Chapter 1

The Angel, The Boyfriend, and The Replacement

Life was perfect. You had the friends, the clothes, the grades, everything. Nothing ever went wrong in your perfect life, you were the girl that everyone wanted to be. But you lived by 'everything, and everyone, aren't always who/what they seem to be.' So your circle of friends was very select. It wasn't your fault you had trust issues, it's just that if someone looked strange or was strange you didn't pay any mind to them. That may seem shallow, but that was how you were taught to look at people, everyone in the town blames your parents for bringing you up as they did. But it was always too much of a bother for you to dabble with, their affairs were not your buissness. And you liked it that way. 

The light shown through the window and landed on your face, your eyes frowed together as you opened your eyes. Something however was not right, you were not in your bedroom, the walls were white and it smellled like cleaning products. You jolted up and saw you were sitting in a hospital bed, two people sat at a bench at the end of the bed. You didn't reconize them, there was another person in the room, he was standing in the corner looking at you. His eyes were a deep brown and his hari was a light brown-blonde. You sat frozen as he walked over towards you, he stopped, his face a few inches from yours. "Good morning, sleep well?" He smiled. You simply looked at him, he chuckled and stood up shoving his hands into his pockets. Then out of no where he pointed to a corner across from the bed, you gave a questionable look before turning your head to see a full length mirror. Your mouth dropped and you stared. Your hair was a lighter color, your face was more soft and your teeth were perfectly straight. "This, this isn't my body! Where am I? And who are you?"  You yelled, the boy reached over to cover your mouth with his hand just before you were able to wake the strangers at the end of the bed. You felt tears starting in your eyes, you were confused. Who wakes up in another person's body? No one!

"Can you stay quiet long enough for me to explain everything?" He asked, his hand still over your mouth. You nodded, the boy took his hand off and sat on the bed towards your feet. "Three days ago you got into an accident, you were going to die but your spirit kinda go a little lost and found this girl's body. The girl had just died of an illness, the doctors never told her parents so that's why those people are here. So you are going to be living as Choi Hye from now on, alright?" He gleamed as you sat there dumbfounded. "Do you honestly expect me to believe that?! I'm not this Choi Hye person! My name's Jang Sung Ha. What accident? Now if you'll excuse me." You said, you started to get up from the bed when the man at the end of the bed opened his eyes. "Hye?" You looked over to the man, his eyes were filled with tears. He held back a sob as he moved over to hug you. "You're alright. You're okay." He cried. His grip around you grew tighter as if he was never going to let you go. Just then the woman opened her eyes, gaped open once she saw you. But she made no move to give you any comfort until the man moved away. You saw how tense she grew once she lightly brushed the mans arm. They glanced at one another before she gave you a hug. 

Just then the door opened, a doctor walked in with a clipboard in his hands. He glanced over to you and just stared. *Right, I, or she, is or was supposed to be dead. Aish!* He cleared his throat and took the man and woman out of the room. "Believe me now?" You jumped as the boy put his face inches from yours. You sighed and played with the sheets. "Fine, this is all still really weird though. I have so many questions though, like; where is my real body, what is this girl's life like, what-" The boy put a finger to your mouth. "It's alright. You'll find out all these things soon enough." He smiled. "But, who are you?" You asked. He smiled again. "My name is Daehyun, I'm your gaurdian angel." You stared blankly at the boy and scoffed. "Yah! *You expect me to believe that? There's no such thing as stuff like that.*" You laughed. He gawked and pointed his finger to you, "Who do you think you're talking so informally to? I'm older than you!" He half laughed in disbeliefe. "By how many years? If you're older by a few months than that means nothing." You chuckled at the boy. He crossed his arms, "You're 19 right? I'm 21 there! I'm older!" He said like a child. You couldn't help but laugh. "Well you don't act like it." You snickered.

The door opened and in walked the man and woman, they were both smiling. "The doctor said you can go home now. Are you going to go back to your house or do you want to come with me?" The man asked. You looked to the woman and saw a sad expression on her face. She fiddledwith her thumbs and stood biting her lips as if to say something. "I think I want to go with mom. I want to talk to her and hangout with her alright?" You smiled. You saw the womans face light up and a smile form on her face. The man glared to her but she payed no attention to him. "Fine." He growled, he walked out of the room and slammed the door. "You really want to hangout with me today?!" She asked with excitement. You nodded with a smile, "Yes, just let me get ready and we'll leave." She clapped her hands, nodded her head and walked out of the room. "You're really going to hangout with her?" You shot your head to Daehyun and gave him a questioning look, "Is that a bad thing to do?" He shook his head a smiled. "Just get ready, I'll see you later. Oh! And you can't tell anyone about this alright?" He said pointing his  finger as if to be scolding and serious. You chuckled and nodded your head. "Alright I wont breath a word about this to anyone." Daehyun smiled and walked out the door. 

*How could anyone believe me anyway? I still can't believe it, I mean...Who just wakes up in another persons body? Oh well, until I figure all this out...I am no longer Jang Sung Ha. I am now Choi Hye.* 

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