On Tumblr

Annyeong! ^^

BIG BANG is flooding my tumblr. I just have to post about them. ;u;


I died laughing when I seen this. XD








I rolled ! Panda Maknae showed Kwon Leader he`s a Strong Baby. LOL.




I like how they were arguing over who got a drink first. It`s so cute & funny. XD

Panda & Youngbae planning Panda`s speech. Again , I think I laughed too much. cx

I think i`m the only one who thought this was funny. ><;


Now for some random stuff I found on facebook. c':





I would have still dated him. LOL.








I see this too much , but that face is still classic. I`ll probably go watch that episode of Spongebob after I post this. c':

OMG. I seen this & literally fell off my bed laughing. XD

It`s too cute not to post. <3




Update Suppose To Be: O2 - 17 - 13

Side Note!

I meant to post this chapter yesterday , but it slipped my mind. -__-;;

So i`ll be double updating today! Just give me a minute for my next chapter.

Thank you for supporting me! :'D

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Chapter 5: OTL... I know the answer... I'll PM it to you.. but if no one else guesses, right,.. I want it
Chapter 4: I love this so much xD BHAHAHHA~ <3 Thank you~ <3
JoyElani #3
Chapter 3: i love that big bang secret garden parody. it made me fall more in love with gtop^^
thanks for posting <3
Chapter 3: The video is one if a kind.....I think
Chapter 1: Sorry Im behind lik 3 chapters but is that UKiss Tick Tack?
Chapter 3: I LOVED THIS ONE!
And yeah, that's Onew. The next one's BAP xD I think they were asked the draw their ideal types..

I know that's GD.. but I haven't watched enough of his videos to know xD hehee. I'll guess.... That XX xD
Chapter 2: xD hehehe. Cute. I saw the Tonight one too... but I didn't get ti xD
Chapter 1: hehehe, <3 cute (:
I liked it. (:

Um.. is it Time Machine, SNSD?