Chapter 5

So who will it be?


I woke up feeling safe, warm and happy for once. I looked down to see Tiffany's arms wrapped around my body securely. I smiled when I saw her stir in her sleep. I haven't woken up so happy since I was 10 years old. Time passes by really fast. Who would've known I would've end up like I am now.

what is it about you Tiffany, that makes me feel so welcomed? Usually, when people see a drunken waste they just leave them to wonder, but despite that, Tiffany still wanted to take care of me. Other then Sunny, nobody has ever paid attention to me. I have been a reject. Even society neglects people with problems; like me. 

I've wanted to give up my habit but everytime I go for it, something gets ruined and the temptation comes back. I even tired to quit for Sunny but obviously that didn't work out either. I scoffed at the recent memory; of her leaving me. If she really loved me, she would've stayed. Through thick and thin. 

Hyomin... The woman who stole Sunny's heart. I knew there was something between the two. There's always been something between the two. I just had to be the 'in-between person'. Hyomin didn't take Sunny away from me, I pushed Sunny into her arms. I don't think sunny ever lived me the way I did... She pitied me. That's it.

i was in deep thought when I noticed Tiffany stretch and yawn. She looks like a puppy. I caressed her head and she looked at me with wide eyes. Haha, did she forget that we slept in the same couch? After hours of talking, she fell asleep on the couch. I repositioned her so that she wouldn't be hurt or sore in the morning.

"Good morning sunshine!" I greeted brightly and she smiled her oh-so beautiful eye-smile that can melt even the coldest of hearts. Maybe that's why I can't stop the insane tempo in which my heart beats whenever she smiles. 

"TaeTae, have you been awake long? Do you want something to eat?" she has a motherly instinct to her wich makes her all the more attractive. A motherly quality in a woman is a total plus!  She poked my forehead when I didn't respond; I was lost in a daze.

"A-ah, yes... I mean no! Well, no, I haven't been awake for long. And yes to eating.. Do you want me to help you?" I couldn't believe myself, embarrassing myself in front of her. I guess she saw my flustered face and she laughed. I started to pout and she pinched my nose.

"Stop pouting TaeTae, you're already too cute.... Besides, we all have our slip ups." hmm, she used my own term against me. Well played Tiffany, well played. 

She got off of me and headed towards the kitchen with me following behind her. I sat on the bar-stool with my head in my palms, watching her as she cooked what seemed to be an "American -styled breakfast. The way she moved, it was so fluent and lady like. She looked like a professional at work.

once she was done preparing the food, I helped her set up the table for us to eat. We both took our seats at the table and I awkwardly shifted my seat, trying to get myself in a comfortable sitting position. I heard Tiffany chuckle slightly and I blushed involuntarily. 

"I hope you like bacon, eggs, and pancakes!!!" i was right, it is an American styled breakfast. I nodded eagerly to let her see my excitement. I haven't had food this good in forever!! 


I watched TaeTae in awe as she shoved the bacon strips into . Her cheeks puffed out in the cutest manner and I squealed. She dropped her fork and smiled dorkily with her cheeks still puffed out. I couldn't take it anymore and I assaulted her with a huge bear hug.

i heard her swallow and giggle under me. GAH! That was too cute! I just had to hug her! I know she may be an alcoholic but she just seems so innocent.. Making her sober is my new goal! I will make sure she will change her ways. This is all for the better. Once I set a goal, I am determined to accomplish it. 

"Mushroom... You're squishing me... I need.. To breathe" I quickly let to when I noticed how tightly I was hugging her and for how long. I tried to hide my blushing face but I knew it was too obvious.

"I-I'm sorry TaeTae.. You just look so cute, I couldn't help it! " 

"Don't worry mushroom. Thank you for the compliment, I get that a lot until they find out that I'm way older then I seem." it's true, I'm curious to know her age. Hmmm 16? 18? Tops 20. Since she said older then she looks keke~. 

"So how old are you?" she put down her fork and patted the sides of with her napkin.

"Guess mushroom.." she smirked 

"20!" she frowned and shook her head.

"I'm 25" my jaw dropped to the floor. She noticed my expression and laughed. "How old are you mushroom?"

".......Guess " 

"26" I frowned greatly, do I really look that old? Do I have wrinkles on my face? 

"TAETAE!!! I'm not that old! I'm only 24!!" I guess calling woman and older age is a bad thing.

I saw Taeyeon's expression turned to a panicked one. She is different then what I expected. She makes me feel happy again. Is this a sign that we were meant to be? Could it be that she feels this connection? Is it love at first sight I'm feeling? I hope so... I have a feeling we can help each other along the way.



sorry for the shortish update, and I'm so sorry I didn't update on Wednesday. I had Teen court to attend ._. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KID LEADER TAETAE!! <3 I have dance practice tomorrow so I might update?? Taeny moments. Ermmm please comment with feedback. I can only help improve my writings. I know your suggestions are usually pairings and I understand. But all I ask is for you to be patient with it. That's all for now I guess.. Bye!~

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Chapter 11: Author update please
Chapter 12: please update soon
Chapter 12: just found this...
mrslulubelle #4
Chapter 11: Hey.. please update soon !!!........ great story
YukiH15 #5
kpopmanic #6
Jeti~ update soon authorshi
blu_angie08 #7
Chapter 10: Pairings I do not want? Let's see... I'd say TaeNy and YulSic. I want Ace!
YukiH15 #8
I Like YULKRYS more than YULSIC and I love and hoping for YOONYUL!! Of course I want MANYUL in the relationship :)) .
YukiH15 #9
Let's see! My Kwon Tanned Prince is always the Heartthrob I understand why there is YOONYUL, YULKRYS, YULSIC...

I want YOONYUL!!! :)))! and YULKRYS!!! :))
Vivay_ #10
Chapter 8: Oh , I was thinking if yuri is a mafia leader