Chapter 9

So who will it be?


I woke up so disoriented. The last thing I can remember is my mother yelling at me after she found out Yoona-unnie wasn't home. I know about what she does now... I found out a few days ago when I saw her sneak out. I followed her and hid behind the dumpsters... I know she does this for me and I feel like a huge burden. Seeing such a beautiful women, wasting her life for me.. I love my unnie and I take in all the beatings because I know her intentions and sacrifices...

I put a halt to my pondering when I realized that I wasn't in my shabby, small room. Instead I was in a king sized bed, with a flat screen tv hung on the wall; the room was huge and spacious.. It must be a dream! I rubbed my eyes, and winced. I had forgotten about my bruised eye . If I can feel the pain, I know I'm awake..

I sat up in the bed cautiously, taking in every detail to my surrounding. I heard footsteps coming towards the room I was located in. I quickly made my way back into the bed and pretended to be asleep. I heard the door open and two sets of footsteps came towards the bed.. I closed my eyes tight and prayed for it not to be some sort ofst.

"Seobaby... Wake up sweetie..." I recognized the angelic voice of my sister but I kept on wondering who the other person was. I stayed still, not moving a muscle still pretending I was asleep. I then felt extra weight being put onto the bed. I assumed it was unnie's weight so I comfortably shifted and mumbled.

"Baby, wake up.. Yuri-ssi is here to treat your wounds." I pretended to groggily wake up. I was nervous of who this Yuri-ssi was. When I opened my eyes to be greeted by a warm set of doe eyes I know so well, and another set of warm eyes... I looked at the tanned woman in front of me. Her face was beautiful, despite her serious expression.. She seems kind, and genuine .

"Hello" for the first time I heard her voice. It was so soft, smooth and husky.. Such an attractive voice for a woman. I giggled a bit .

"My name is Seohyun, but you can call me Seo.. Or anything you are comfortable with." I gave a smile when I saw her smiling at me. Such a pretty smile. She leaned onto the bed and a bit too close to my face. Feeling like my space has been invaded, I leaned back a bit.

Unnie seemed to notice and held my hand, giving it a tight squeez. "Seo, Yuri is going to treat your wounds, okay?" I simply nodded. Yuri examined my face a bit, and after a bit she left the room without saying anything. I looked over to see Unnie's face of confusion too. Having no other choice, I waited in bed.

Yuri came back with a handful of treatments, some bandages, and other materials I couldn't make out.  She placed them on the bed and mumbled a bit while choosing which treatments to use. 

She attended my lower lip first. I felt the tip of her fingers rub against my lip and I winced when I felt her reach the cut. "I'm sorry Seo, if you need to, you can squeeze my arm or bite down on this towel.." I looked into Yuri's eyes and I saw concern for me, I admired her for that. I nodded and felt Unnie's hand caressing my back in a soothing motion.

I yelped when I felt Yuri adding on pressure to my cut with a cloth. Few minutes passed and the blood stopped, she cleaned the cut. She then grabbed a little bottle that contained some antiseptic and applied it to my wound. She then took care of my eye by giving me an ice pack. After she was done with my face, she examined my body. Yuri carefully attended my bruises and bandaged up my left arm. 

After she was done, she walked out of the room once again. 

"How are you feeling sweetie?" i looked over to Yoona-unnie, her face showed a hint of sadness,  so I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"A lot better now unnie. Unnie... Who is she? How did I end up here?" she giggled a bit then she let out a smal sigh. She was a bit hesitant.

"Well Seobaby, I don't know her either.. I....I met her relative Amber and they took us in..." she let her head fall down, looking at her own lap. I knew she wouldn't give me a direct answer. Then my mind slowly shifted to two things...

" Unnie... You said "took us in" does that mean... We will be living with them? What about mom!?! " I know that I live miserably with her but she gave me life! Besides, these are complete strangers! AISH, what has my unnie gotten us in to?

" Relax, everything is being taken care of. Even mom. Just stay calm, okay? " she reassured me a bit but I couldn't help but to feel as if something wasn't right...

"You should get some more rest sweetie. I'll be going downstairs for a whole to get to know them better okay ? We are in good hands Seo, I just know it.. Just trust me on this." I simply nodded, and with that, she tucked me into bed, kissing my forehead. I watched as she left the room.

I let out a loud sigh. I should get some rest, tomorrow is going to be a new day, a new start...

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Chapter 11: Author update please
Chapter 12: please update soon
Chapter 12: just found this...
mrslulubelle #4
Chapter 11: Hey.. please update soon !!!........ great story
YukiH15 #5
kpopmanic #6
Jeti~ update soon authorshi
blu_angie08 #7
Chapter 10: Pairings I do not want? Let's see... I'd say TaeNy and YulSic. I want Ace!
YukiH15 #8
I Like YULKRYS more than YULSIC and I love and hoping for YOONYUL!! Of course I want MANYUL in the relationship :)) .
YukiH15 #9
Let's see! My Kwon Tanned Prince is always the Heartthrob I understand why there is YOONYUL, YULKRYS, YULSIC...

I want YOONYUL!!! :)))! and YULKRYS!!! :))
Vivay_ #10
Chapter 8: Oh , I was thinking if yuri is a mafia leader